Redpill me on St. Vincent. does she have any discernible talent?

Redpill me on St. Vincent. does she have any discernible talent?

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Why dors she look like a fucking alien?

define to me what talent means then we can have discussion

self titled album

Not an all timer, but very solid

She went to Berklee. She's more musically talented than you.

Annie has a lot of talent. She and Grimes are the best artists of this damn decade. Their next albums will solidify this position.

Chamber pieces written by St. Vincent: 1
Chamber pieces written by you: 0

she's händel compared to grimes

Which is fine, but her music is bad.

Grimes being Mozart, of course...

Grimes and St. Vincent are both for homosexuals and girls. You guys need to go back to

the g in lgbt doesn't stand for girls user

>being this ignorant, vile and plain stupid

St. Vincent is for the manliest of men.

>Being this gay
Seriously fuck off with your girly taste. Grimes in the 2010's Cyndi Lauper. Go wave some glowsticks you pussy

give back your dubs you don't deserve them

no person that self-identifies as gender fluid has any discernable talent

Girly is fine. If you're a girl. Which is what Grimes and St. Vincent are for.

If you are a male and you listen to either of those, I'd have to assume you had no father figure.

>being this insecure about your masculinity

She has never self identified as anything specific.

>being this spooked

It doesn't really have anything to do with insecurity but I wish you would stop green texting. People who use Sup Forums posting styles like that are doofuses.

I'm not effeminate enough to enjoy these terrible artists, and I'm thankful for that.

Listening to grimes is like listening to a bag of cats getting stepped on to those of us who actually have a working penis and two testicles.

GTFO insecure retarded fuck. You can't handle music made by women, so you're projecting all that crap everywhere. Women are human beings too, dipshit.

t. nu-male with emotional problems and no father

>further proving his insecurity
You wouldn't be so mad if you were secure about your masculinity. For some reason you feel threatened by these artists. Spill the beans.

I like her use of effects and her somewhat proggy guitar solos

Dude don't even try, you'll never convince him.

>liking something is a problem

I feel threatened by how bad their music is

You're both a faggot and a pussy if you listen to Grimes or St. Vincent.

>being this ridiculous
Keep embarrassing yourself, dipshit. Cretins like you have no place in a civilized world. Go to Iraq or Afghanistan where you belong, you absolute dick limped taliban.

wow you must be such an alpha male for not listening to music made by women

you said earlier that it wasn't bad

You feel threatened because they're women and they're so much better than your NEET ass. Acting cocky on an user board is a sure way to prove that you're a pussy irl. Prove me wrong, fuckwit.

I make more money than you'll ever make with a fucking economics degree.

So sorry for you!

Did you just assume my composition history?

i never listened to any of her albums, but i really fucking like the rolling stones cover she did for a bigger splash

Who let this orangutan on the net? Someone lock this stupid monkey.

Selling drugs doesn't count.

What's it like getting laughed at for the music you listen to (assuming you ever have any kind of human interaction)?

Yeah, it's pretty good. I wonder if that kind of sound might make it into one or two songs on her new album.

most St. Vincent fans I've met IRL have been dudes (at least from 2011-2013)

You are completely retarded if you think music taste has any correlation with anything. I hope you you get castrated as that seems to be the worst possible thing your walnut sized brain could fathom

Gay dudes

If I got laughed at for my music taste, I would laugh back, because I'm not a faggot who listens to things based on what the world thinks I should, like you. Seriously, How do you call yourself manly when you post shit like this?



no, straight dudes who also had huge crushes on her (she was not always an out lesbian)

>laughed at
By a shithead like you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

>who also had huge crushes on her


Embarrassing. So St. Vincent fans are either gay, pussies, and/or virgins.

Liking females is not gay, idiot

So how is it manly to listen to shit because you think people won't laugh at you?

You still don't understand.

I don't go out of my way to listen to music people don't laugh at. It's just what I listen to because it's what I like.

You have faggy music taste because you're a faggot. If you pulled up to a red light blasting Grimes from your car, people would be laughing at you.

Yeah, and when people drive up blasting metal, I laugh at them. Whatever you listen to is faggy.

Get how you sound like a retard yet? I have trouble believing you actually like your music for the music with what you've posted in this thread, there is no way your extreme fear of being effeminate does not influence it

>Women are human beings too, dipshit.

I don't listen to metal.

Are you at least willing to admit you're a betamale and a faggot?

what sort of MANLY, MASCULINE music do you listen to dickhead?

I remember hearing a piece Graham Coxon wrote in school in an old Blur documentary, it was better.

He listens to Manowar. LMFAO!

Huh, just saw this film and they only played the original version in the film, had no idea she contributed to the soundtrack.

>hating women
so, you're a faggot

>Are you at least willing to admit you're a betamale and a faggot?

I've been contesting that this entire thread retard, where did you get the idea I would be willing?

>mfw he thinks specific vibrations propogating through the air can be inherently gay

>fart cello lines

You're wasting your time with that fascist bigot.

Thats can't be. But you like them because you are gay.

Understand yet?


>music is unideological
