/chart/ thread

post em

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I actually have no idea what to recommend you, what genre's are those albums, they look interesting.

cigarettes are healthier than marijuana
i just discovered that "dunedin" is pronounced "dun-ee-din" today
rec twee pop/paisley underground/c96/dunedin sound

can am des puig



generic white teen/10

i listened to the book of am a long time ago and was kinda indifferent about it, maybe i should relisten
uh the only dunedin sound i've heard is the weeds - pay it all back. listen to love parade - past crimes too

which ones are u interested in

Idk what to rec anyone here so I'll reccomend anyone Yellow Swans

what's your rym big guy

fuck i forgot just throw nmh itaots somewhere in my top ten

Rates and recs are welcome

I'm so hollow - emotion, sound, motion
I actually have no idea what to recommend you, what genre's are those albums, they look interesting.
pretty good/10
yellow swans

Sad and obscure/10

Probably gonna check out a bunch of shit from these



Can't tell if bait

helmet - meantime

my gf
whats the name of 5th row, 4th album
ive heard it before i just cant remember the name
also check out headless chickens' first album and scene is now - burn all your records

the verlaines - bird dog

please rec me ~

thanks for the sqürl rec, i liked it!
try corubo - Ãngy Mbya Kueíry Hachypáma, Opa Mba'e Achy Avei

camera obscura & the motifs are like the only twee pop i know of

damn i didn't expect to see that psykup album ever again, one of the first cds i bought. haven't listened to it in years tho.
try dead rider - the raw dents

curve - doppelgänger

>tfw haven't even made fisherman's eggs
>tfw haven't gotten my ashes hauled





also I think the only enjoyable things I've listened to lately are The Rite of Spring and one of Einojuhani Rautavaara's piano concerto
I guess Tonetta too
I feel like I've more or less lost interest in music entirely but I don't know if that's just because I have less time to dig or if I'm just going insane (but not without cocaine)

I don't know how to fix this.


How does one go about getting taste in music? It would be quite nice to figure such a basic thing out before I get a nom de plume for this site. Also, if anybody could recommend me what to listen to as to appear intelligent, that would be a huge help. Thanks in advance.

You get good taste in music by not giving a shit about your image and listening to what you want.


I don't think that's true, but I'll believe you for now, user.

maher shalal hash baz blues du jour?

i knew it was some arab sounding shit
thanks user

>I don't think that's true
Because you are a teenager with no confidence who cares too much about their image.

xzibit - at the speed of light
suicidal tendencies - s/t


That's some good shit right there. Check out Desaster as a whole, Chryseis - Planet Dead , Impaler - Eternal Hatred , and Rosicrucian - Silence (ridiculously good album btw).

Thanks for the recs ;)

the only good charts itt
others are poseurs

Abhorrence - Abhorrence
Isotope 217 - The Unstable Molecule
The Antlers - Hospice
Sun Ra - Jazz in Silhouette
Duster - Stratosphere
A.R. Kane - 69
Embrace - Embrace
Boris - Boris at Last -FeedBacker-
G.I.S.M. - Destestation

not sure if i want to shave or disappeer

very hi
hi *tips hat*

Hello :p

no joy - wait to pleasure
diiv - oshin
well meme'd
likes death metal/10
les discrets

For a second I thought I had my opinions validated then I realized the other posters had lil boat 21 pilots and other obvious bait. Am I bait user?

Not him but it could be a bait post. Just go with whatever you like

hello, friends. what is your favorite kind of tea? so far i've only tried jasmine tea, masala chai, and bengal spice tea and would like to try some others.

cluster - sowiesoso
ryuichi sakamoto - thousand knives of ryuichi sakamoto

Seam - The Problem with Me
>Mac Demarco
You need to listen to The Smiths pioneer of Jangle pop

The Snake Corps - Flesh on Flesh
Pink Turns Blue - When Two Worlds Kiss

>tfw you forget to post your chart

I've seen some of those pictures before so probably mu likes it

cheap, low caffeine, strong straw smell, good with food

thanks for the recs, tea user
lilys - in the presence of nothing
starflyer 59 - gold

Lurker of Chalice-s/t

Pink season

I'll faut que tu m'explique un peu mieux,
Comment te dire adieu?
Wow what fucking shit chart
I'd beat yo cracka ass if I saw you on the street and stomp on your head and spit on yo sorry white face
Johnny Rebel - It's the Attitude, Stupid!
Lurk more fuckin newfag
So do you like metal?


Wow what fucking shit chart
I'd beat yo cracka ass if I saw you on the street and stomp on your head and spit on yo sorry white face

What is the fourth from the right on the top that cover is sick


rightbackattcha cracker

sorry I didn't post 50 albums no one's ever heard of before

Oh god this makes wanna kill myself

There are good well known music
Your interest in especially bad music fascinates me though


he's right desu, your chart is mega shit. But it's ok, most of Sup Forumss charts are shit because it's all teenagers just getting into music.

That's true but fuck you


come at me mu

It's really bad.



You know what's ruining these threads? These faggots with rearranged Sup Forumscore charts who don't even rec anything.
Reconsider your life pls

>These faggots with rearranged Sup Forumscore charts who don't even rec anything.
This has been the large majority of these threads for all of their existence, Sup Forums mostly likes Sup Forumscore, learn to cope with it and find discussion in spite of the literally high schoolers like everyone else.

seekae - dome+

blockhead - music by cavelight

windy & carl - drawing of sound

lync - these are not fall colors

Atleast I'm honest I guess


I need to make a top 100 sometime, had to leave some things out


i like your charts :-)

>being rude and elitist

hello, i'm looking for music with strong melodies but trying to branch out from all of my Sup Forumscore.
king gizzard and the lizard wizard- im in your mind fuzz
neil young & crazy horse- everybody knows this is nowhere
here's to honesty friend
the soft machine- volume 2
you will like the mountain goats.
try Tallahassee(rockier) or The Sunset Tree(poppier)
have you heard the smiths? The queen is dead seems like something you'd love.

I definitely have to check out some of that
Try Faunts, and/or Stratosphere by Duster
>Era Vulgaris
We might be the only two persons in this board that agree on it being the best QOTSA album.

I've only been here for a few months at this point, looking to expand more on maybe some artists I have in here and some new stuff.
Check out anything by the Talking Heads if you haven't already (Remain in Light, More Song about Buildings and Food).

I'd love some recs if possible, I'm not very good at rec-ing though...

Doopees - Doopee Time
Cornelius - Point

Shudder to Think - Pony Express Record
Faunts - High Expectations / Low Results

Neat Beats - Cosmic Surgery
Father's Children - Who's Gonna Save the World?

I'll give recs a try

Lots of good post-punk on your list. Try Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come and iceage - New Brigade.

Kinda similar to some of the rap/hip hop on your chart: Ratking - So It Goes. And similar to some of the pop: James Blake - The Colour in Anything

Similar to the indie rock/pop: Julia Holter - Have You In My Wilderness, Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy, Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans, Perfume Genius - Too Bright.

Different sound than Fugazi and Minor Threat, but Ian MacKaye's band The Evens is great.

Nice taste, what's row 4, third one in? A lot of bands on your list with unique sounds - maybe try Talk Talk - Laughing Stock, Exuma - s/t, Arca - Mutant, or Coil - The Ape of Naples.

You might know these already, but Giles Corey - s/t, Fugazi - Repeater





That's not what I actually put, but I will say it's better than my original chart.

Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde

Really good French shoegaze.

That's was actually an older chart. Here's the one I made today.

I could swear this is just the generic Sup Forumscore chart

I like you.

it has to be

if not, sad. why waste your time? and has loveless AND m b v? lol


Juan Son - Mermaid Sashimi
Little Jesus - Norte
Carla Morrison - Déjame Llorar
El Columpio Asesino - Diamantes

Vaya Futuro - Perro Verde Y Triste

Hidhark - Ooo
Eu1ogy - Flawless Victory
The Garden - Haha


hi isaac

Sussie 4 - Música Moderna

Me cagan

who dis


which part of mex are you from and where is san pedro el cortez in your chart?

>not understanding this obvious joke

digging the trap stuff, have you tried Bones or Yung Lean (unironic)

couldn't get into talking heads, gave it a good try but didn't want to force myself