How do you pronounce his name?

How do you pronounce his name?

Steh Vey Albino



fucker mcfuckugly




Al-beany, like the Beanie Babies.


Steve uses and endorses heroin.

what he's really endorsing is you kys

Hair Re Pot Ur

Like Albany

hu ack kuh

Steve Albini

Estehv aroobeenee

ztɛve əbiːnJ

Stevie Wonder

steh-way awl-beh-nai

Steve Albini

Steav Alb ini

Stevethony Albitano

My gf showed me Big Black the other day. Pretty good. All these years I thought Big Black was some shit punk band, like Black Flag

Stevi Albibi

Some fuckin' derd niffer

Harry Potter John Green

al bee knee

>shit punk band
>Black Flag
boy you better take that back

He's a qt

Steve "Pray I don't kill you faggot" Albini

Stee-vee Ray Vaugh-han-dee-nee


Black Flag without Keith Morris is a shit punk band

is that h3h3

bad pen-knee

Yeah dude you're real cool with your shitty generic contrarian opinions

I would fuck you up bad.

Go home Henry.