Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I'm making a sad music chart
It's simply, name a group or artist and in what stage it should go.

i hate this idea but xiu xiu goes in layer 4


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy should be Stage 3 or 2.
Pinkerton is 1.

Also done

souvlaki stage 3 or 4

>Have a nice Life on 3
>Chelsea Wolfe on 2/3
>Slint on 2
>Americ anFootbal on 1/2
>Burzum on 2
>The Cure on 2
>Jesu on 2/3
>Joy Division on 2/3
>Sunn O))) on 3
>This Will Destroy You on 2

Home, Like NoPlace Is There
Stage 4

both joy division albums at 4 desu

carrie & lowell at 2 or 3, age of adz at 3

I persoanlly want to add radiohead...

Fuck it, I added it

OK Computer, Kid A both at 3 IMO
In Rainbows, Amnesiac, AMSP at 2
The Bends at 1

Home, Like Noplace is There is Emo Shit. Get it out of stage 4

Death in June definitely deserves layer 4. I mean, I haven't heard much other music that is that nihilistic and beautiful.

You don't have to ask, it's your own chart...

oops nvm

I only add either a specific album, or a band in general.
Man, I remember my first time listening to Radiohead...

>stage 4
dead can dance
current 93
sol invictus

stage 3
red house painters


Kinda triggered. Albums like The Bends deserve to be at 1 or 2, but albums like Amnesiac can easily fit in 4.

make a new section at the bottom for this

Leonard Cohen - Songs about Love And Hate should go around the 2/3 area

Giles Corey goes on the bottom of Stage 4 because after that point you fucking killed yourself.

Also The Glow Pt 2 should go in stage 4 too.

stage 4: every DSBM release.

Here you go guys

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti in Stage 4
AnCo in Stage 3

>Stage 1
Cap n Jazz
Sunny Day Real Estate
Saves The Day

>Stage 2
Bjork's Vespertine or Homeogenic
Nothing - Guilty Of Everything
Pretty Hate Machine

>Stage 3
Spirits They've gone Spirits They've Vanished
The Fragile

>Stage 4
Skinny Puppy

the NIN albums are definitely in the right place

>wat (ok STGSTV and down there, yes)

robert wyatt = tier 3
hospice - tier 2

interpol on 1
arcade fire on 2
coil on 4
oxbow on 4
This heat on 4
SPK on 4
relocate radiohead to 3
ajj on 2
on 4 at least
>joy of division

I'm leaving it there.
Thank you guys
Now I have some new stuff to listen to when I'm sad.. I'll check all of it out
It has been fun.
good night

All of AnCo is prettt sad. Avey Tare and Panda are both on antidepressants and have been for years. Down there is an incredibly sad record. Even their upbeat stuff like Painting With comes off as fake and drug fueled "happiness"

ITAOTS could probably be a tier 2

You know this chart makes me want to make a one of albums for the five stages of grief

Good idea. If you're note gonna do it then I will

stage 4-Daddy's Boy Into The Closet Part 1

Simply sad

I mean go right ahead senpai, I'm too lazy to make a template

Patron Saint of Bridge Burner's album "Sorry" should be 3 or 4

Planning for Burial - stage 4
Eels - stage 2/3
Sparklehorse - stage 3

also why is fucking stgstv and anco in general on stage 3?
rec some real sad music and not memeshit

Carissa's Wierd has to go somewhere
Same with Red House Painters

the guy's gone to sleep

help me fill this out instead

albums only please

ITAOTS is what 14 yr olds listen to when they break up with their girlfriend of 2 weeks fag

tier 1, then?

Pearl Jam - Vs.

stage 4 ---> Matt Elliott

jesus christ this is the worst thread ive ever seen on mu

All levels.

>sad music triggers me

user, it's ok it's safe to let go in here

pick one

Planning for Burial - Leaving

Depression I guess.




Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island

Ministry - Land Of Rape And Honey

Rites of Spring - Self Titled

Microphones - the Glow Pt. 2

Ride - Going Blank Again

don't listen to this user please

Teen Suicide - Waste Yrself/DC Snuff Film

hey i'll take what I get. things are running slow

stage 4
public castration is a good idea
disco inferno
he has left us alone...

remove AnCo (keep spirit), AnCo is happy music fool

Pinkerton seems like a bargaining album.

this is one of the worst fuckin' threads so farm where the hell is Number One of Three

>Corey Feldman-Angelic 2 tha Core

>Glow Pt. 2 in stage 4
>RHP in stage 3
>RHP below The Microphones....
>RHP less depressing/sad than The Microphones.....


I just can't. Sorry.

put waste yrself in depression

You have to. It's literally denial-the album. You can't deny it.

Blackstar under Acceptance

interesting POV, I think their music is definitely emotional and can certainly be sad, but is usually on the happier side of things. as much as some of their songs embody nostalgia or heartbreak, I feel like there's always a feeling of optimism and wonder in their music - maybe not exactly happiness, but still positive. I love them, which is weird, since I'm not a very happy person, but I think it's the raw emotion, even if positive, as well as the music itself that attracts me.

even with a sad song like Banshee Beat, it's more "I'm gonna cry" than "I'm gonna kill myself"

anyway, I'd put most of their work at Stage 1, with their heaviest stuff at Stage 2, including STGSTV

The War on Drugs - Lost In The Dream
for acceptance

That's a bit literal. I want to focus more on the emotional delivery itself. Plus that album is transcendentally awful.

good one

put xiu xiu in stage 4

nevermind for obvious reasons, I didnt expect that to be literally the first thing

I see then. At least we're on the same page.
Corey out

Fixed the chart

literally any death grips album for anger

Duster needs to be somewhere in there

A Winged Victory for the Sullen = Stage 4

I mean Christ, just look at that name, plus the fact that they have a track titled "Steep Hills of Vicodin Tears" - definitely stage 4.

k, i'm gonna go to sleep now

AWVFTS is pure bliss what the fuck are you talking about.

Deftones and Team Sleep could fit in stage 2 and 3

Depression: Death in June - But What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?

Bargaining: Metallica - Ride the Lightning

Antony and the Johnsons - I Am A Bird Now