Pussy boy I'll leave you dead and call it dead-ication

>Pussy boy I'll leave you dead and call it dead-ication

people unironically listen to this

Other urls found in this thread:


He's post-lyrics you faggot

>Lil Wayne Diss Track
>Lil Wayne has popular mixtape series called "Dedication"
>Young Thug wants to kill Wayne

Its a good line OP stfu

>niggers struggle with language

What a revelation wow

OP is a faggot

this isn't music

Shhhh nerd not every rapper has to be kendrick sometimes its about dumb fun.

dont think just because ur alive i wont come over there and slap that dick out ur mouth

>Shhhh nerd not every rapper has to be kendrick sometimes its about dumb fun.
Go listen to pop if you want dumb fun. Hip hop is supposed to be an art, not retards mumbling over trap beats.

hahaha maybe you should listen to more hip hop

>Hip hop is supposed to be an art, not retards mumbling over trap beats
If everyone had that close-minded attitude swing music would still play on the radio, who are you to say what's art and what's not? There is no definite rule book for art, and you are not the arbiter of music
I used to dislike Young thug and Future too, until I realized what they we're doing. It's all about the melodies and flows, which can express emotion just as well as intricate flows and insightful lyrics
Yes, they may both be cretins barely able to read but they both have a genuine talent for melodies and riding beats
It took an acid trip for me too realize Young thugs genius, it blew me away once I 'got it'


you fuck hip hop is literally pop music.

Holy shit I'm not reading all of that you triggered faggot.

>It took an acid trip for me too realize Young thugs genius

damn, that's pretty sad.

>nigger music
thank you, just had a really good laugh

ah, yes
lets not have any sort of discussion on a board for discussing music. Let's just all use meaningless one sentence replies so as too never say anything of even remote value, cause five sentences in a row is just way to time consuming and not worthy of anyones vaulable time spent browsing through hundreds of generic "l like/dislike thing" posts that never put any effort in to expanding their thoughts and just use Sup Forums as a personal diary
Why are you even on Sup Forums if your so opposed to reading and putting any effort in to instigating an actual debate, especially if your the one who made this thread?

Not the one you replied to but suck my dick, pseud. Listening to primitive music and even calling some of the baboons who make it geniuses is completely atrocious. You clearly have never listened to music ever once in your life to make assumptions like this. Its subhumans like you who have no idea what they are talking about but are always eager to express their atrocious """"""""""opinion"""""""""". People like you almost make me wish for absolute authoritarianism to come. Threads about classical or experimental music are dying with few replies but the peabrains praise post-african repetition music and even call it ground breaking or genius just because their brains think something that is a bit different than their 1/1 repetition is completely different.

>suck my dick, pseud
just an angry way of saying "i disagree" with no real reasoning
>is completely atrocious
another angry way of saying "i disagree" with no real reasoning
>You clearly have never listened to music ever once in your life to make assumptions like this
another way of saying "i disagree" with no real reasoning, also perfect irony in you claiming i make assumptions while making a huge, obviously untrue one yourself
> Its subhumans like you who have no idea what they are talking about but are always eager to express their atrocious """"""""""opinion"""""""""".
another angry way to say "i disagree with no real reasoning, and also complete strawman argument and once again making a huge assumption. Just calling something "atrocious" means fucking nothing if you dont make an effort to explain why, it's just an empty meaningless label with no discussion value what so ever
>People like you almost make me wish for absolute authoritarianism to come
another angry way of saying "i disagree" with no real reasoning
How did you write so much and still manage to say absolutely nothing? Every single sentence you wrote was completely pointless, and you didn't provide a single real argument. How did you not realize that while writing it? My post you responded to was literally about how people write here mostly write meaningless things and make no effort to put some thought in to what they write, and you did the exact same thing but with more words. Seriously, read through your post again and find a single thing that's not just you insulting me and getting mad at my opinion. Don't you have anything to say about the actual music? Your free to tell me why, for example, their vocal melodies lack value and go into depth about how their hacks, you might even convince me. Just calling someone a retard or a faggot or whatever doesn't drive the discussion forward at all

They all took the bait. Just goes to show how retarded the hip hop community is.


Exactly this. I don't get how anyone open-minded, genuinely interested in (contemporary) music - an interest not confined to a few of a person's own favourite genres - can not at least acknowledge that both Future and Young Thug are doing some very interesting things with their delivery. As you say, there's SO much emotion.

The same goes for much of Kanye's music, I mean I just listened to Wolves and a few other TLOP tracks, it might not be a coherent or perfect album, but FUCK it gives you some emotional rushes, at least if you're not listening from shitty computer speakers.

Future can write some pretty good verses when he wants too, combined with his delivery they can be pretty great: cliche example but Codeine Crazy. Young Thug is almost completely about his flow and delivery tho i agree

If you don't like Young Thug you're closed-minded. If you don't like Young Thug but understand his artistic value, you're just sad.

Why does his hair look like Ore Ida Fried Onions?

suck my dick lol fucken baboons subhuman scum classical or experimental loool fucking subhumans XDD

preach it brother

Or maybe you just dont like Young Thug, I can appreciate his appeal but his music's just not for me lmao.

good points desu. fav thugger project?

Probably Barter 6, cause it feels more cohesive sound-wise and clean than Slime season 1-3 and more consistent than Jeffery
All his other projects have a handful of songs with weak hooks, and generally feel more messy and unfocused

only nu-males because their favorite internet curators told them to. every young thug fan looks like some variation of pic related

Am I the only one who thinks that I'm Up is only a couple of filler songs from being one of his absolutely best projects?

Slime 3 and Barter 6 are my favs though

I'm Up is definitely not talked about enough. Only 2 duds on it. Slime 3 is probably my favorite thug project as well, just a super great focused project. I love Jeffery too but its weird how that got most of the press and critical praise when Slime 3 came out this year as well.

Yeah, and For my People is up among the very best tracks that he's ever made, imo.

Slime 3 seems so much stronger and more focused than the previous two, although I should probably give both another listen soon. When Jeffery came out, I was initially going crazy about it, but now I actually prefer Slime 3. Webbie, Wyclef Jean and Harambe always make me doubt the above though haha

jesus fucking christ

Jefferey has some of the most interesting uses of thugs voice ever, but that doesnt save a few tracks from being a little boring. GOAT cover art

>people fall for this

Nothing will ever beat

Blowing on the endo GameCube Nintendo
Five percent tint so you can't see up in my window

>Hip hop is supposed to be an art
Oh, you're cracking me up retarded chimp

you can not like his music and still appreciate or at least understand the cultural value

>It's all about the melodies and flows, which can express emotion just as well as intricate flows and insightful lyrics


Which ones are the duds?
I'm thinking For my Boys and Special

let's post some songs that prove hip hop is art

good song

Not him, but I really like For my Boys. I'd say Special, and then actually Bread Winners. Listening to Bread Winners, I'm not sure why I don't like it, style-wise it should be good, but it just seems very forgettable.

Family is cute

i agree with Special and Bread Winners (also Riding maybe) are the duds although theyre more just kinda boring than bad


>people unironically listen to this

It's a shame, isn't it, OP? It's all part of what (((they))) are planning, first by culturally crippling our youth.

everyone from pol needs to be fucking purged from this board and life

jesus fucking Christ you guys are so fucking insufferable

Noooo, Ridin is good!

But yeah, they're definitely not bad bad, just not very exciting.

They need to be purged from the fucking internet as a whole.