3x3 this week

3x3 this week

post em

hey what's up

>hey what's up
hey what's up

+Bjork, Beatles


Hi folks


i haven't listened to enough stuff to fill it desu

where to start with tori amos??
i have heard none of these. discharge seem cool however.
+doolittle, hunky dory
~mvotc, deceit
what genre is the record on the middle right?
+madvillainy, pinkerton, aquemini, post, tlet
probs my 2 fav hip-hop records right there (aquemini + let). nice.

+pinkerton, oxymoron
good taste overall, some of my favourite artists/albums

+kid a, mbdtf
listen to more immediately dude, I'm guessing you're exploring Sup Forumscore?

bottom middle should be Black Flag - Damaged btw

my normie gf listens to better music than you fucking hipsters

Post yours faggot



>3x3 thread
>actually posts 3x3s
>still manage to be mostly abhorrent trite

Here pleb, have fun with it.
This. Even people in chart threads don't have such horribly generic tastes

+Bork and Meal

I like Bork and Meal

-the rest

+George Harrison, TMR, The Smiths
~the rest

~Alphaville, BB
-the rest


+Madvillain, Schoolboy Q, Outkast, Bjork, ATCQ, A Moon Shaped Pool
-Beatles, Weezer
listen to some billy woods, or open mike eagle
+Bowie, This Heat, Vampire Weekend, Pixies, Nick Cave
+Tori Amos, Depeche Mode
- Kiss
check out Timber Timbre

+Swans, Bjork, AnCo, Bowie, Kid A, King Crimson
check out spiderman of the rings by dan deacon, returnal by oneohtrix point never, and close to the edge by yes if you haven't

+RTJ, Fleet Foxes, OPN, Frank Ocean
~Bob Dylan
-Young Thug
listen to program music I by kashiwa daisuke

+Public Enemy

Rocky George era ST is my favorite

I am just starting to get into MF Doom any recs?

I will probably be the only one here that will give you a

Check out Legacy - Metallic Assault

+Doggy Style

you seem cool

mostly good records but a bit entry level

+Mary Jane Girls

I know barely anything on your chart but they look cool

+Nick Cave, Pixies, and top 3 bowie record

nice taste in punk and hip-hop. ++ for devo

+Zorn, Nick Drake, Natural Snow Buildings
-Stars of the lid, never could get into them

+yeezy I guess

Bjork is cool

+Frank ocean, cure, dylan, oneohtrix

+Ram, Beefheart, I have a soft spot for smiths and clash

Bjork is cool

+AMM, Can, Sun-Ra
Dont even know the other records

Talk Talk is cool

+Grips, old avalances
-new avalanches

madvillainy is a classic

buongiorno lads

don't really recall listening to pinkerton that much, probably got blackout drunk and lonely and fell asleep to it on repeat. the rest is what i've actually listened to + skepta v. devilman lord of the mics 2 recording. listened to it like 10-15 times, it's so sick. also bob hund had more listens on my phone but last.fm is a fucking retarded website so only spotify listens registered.

met vashti, super nice person
Кинo! Was listening to them on repeat when I was intensely learning Russian, sneaky great contemporary Russian music. Have you listened to any ГpOб? Different style but same era.
Damaged is great, TV party tonight tbqh
snuck into my college radio station at 3 am, went outside, smoked a fat joint, lied on the ground and listened to tired sounds on repeat until the morning. fun times.
microphone check one two what is this

>Have you listened to any ГpOб?

No I haven't but I will definitely check them out.

Basically all of Mf Doom's album's are good. Also has some good albums under other names like his king geedorah album and Viktor Vaughn albums. His JJ doom album isnt that good though

+aquemini, pinkerton
+paris hilton
~Kid A
be my boyfriend
why is everyone listening to bjork rn
+SILY, Exmil
taste by Sup Forums

>met vasthi

jelly, how'd you meet her?

woops read the thing about mf doom senpai

wait are we not allowed to like music thts considered entry level?

hey there

obviously not, same goes for popular music. its Sup Forums after all.

nah ofcourse you can enjoy whatever you like, i was just noting how the first collage look like something was discovering popular music


jesus christ

jesus fucking christ

+PInk Floyd


++ Gary Wilson

Sandinista is full of filler, but the ones that aren't are so good
Haven't done that much acid yet in my young life but Sufjan's good I guess

La Femme Ecarlate was good but Perte d'Identite and Exces du Vitesse were also incredible, you're the first person I know that knows either of those. Never got into Arca but that "THIS MAKES ME PROUD TO BE BRITISH" album might just do it, I love Dean Blunt anyways. Pretty niche but best taste in the thread imo

I'm the collage above yours btw, feel free to rate

thanks senpai those are the only 2 Marie Davidson releases i've heard yet and i'm really into it. I'll chck out that rec. also need to hear her stuff with Essaie Pas. I'm not really into Arca other than his Stretch EPs; his albums after that are kind of a slog imo.
i'm only really familiar with a few releases from your collage. I like pinkerton, tried to get into blond a few times but it's just not for me. Haven't listened to ATCQ or joy division in a while though. the CCCP album looks interesting i'll check it out

been trying to get into deftones recently.
also reliving them memories of being 14yo with dredg, authority zero and nu-volta

first time seeing kult on Sup Forums. also these two deftones albums are pretty much all you need. pozdrawiam gorąco :^)

been on a bit of a 60's-70's rock binge as of late, very different than the usual
late 90s/early 2000's metal vibing
are you listening to Zappa chronologically?
got into freak out, apostrophe and Lumpy Gravy over the last few weeks but the task is very duanting even though his style is really starting to click.
also I keep seeing a lot more TMR revitalization ever since the fanta classic review. I am also guilty of this, so I'm not accusing you.
okay so honest question making sure I'm not out of the loop but did everyone start paying attention to solange after it got AOTY b/c I didn't hear about her at all until last month
nostaliga-core. Brain Stew was the jam back in the day
going to look up Marie Davidson simply because that cover is appealing
i suppose its ironic half life has finally turned over
good taste ++++

+sufjan stevens
+all dat Ween
+Tears for fears
-Kurt Vile, poser trash
+ Ben Frost

just a bump


+Madvillan, Sgt. Pepper, Nirvana, Tribe, Radiohead

+Vampire Weekend, Bowie, Pixies

++Nick Drake, Endless

+Fantasy, Anco, Bowie, Kid A


+The Smiths, Beatles, Paul, QOTSA,

+DG, Snoop, Avalanches


+Blond,Tribe, Unknown Pleasures

+Animals, Rage

+Grimes, Solange, My Woman

+RTJ, Sufjan


++++Beastie Boys
You listened to any Blackalicious? If not, try 'Melodica'.

- - your vibe
BUT--have you listened to anything from Julianna Barwick? Her single, 'Pacing / Call' is ace, and the album 'Sanguine' is pretty tight.

+Nas (duh, I guess)
-Jon Hopkins
Try 'Quarter Turns Over a Living Line' from Raime :-)


First time contributing in these kind of thread. r8 and h8

El Camino, what a great album, nice taste user

>also these two deftones albums are pretty much all you need
nigga Diamond Eyes and SNW are some of their best

thanks. mind giving opinion on the rest?


womens sunglasses 4 lyfe
Insect Trust - Hoboken Saturday Night
Harold Budd - La Bella Vista
Minimal Compact
are you?

>are you?
i need to admit that it is first time i've visited thread like these too. I'm quite new to Sup Forums.

its lame