Rym // sonemic

wet blanket edition

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just emptied my life savings into a premium UHS account

anyone else notice that Sup Forums is starting to steal our memes?


What album(s) are you looking forward to the most this year /moo/ ?

your execution recording

Pretty rude behaviour user.

Trips confirm.

What have you listened to that's come out since Christmas eve? That's when rym marks aoty qualification. I didn't keep exact track but I just did a rough count and ive heard about 50 albums with my aotysf about ten times at least. And that's with zero leaks except Xiu Xiu. All 50 have been released.

i don't understand your post.

Rym aoty ranking list has been available for about a month with the elite super hacker loophole. RtJ3 is I think the earliest release they include which was Christmas eve. Ive listened to anout 50 albums that have been released since then. Did i miss anything that needs clarification.

album of the year for 2016 or 2017? christmas eve of what year, 2015 or 2016? you've listened to 50 albums from 2016 or 50 albums released in the past couple of weeks?

AntiWarhol has a new 4.5



If you use the elite super hacker loophole then you can see the rym aoty list for 2017 and have been able to do so for about a month.

So yeah Christmas eve of 2016 is when qualification for 2017 aoty list begins and I've heard about 50 albums released since then with many repeats the most of which is my aotysf at about ten times at least.

why would albums released in late 2016 appear for the 2017 list? and why have you listened to so many albums released in the span of two weeks?

I assume you have no job or social life whatsoever.

Well I wouldn't assume we would question the judgement of rym but you dont think that's fair? Even the tiniest bit of overlap? Also i think its reasonable to at least be open to fluctuation of the qualificatipn date. That way it keeps everyone on their toes. Maybe itll be different next year.

Why not? For aoty accuracy? Among other things. The most recent always seems to yield the most reward e.g. live shows

Well you're right about the social life although I like going to shows and plan on Child Bite next week. There's actually supposed to be a Sup Forums meet up at the Viper show the next night but I've never even heard him. I really wanted to go to a couple of shows on Thursday but it was fucking freezing and they were local anyways.

I work the graveyard shift as a building attendant so this is what I've been doing for well over a decade.

I don't listen to new albums because I have not heard enough old music

give me one example of a december 2016 album being in the 2017 chart, because i clicked on a bunch and didn't see any.

also what are you even listening to?


did you seriously listen to so much of the trash that makes up almost all of this? why? metalfag?

do you have link to the xiu xiu? I got one from the archive but it's missing a couple tracks for some reason (?)

Eh, it's alright then. You seem ok.

if you don't know about slsk you must be underage or it's your first week on Sup Forums

nah soulseek is trash for leaks because of all the transcodes.

Whoa wtf I swear rtj3 was there. Yeah i like metal a lot but i try to be open to everhtbing. Most of that stuff is unreleased but i should check it again.


your logic makes no sense

a place with shitloads of copies you can see the bitrate and check copies yourself if you really give that much of a shit isn't good

but Sup Forums, which gave you links missing entire tracks, is a better source, so much better than you don't even bother using soulseek.

are you retarded?

well i guess that makes sense, metal all sounds the same so you don't need to wait for good albums to come out.

no it's not that the archive is a good source at all, it's pretty awful. but in individual threads you can definitely find reasonable links.

You take this very personally. I got it off soulseek anyway and the copy seems fine, but it's pretty benign to ask if someone has a copy in a thread. So no one posts one, that's fine but there's not really any harm in asking.

No, subtle nuances make big differences

>metal all sounds the same
well memed!

more like Mattel amirite

with what.cd down there is literally no surefire "transcode free" music pirating source that's actually active. where do you think people are getting the album from? what makes you think someone, in response to your original request, just upload the copy they downloaded from soulseek? i mean, it's a leak. no one has the album from a reputable source.

*wouldn't just upload

okay, all metal sounds the same within each subgenre.

i know man, we're in agreement here, I used to get almost everything from what.cd, and now it's harder to find proper copies of albums

it was a really benign thing to ask. Maybe no one posts a decent link, sure. Maybe they do and myself and other people browsing the thread who see it then download it and give it a listen. I got it from soulseek anyways, it was just an ask.

if your original post was
>do you have link to the xiu xiu? I got one from the archive but i'm not sure if it's a transcode or not (?)

then i would not be posting about slsk.

but your original post was
>do you have link to the xiu xiu? I got one from the archive but it's missing a couple tracks for some reason (?)

and on slsk you can literally see the tracks before you download, so that's the logical reply.

then your next reply was also stupid:
>nah soulseek is trash for leaks because of all the transcodes.
because there is no better alternative. so what makes the place 100% sure to have the best copy trash?

>muh transcodes
Who the fuck cares it still sounds the same

i'm not the one who's paranoid about transcodes, i clearly said to check "if you really give that much of a shit"

ok, man, I get that soulseek is more reliable than Sup Forums. It's definitely much harder to get an album with missing tracks from soulseek, that is obviously the case. Wouldn't call it 100% the best place though, there's still private torrent sites even though what.cd was taken down

to be fair, transcodes do sound like shit a lot of times. However it doesn't fucking matter if something is 320kbps or 192 or whatever the fuck, which is what most of these transcode elitists are worried about.

Is he /our guy/?

what a lad

what a cuck


>interracial breeding grounds

Does ayone think RYM ranking algorithm puts too much weight on popularity?

>he doesn't want to fuck a quadroon
wew lad

they have to put a lot of weight on popularity because popular albums are more likely to have people listening to them that won't really like them. The only people who listen to some limited vinyl release of an atmo-black metal band from Iceland are people who are fans of that stuff. However, any random person might listen to Radiohead or Kendrick Lamar.


What's your aotysf

none so far, it's coming out on the 16th of Jan

Damn middle of the week

Lemme check it out and see if I can guess

I'm so excited for Cherry Glazzer on the 20th I could shit

Fucking autocorrect

Cherry Glazerr

Damn I give up


bet you thought i was gone


Good guy that jmarvin.

rym recs are fucking garbage

its like they are forcing me to listen to the discog of every Sup Forumscore artist holy fuck

every time i look at them it just suggests eps from bands i rated

Go back please

They are garbage, but if all you're getting is Sup Forumscore then that's your fault.

this desu


What does this mean?

Big if true.



pure ideology



to where?


go back to here and post more cute things

I miss Jeremy

I miss Mae



he spoke in class today


redpill me on this cuck

lane's a cool guy
big into old-school FPS games and Quake mapping

Don't make me hoochie mama on a bitch...

What did he have to say

so he's okay with on-screen violence then? hmm

should I drone Anti?

Be the kind of user who others drone :)


whats your favorite album of 2017

fake riceshoes post

>doesn't have UHS credits debited from trust account

found the peasant

Ploymath is ME

Nicee of teh princess to invite us over for a picnig gay luigi?

fakeposts but funny

I am become you

Is riceshoes doing performance art again?

Im gay lol

no. I'm the straighets person in this part of town, Uncle Trump said so himself!


It is called fun posts . Try!

put your name back on, you fucking chud


>tfw you want to start rating again but are unsure of what to rate

Bitch You Know I'm Still L "Y" J

Bitch You Know He's Still L "Y" J

>one of history's biggest killers of Muslims

Based "Killa" Boldfaure


Haven't been here in months

Woman Like epithalamion

I Feel Like Hladik