How does it feel to know that Blurryface will go down as the Trout mask replica of our generation??

How does it feel to know that Blurryface will go down as the Trout mask replica of our generation??

Other urls found in this thread:

feel good

>this album
>as bad as TMR

>this album
>as good as TMR
fixed your post

I don't even like TMR but even i know that's the stupidest fucking comparison i've ever heard

I may be disregarded as a "le wrong shenereshum " but I fucking hate 31 pilots and I don't think they have a single good song in they entire catalog. And that faggot has to be the worst singer in the entire rock history.

>album produced by a schizoid autist who abuses people to """""practice""""" what would sound 10 times better if it was fully improvised

no one here actually likes 21 edgelords

thank you for speaker for all of us


>Sup Forums is one person



ok lemme rephrase that
no one here above the age of 18 actually likes 21 edgelords
no one that actually belonges here actually likes 21 edgelords

>no true scotsman likes 21 edgelords

cringe and bait

>le secret adult club xDDDDD
virgin grandpa detected
go listen to megadeth or some other shit classic rock band lmao

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>21 pilots??? it's garbage for the edgy TEENS! xD
>me? i listen to REAL adult music such as Death Grips, Slint, My Bloody Valentine or even Kanye West!!! not this BABY stuff! xD





nice pic grandpa, did your ww2 friends send you that? oh wait you have no friends lmao

>post count keeps going up but the IP count stays the same


jesus fucking cringe
I was on your side until you posted this


*price is right fail sound*

>*price is right fail sound*
also as if i couldnt do that

>classic rock
not him but that's not rock

lmao you actually spent time on that
look at the bottom right corner, the number of posters is 15 now, i'm new to the thread and only posted to call you out
I dont care if you are underage but you are really acting like one with shit like I really hope that joke was meant to be ironic

is this the same person or is it a copypasta?