The study by Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) shows that more intelligent individuals prefer “reflective and complex”...

>The study by Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) shows that more intelligent individuals prefer “reflective and complex” genre of music (which includes classical, jazz, blues, and folk), but they also prefer “intensive and rebellious” music (alternative, rock, and heavy metal).
>Less intelligent individuals in their study prefer “upbeat and conventional” music (country, pop, religious, and sound tracks).
>In a recent study, Chamorro‐Premuzic and Furnham (2007, p. 177) identify three distinct “uses” of music: “namely emotional (i.e. music for emotional regulation such as mood manipulation), cognitive (i.e. rational musical appreciation or intellectual processing of music), and background (i.e. music as background for social events, work or interpersonal interaction).” Their data show that more intelligent individuals are more likely to use music for “cognitive” purposes, but intelligence is not correlated with the “emotional” use of music

Why are you listening to low IQ music user?

haha the cat is dead

>to use music for “cognitive” purposes
I don't know what this means.

you only listen to shitty dadrock pop singles sal

>alternative rock
Pick one


>Upbeat and conventional
Only being aware of religious radio country

Are you dense or are you one of those people who only listen to music for "fun"?

You didn't answer my question at all. Nice emotional outburst fag.

The OP explains it pretty well-- "rational musical appreciation or intellectual processing of music."

appreciating music as an art form

I take it you're an idiot then.

>Only being aware of religious radio country
That's most of it though.

Said the pleb who can't define cognitive purposes. You sound like the type of guy who thinks figuring out time signatures is intellectual when in fact anyone can do that.

If you wanna concentrate on one part of a genre keep doing that matey.

You mean like ignoring the majority of something and just looking at Outlaw Country?

All music should be fun when you listen to it. If you don't have some sort of enjoyment when listening to music you're probably just a total asshole.

The posters on Sup Forums who say an album is "fun" are just trying to hide their shit taste (usually pop punk) behind a subjective word.

Look at the fun bigot here.

that ""study"" sounds pretty retarded desu

How so?

If this makes you feel better about yourself then cool!

It's a good thing I only listen to the most intelligent genre, Djent.

anyone has achived pics of kt that can be uploaded to mega? its for homework