
Other urls found in this thread:

dead group

i would like to slap namjoo's face with my cock tho


crayon pop

when will hani party with sulli

we like those here


early as fuck

all are fucking ugly but it doesn't matter because those are running shoes nigga they're suppored to be comfy not pretty

april story is the omg - closer of 2017



What's the name of the idol who wears those?

excuse me cuse me

this one was EARLY!!!!

actually this is like a minute early wtf

Left most

x-ray and post that pic here thanks

I hate this fucking retarded dance so much

why the fuck isn't this a separate board, why are these threads allowed

literally has nothing to do with music

Gaypoppers makes the best reaction-vidoes desu

>thread wars


we've been asking for a /korean/ board for years now, blame hiro saltybro


april story isn't overrated like closer

>I'm gay

No, we haven't

nice p

>Cheng Xiao wants to do "AOA - heart attack" concept

OMO.... Cosmic slut concept might be happening.

there's a /kr/ on the other chan

why is this shitty board allowed it has nothing to do with kpop


>You're gay if girls dancing like handicapped dinosaurs don't turn you on
Yeah, I'm a flaming faggot then, you closet homo

>people actually watch this shit

dumb retards stop migrating to early threads

>심 '콩' 해
lmao she's so cute


word Sup Forums is garb for the most part, the only good threads here are kpg and /sharethread/

lmao word

we all knew you were gay, gayboy

>심 '콩' 해

p-please translate, translator-nim


straight male here, i'm not an aoa fan but i love slutpop

that's a big drink

imagine licking moon heejun's cum out of her p

the put the wrong vowel in the syllable inside the quotes
instead of shim koong hae
she wrote shim kong hae