Was the edginess sincere, or just a marketing tool?

Was the edginess sincere, or just a marketing tool?

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Well he killed himself so I think he was pretty sincere about his sadness.

inb4 conspiracy theorists

>Well he killed himself
ultimate marketing ploy

He said he has no respect for musicianship, yet he practiced constantly and was very conscious of their sound.

Also in his diaries, before he got famous, he wrote out imaginary interviews he did as preparation for when he would get famous. And there's that awful corny Leadbelly cover he did so all the teenage girls can go ''damn, so le passionate''

He was a marketing man basically. It was Dave Grohl who probably killed, because he was getting on his nerves with his asshole behavior.

What edginess?

Oh shit. Dave Grohl wanted to leave Nirvana. Le marketing man wouldn't let him. No Foo Fighters. No Everlong. Can you imagine? Dave wasn't having any of it. He murdered le marketing man and pinned it on Courtney Love. No one would ever suspect the drummer...

yeah Kurt got so much money after he died
oh wait

I know this one was a joke but it's pretty lols, I think Sup Forums is probably the only commnity in the world that would unironically question the sincerity of someone's suicide


>No Foo Fighters
Kurt was trying to do the world a favor

He was a fucking poser

By not letting him release great music?

>Foo Fighters
>great music
when did that happen?

Their first two albums and demo tapes

He was an edgelord that killed himself because of the thoughts about the attention and edgyness he will get after his death


Dave couldn't stand Kurt's annoying behavior any longer, so he shot him.

Are they under the influence of something?

They could be drunk or buzzed off alcohol I doubt they'd be taking anything in front of the public eye since it's recently become apparent Frances is trying to get into the music scene. It'd draw bad publicity since she has zero career besides doing a handful of art projects.

nah theres a bunch of faggots online who think courtney killed him

They're the dumbest people I've encountered I've argued with one recently. They believe the stomach bullshit and bridge story even though Buzz has said it's all bullshit.

Music is all an act, user. Did you know Politics is also just an act?

An act that has effects on reality, but still, the actors don't believe in what they are doing or saying.

Frances is high as fuck. Talking like her tongue weighs 100 pounds.

Courtney killed him you corporate mongrel

>labelled king of grunge
>made one ok grunge album and some singles
>rest of material was standard alternative rock

[citation needed]
>i don't like it, so he's a poser
Not how it works

this is dumb. I disagree.

>labeled king of grunge
Revolutionized Grunge and brought it to millions.
>made one okay grunge album and some singles
Made 2 great Grunge albums BLEACH, and IN UTERO, and multiple unreleased tracks on With the Lights Out that are beyond stellar.
>rest of material was standard alternative rock
How fucking dumb can you get


No, I'm not looking for fan fiction. Try again.


fuck rock music and fuck white people

>solja boi gonan TELL EM

>rap is the only black people music
>implying rock isnt just a washed down version of blues music

he's like, the god of edginess, but his music is cool so i dont mind

>>rap is the only black people music
No but that user was a rapfag
>implying rock isnt just a washed down version of blues music
This doesn't sound like The Blues

Just do it, cuck

Why is Courtney Love stuck to Fred Durst like a leech?

>Conspiritard webpage that looks like it was made 20 years ago

Can you link me to your chemtrail and 9/11 truther blogposts that has clipart gifs of skulls and fire

>tfw you finally get to ditch the mopey heroin addict and drum for your two husbandos

>supposed to be against mainstream, corporate rock
>signs with Geffen records and sucks MTV's dick

this so much. The moment he had the opportunity he dumped subpop.

I get why he did it, and can respect it, but him pretending not to be corporate rock musician was fucked.

It's easy to forget Kurt was only 24 when Nevermind came out, still just a kid basically.

>If you are signed to any major label, you are corporate

>multi-million dollar record deal
>not corporate

Getting paid money doesn't mean you're a corporate slave.

>>multi-million dollar record deal
[citation needed]

it was sincere and it became a tool for marketing as things naturally progressed

>Initially, DGC Records was hoping to sell 250,000 copies of Nevermind, which was the same level they had achieved with Sonic Youth's Goo.[38]
>multi-million dollar record deal
Finance is clearly not your forte

>"if you don't like mtv then why are you here"

That's what he said to a guy saying fuck mtv in his audience.

He didn't hold a punk rock concert at all

>all or nothing thinking
It's a sign of autism

What is a more interesting question to me and hard to me to fathom is how different the pop culture and counter culture landscape of today would have been had he not killed himself or overdosed or something. Would he still cling to some relevancy? Would he be in a middle of a comeback after the inevitable burn-out of his lifestyle? Would he be a sad and half-forgotten joke? In all cases, things would be pretty different I would imagine. Like it or not, Kurt just had that kind of cult of personality.

This is very hard to gauge. A lot of the mythology around Cobain in his final year has been extrapolated endlessly and even blown out of proportion. But here's what we do know:
>in 1993, a division was made in Nirvana with the drunks on one side (Dave & Krist) and the heroin addicts on the other (Kurt & Courtney and their entourage).
>Kurt was talking about breaking up the band to his entourage and understating Dave & Krist's role in the band to the media
>Dave was sitting on a mountain of his own songs, and was at least trying to wedge them into Nirvana
>Kurt was demoing new material with Pat Smear and Erik & Patty from Hole.
>Nirvana was going to release a tour EP in 1994 for Lollapalooza with "You Know You're Right" and some of the MTV Unplugged songs on it

Michael Stipe offered to record with Kurt to get him out of his depression, but who knows what would have become of that. There was also talk of Kurt doing an acoustic album with Mark Lanegan, but likewise, who knows if that would have materialized.

His possible divorce to Courtney could have solved the band break-up issue, since it was really her that caused the division in Nirvana.