Aus thread

aus thread

Other urls found in this thread:

3103 checking in

rich suburbs

2250 represent


2650 reppin Wagga

5107 here

5090 Yeah :P

5255 nigga

5015 here

Kalgoorlie reppin

kill whitey

4510 I think..... i've been here my whole and I can't remember. I gotta lay off the meth, lsd, mushies, crack, etc.

Fuck off coon. Centerlinks shuts we know your white pretending.

5098 here

ayyy upperclass faggot

Where the adelaide traps at? I want the one that I spoke to in the thread with the chick outside bunnings.


new zealand reporting how are we all cunts

Fuck off you got your own threads.

4207 here mates!

5098 Sup Forumsrothers

go to our detention center

fuck off amerifat

alright ya cunts:

1. Coles or Woolies
2. Bunnings or Masters

threads are full of cucks now, thought i'd see what's happening abroad.


1. unsure, guess Coles?
2. Bunnings

1. IGA
2. Mitre 10

IGA or Coles

6065 boi . whose got durgs ?





have we ever actually figured out which Bunnings this was taken at?


4216 whats going on m8s?

Swear it looks like the one at Wagga, unless all Bunnings have the same layout/plan

Woolies and Bunnings
2019 checking in

Was going to say, because all bunnings look the exact fucking same, looks like my local one too.
see ^

It was taken at Penrith, I drive there all the time

how sure are you about that?

>went into masters once, was like a shit hipster version or bunnings and i got physically angry over the situation

Yeah, basically all the same, there's a few in SA that are slightly different. Two that I can recall

Looks really alike m8

Unless the front of bunnings all looks like that

i feel like i know... but they all look the fucking same kek

That made me laugh like an idiot

more plz

3085 reporting in

Am i the only one that prefers Woolies to Coles? I wanted to get some Asian sauces and there were like 4 flavors at coles but probs 4 million in Woolies

Joondalup bunnings. Old one.


>2250 represent

I'd go to Woolies more, but Jamie Oliver makes me angry

Bunnings Marion is quite different, but Mile-End Bunnings looks exactly like the Tittypic, because they're made from a kit. (only difference between mile-end bunnings and that pic is there's a lightpole in the carpark different)

Everyone on Australia survivor is fucking faggot.

cunts not able to light a fire, 6 days without freshwater.

swim out to sea and die already


Over 60% of Australians are obese

>Swim out to sea and die already

Kek, my exact thoughts

>Over 60%

Fuck off cont

Mitre 10 cunt

sup cunts?

It was reported by your own news channels. You guys are fucked, 'm8s'

Liam, you're supposed to be studying

why do you guys just post your area code and then ignore eachother unless you match with someone else. just seems like a pretty pointless thread to me lol

Salty Murifat detected

Our news channels also say Muslims are a race


Pretty sure this is right

Who's this lol


60% of the population are blokes, are we've all got Obese dicks. you read the news article wrong.

ask your ladies that keep coming over on backpacking holidays, they know whats up.

1. IGA anyday
2. Bunnings, obviously cunt

How about this one :
Macca's or Hungry Jacks?

Nigger. It will get better.

its your mom
go to bed before i post pictures of myself naked on here

5159? omg please validate my existence?

where the burgers are better

How about neither because I'm not a fat shit and I don't hate my sense of taste. I mean fuck.

Fucker same

eww neither?

i dont want to end up a fat cunt like a yank.

i do like the odd Indian takeout or Chinese but.

60% dudes? What fucking crack are you smoking.

mate its only 9

>Pretty sure this is right
Identical to West Gosford and many others.

it did for harambe

>implying all the Chinese immigrants are women, and that 99% of all Chinese arent men.


why are all you Aussies such canadians.

Nah, in the actual pic the red and blue signs are on the green part, however with this picture they're not in the same place

im sorry

Maccas, but fast food is a rarity these days

According to census euro theres 98 men per 100 females, except in darwin, wheres theres 110 men per 100 females.

Protip for tourists: dont go to Darwin to get laid, the ratio isnt what you think it is.

Moar please

The best thing I've ever found on Sup Forums. Thank you, thank you!

Whats that meant to mean?


i am thinking about moving here, from canada.
White male 24.

Aus Bureau of statistics, auto correct is a bitch on me tablet.

Lol they both fucking suck, i'll take a burger from the local fish and chip shop any day man.

From what I've heard we're pretty similar countries minus the polar opposite climates

>i'll take a burger from the local fish and chip shop any day man.
I prefer to have fish and chips from my fish and chip shop ... and burgers from the burger joint.

Fair point. Cucks and faggots ill allow you then. Were still doing what ever stereotypes we do are you?


See, now this is a proper answer
we're Australians, not animals (mostly)

the fish and chip shops near you dont do burgers?

I still swear its marion.