Which one you would pick as a sex slave?

which one you would pick as a sex slave?

Middle one


None, I respect women

The tragedy is the right one is the best looking without make-up. Any pictures of her spruced up?

Right one cause she totally looks like a slut plus she's the best looking one

left - painted like a clown

middle - orange fake tan, giant nose, fake blond

right - average, wins by default

Which one

because she reminds me of this girl who i'm obsessed with

get a better picture you asshole

middle one forsure

Which one

middle i guess
none are good though

Correction middle is flame

>how is this even a question

Which one of these would you turn into your sex slave? and what would you do to her?

I have nudes of one of them that I'll post!

i've got some bad news for you, bro


i've seen her pussy you idiot

Which one. Why?

Pick 1 to tie up. Why her


Same exact rules

With those broad shoulders, huge hands and masculine jaw-set, what you saw was almost definitely a tuck-under.

Or if you mean that you've got a pic of her pussy, you'd better post it, cuck.