Rekt thread ?

Rekt thread ?

ofc faggy










full vid go

>girl just turns and looks at him like he brushed past her in a hallway and continues doing hair
Is he the weakest manlet on earth?

Main reason why i hate niggers

Fucking niggers. If only they could all disappear...

Completely agree



Living in a country where people need to steal food. >blaming their skin tone. Great


Seen a lot of these now in days, dam where is the new shit

Melanin is directly related to low iq and high birth rate, is it my fault that biology exist.

PS all these fucks are on welfare







laughed my ass off at the two dudes sitting in the back


When niggers be too broke for a gun or car for a hit and run

fucking niggers, there all the same. I'm sure he blamed all of this on DA WHITE MAN. cause he din du nuffin

well, niggers maybe. Blacks? Nah.

yeah shake it real good

hey, its the white man's fault for not giving him that $5 for the $2.45 he had in his pocket. it's just racism! they knew he would pay them back!

The guy was convinced to have a spy camera inside his eye.

exactly. you can be black, and still be civil. but niggers are never civil.


Imagine, you had an M60 with 500 rounds of ammo, and about 5 frag grenades how fun this situation right here could be. of course once they were all inside you'd have to find some way to block them in, perhaps humvees slamming into the doors. Would be great!

>My dream

>where people need to steal food

Explain Amish people. White, no privileges at all, don't steal anything.

Pro tip, you can't. Niggers are just lazy and uncivilized.

>12 monkeys
there are about 20


don't you understand? Africa is a barren wasteland with no possible sources of food. You can't expect them to harvest or farm or irrigate or build anything. That's racism.

That's fucking horrible

Apparently the man that put the baby in the dryer was a "friend" of the woman, who was the babysitter. Baby lived with only minor bruising.

Cuz he wanted a white daughter.

>Africa is a barren wasteland with no possible sources of food.

Even wild animals know better to reproduce in a geographic area they know they'll face famine.

Besides, Africa's not even barren. Much of Africa's natural resources are undiscovered or barely harnessed.

>A whole continent being barren.
What kind of autistic claim is that anyway?......

do i really need to put I'M BEING SARCASTIC at the end of everything for you?


moron totally fucking deserved that, impatient fuck

love the fact the blue nigger is holding her friend away from helping her, before she puts his homie on his ass like a little faggot


Bump while I try to figure out how to post a cunting Facebook video of a man being BTFO by a shark that isn't apparently fucking "spam".

a type of cyst, filled with fluid puss and can grow things like nails, hair, teeth, eyeballs and so on. Truly the stuff of nightmares.

yea, i kmow what a teratoma is
I just wanted to know if the webm showed one

just now realized the filename said the exact same thing, because I'm on my phone

thank you anyways





Where there's a will...

There's a way...


Must be fake

>"North Carolina Department of Transportation"
>This happened in Raleigh






This is why black lives DO NOT matter

Under the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) [s 13A(1)] it is not an offence to commit or attempt to commit suicide in South Australia. However, it is a serious offence to assist in a suicide or a suicide attempt [s 13A(5)].


its fake

i fucking hate people that merge at the last second...ass face deserved that




Black Lives Matter!


did he jump?


No fag its reversed. He was but the cop talked him back up

correlation is not causation pseudo-science cuck

This is some Fast and Furious shit in real life.

Perhaps you just misunderstand my good sir. We aren't blaming them for their skin color, oh goodness no! We're blaming thm because they're niggers.
Fucking nigger loving faggot.

Just checking his blind spot

The science is that they interbred with Neanderthals and homo erectus. Both of those species have an underdeveloped frontal lobe compared to homo sapiens of the white variety. Therefore, blacks are more violent, have less ability to make decisions and cannot focus on tasks.

That's how my sister drives.

oh thank god, someone called the punisher


Good reactions. If it was anywhere in Asia, she'd be dead.


absolutely disgusting

It's reversed you fucking walnuts

>hope they will not notice

That smile at the end hahahaha

Is this OC?

Pure luck

better than michal bay movies :|

I skimmed through it. Are there explosions or giant robots?

Technically flying a drone over a crowd like that is illegal but since that is only to prevent harm coming to people the drone falls on I'm not going to worry to much