Is this the greatest live performance of all time?

Is this the greatest live performance of all time?

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no, queen is garbage

most overrated live performance of all time

name 5 better

show me another performance where over 72,000 people are singing in unison with the artist while dancing and waving their arms in the air

t. pleb contrarians.

this is

More like live at AIDS.

>listening to queen
>calling others "pleb"
pick one

>what is woodstock

Does the artist dancing and waving their arms in the air make it a good performance? Does the amount of people in the crowd determine how good of a performance it is?

t. pleb.

>Made In Europe
>The Köln Concert
>'Live' at The Apollo
These are the ones that come to mind right now.
It's a personal preference.

>quantity over quality

>only 24 minutes

As much as I like Queen - this is better:

>does being a GOAT entertainer make a show entertaining?
how did i not see this

queen are shit, grow up manchildren

This is the ONLY correct answer

Freddie had everybody inside that stadium in the palm of his hand. He could've told them to kill the Queen and all of them would have gone and raided Buckingham Palace

>I don't believe you, you're a liar
Worst comeback in recorded history

hey pretty good, not cringe at all

The comeback was them playing the song the audience hated at full volume for 8 minutes.


>"greatest live performance" is identified only by the energy of the performer and the number of crowd attendance

this beats out some 72k easily

btw kys

>>what is woodstock
druggies rolling in the mud

t. I don't know music theory


You've probably had much better live experiences than the experience that most of the people in that audience had.

But performing a show like that must have been incredible. Standing on that stage would have been one of the scariest/most exhilarating experiences you could have. And the footage we have of the show is all shot from the perspective of the stage, so...

But idunno, does your description of the greatest live show of all time involve being outside, damp, stuck half a mile from the stage amidst a dense sea of people all shouting Queen songs in your ear?

If you were going to actually attend a show, you'd probably prefer a more intimate setting. Maybe one of their earlier performances.

Bob Dylan live in 1966 could mop the floor with any band
It's the most dramatic and powerful live music I've ever heard
Queen's show was great but Bob playing harder and harder to purposely antagonize his own audience, half of whom hated him, is something that's completely unique

If punk is more of an attitude than a specific set of musical guidelines, then Dylan created it here
idk about best but id put this up there, queen peaked well before the 80's

>half of the people that praise this has never even heard any song by The Band
Without them this tour would've been forgotten in 1967

>half of the people that praise this has never even heard any song by The Band
That's because it's not as good as this.

Every member of The Band is objectively a better musician than Dylan. And Robertson was as good a songwriter as Bob

The way he riled up the crowd is amazing but musically I wouldn't consider it stellar.
Best live performance would probably be some Wetton-era Crimson gig.

I just don't understand the hype behind these guys.

holy cow i'd never seen that. love it, cheers!
i still think this is their best, though(one of my fave from any artist, too):

My pick would be either anything from the Swans concert I was at in Sept., but probably this:

lmao live AIDS

not thay guy, but i know music theory
queen sucks

It is objectively this.

is an acceptable choice too.

Is it so bad to think that both Dylan and The Band are fantastic? They themselves had tons of respect for each other. Though you're a fucking lunatic if you think Robertson was half the songwriter Dylan was. They were better musicians and performers, but give credit where credit is due.

This. Surprised it hasn't been posted before you.

Best rock movie ever.

>Every member of The Band is objectively a better musician than Dylan
It's so weird that they made boring music, you'd think they could do much better.
>And Robertson was as good a songwriter as Bob
Show me any Robertson song to the level of A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall or It's Alright Ma
>Is it so bad to think that both Dylan and The Band are fantastic?
It's OK to have half-right opinions.
