Prostate Massage?

Prostate Massage?

Any of you do this and is it important?

It's not important but it can help shrink an enlarging prostate.

Most men don't do it mainly because it requires that you stick something up your arse

Is it important to do it to prevent having an enlarged prostate and to ward off prostate cancer?

Nah unless you want to. Tonnes of hetero guys don't have an enlarged prostate or cancer and never had had some type of massage

My grandfather and my father both have prostate problems and I don't want to, plus I read it feels good.

I explored putting things in my butt since like age 10. I guess I'm bisexual now at 25 cause I have met up with women and men both. Its easy for me to not stick things up my butt, but at my horniest its a lot of fun to watch porn for hours if I want and not get too excited to cum.
I never let any guys fuck me in the ass and would much prefer to be on top.

Is it healthy? I dont know, I've had a lot of blood and ass pain over the years and know as soon as a doctor examines my ass hell know i have a bit more willful control over the opening than i should.

I'm actually bi so I can tell you it feels really good. The hardest part of the whole thing is the initial penetration. Just relax and don't tense up.

Now I'm not sure if it will actually prevent cancer but it definitely won't hurt if you decide to try it

I think we can agree then that its a little gay to put things in your ass. I watch straight porn but still.
sometimes I see a nice dick.
Dick shaped dildos are the best feeling anyway. Ive had the other toys but not even vibrators feel like as much. I use moderate sized too, one the size of my own dick and 1 a bit bigger.

I'm thinking about buying one of the aneros medical massagers.

i've tried, but not sure if i've ever hit the spot. only been able to "cum" from it once, and i was soft when it happened all of a sudden.

I only got to try one once when I let another guy do it, but it really just sat and stayed in my butt and didnt do anything. I like a veiny silicone dildo with lube. Silicone is a little grippy even with spit.

The entrance of the butt feels good too. Try a finger before you decide anything. I'd finger myself more, but its so messy. You might want a douche too, I can just squeeze a water bottle up my ass and it cleans me out.

That would totally work. I've always used traditional dildos because they just feel more lifelike, however if you're hetero you may not want that.

I've had my girlfriend try to stick a finger in while jacking me off.

Is it possible to do to yourself with your finger?

your finger is to short to do the job properly.
better use any kind of toy

>sticks your finger in my ass


If fingering yourself is messy you are doing it wrong
As a gay man, there are tricks to the trade and most of them come from understanding your body and how to douche correctly, after years of doing butt stuff it becomes similar to brushing your teeth

I have got a drum stick laying around. I'm thinking of wrapping it with saran wrap and using ky jelly to see if I can hit the right spot.


And do what with it? Just stick it in and probe around? How will I know I'm hitting my prostate? Will I cum instantly or does it take a while?

I am obsessive about washing my hands though. I dont like having anything on them. I douche though and yeah its really easy. I talked to a girl about it and she felt what I used to feel its like you still have to poop after you finish, but I dont get that feeling anymore.

I read that you must be pretty much 100% horny or in the "mood" to get your prostate exposed.

So if i keep edging myself to the point of no return for about 10 minutes and then try to find my prostate will i find it for sure?

I'm completely straight, but I'd love it for a girl to stick a finger up there when I'm about to cum.

But it feels awesome.

Have you asked any to do it?

I dont think prostate stimulation makes you cum.
its easy to find, there is like a wall in thre, that is basically where you penis continues through your body.
In the anus and towards the penis.

Buying a fucking colt shower kit. It attaches to your shower head and cleans your ads perfectly in combination with loosening you up.

By the time you've sprayed water out your ass 50 times your loose and ready

>its easy to find, there is like a wall in thre, that is basically where you penis continues through your body.
>In the anus and towards the penis.

Right, i am pretty sure i have found it as i was able to milk myself. But it was not enjoyable at all. I did not feel anything? All i got was prostatic fluid but i didnt feel anything

If you feel like you still need to poop you are pushing the water in too far, and if you do that then some can be trapped in your intestine and can release while your doing stuff, and that is nasty. Just a smaller amount of water than you think, leave it for 2 minutes and repeat until its clear. Also always wait half an hour after douching just to be sure!

Well that was something I experienced when I first started and didnt douche.

yes, prostate stimulation will cure cancer, if you ever find a lump growing out of any part of your body immediately go down town and find a dark fellow named tyrone, tell him of your prostate needs and he will being probing you to make the cancer go away

Stop trolling coal burner, this is a serious thread for male health.


A penis in your butt cures prostate cancer.....The problem is it gives you AIDS

I massage my prostate with my poop.

Same: :(

i've been thinking about buying this toy... ive never thought about buying a toy but since i was so close i might as well. Its called the Njoy pure wand. Apparently its the best for targeting the prostate.

>Stop trolling coal burner, this is a serious thread for male health.

Serious people study medical information, not Sup Forums. If you get your info here you deserve to be blacked as the stupid cuck you are.

Those of us who are wiser prefer the delicate embrace of a hot trap.

Does penis in butt count?

Than ya sure


for hard to reach prostates a penis may be required

its not gay if its purely for medical reasons with deep eye contact

Can butt sex cure girls of their cancer too?

>deep eye contact

i do it all the time and cum soo hard. lay on your left side with your knees tucked up, kind of in a fetal position and uses your right thumb, or vice versa.i stick my dick and balls back between my legs and it feels good man.

>mommy can you take my temperature? i think i'm getting a fever. jesus christ.

doesn't count as gay if its with a woman by definition

but you have to be in the mood right? Your prostate has to be excited right?

It feels great when combo'd with a BJ. My gf will stick her middle finger up my ass and cup my balls with one hand and jerk/blow me with the other. She makes the 'come here' motion over my prostate with the middle finger. You will have a stronger orgasm than you ever have before. You get more of an internal feeling that I would think women feel when they have a g spot orgasm.

I've also stuck a finger sized vibrator up my ass while jerking off. Feels great too, just needs a little lube.

As long as you don't feel like your going to have to take a shit there shouldn't be anything up there to worry about.

what the fuck do you mean? i dont have to seduce myself. no different mood than if you want to masturbate traditionally.

you still have to get aroused (hard) to masturbate like normally

also the prostate is basically what would have become a g-spot in a vagina had you been born a girl, girls need to get aroused too for them to enjoy it

I have been using an aneros helix for years now, nothing will beat the super o you get from it ;)