When was the last time you made a girl cry?

When was the last time you made a girl cry?

What did you do wrong?

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>what did you do wrong
>she isnt fucking crazy
>kekkeroni and cheese

My gf. She was raped couple of years ago sex is really hard for her. I try to be as understanding as i can be. But somethimes the not having sex part really get to me fysically and mentally as i'm not used to have sex maybe once a month maximum. I used to have tons of naked pics of her and used those to mastrubate to and feel intimate with her but i had to delete those for reasons too long to explaine. I wrote a letter to her explaining the mood swings on my part and explaining in a respectfull manner that it's hard on me too and i try my best. Everytime we meet she cries now. Tl dr told raped gf that im sexually frustrated.

>My gf. She was raped couple of years ago sex is really hard for her. I try to be as understanding as i can be. But somethimes the not having sex part really get to me fysically and mentally as i'm not used to have sex maybe once a month maximum. I used to have tons of naked pics of her and used those to mastrubate to and feel intimate with her but i had to delete those for reasons too long to explaine. I wrote a letter to her explaining the mood swings on my part and explaining in a respectfull manner that it's hard on me too and i try my best. Everytime we meet she cries now. Tl dr told raped gf that im sexually frustrated.
Not a native englisch speaker so sorry for the mistakes

First time anal. Didn't know we would need lube. The problem was fixed quickly but she cried for about 5 minutes first.

> Decide to kill myself
> Wife has trigger lock on gun
> Threaten her
> She won't take it off
> Fuck her I don't care, pistol whip her repeatedly with locked gun
> Still won't take the lock off the gun so I can kill myself
> She's curled up in a ball on the floor crying and covered in her own blood
> Tell her she's a fucking bitch for not letting me make my own decisions
> Throw gun at her face as hard as I can
> Grab KABAR (knife) instead
> Start cutting the fuck out of my arms from inner elbow to wrist
> She calls 911
> I tell her fuck you this is my choice, if you tell them what's happening you are just ruining my life even more
> She "accidently" hangs up before saying anything
> Cops come, she tells them someone attacked her while she was getting the mail and I fought them off hence the cuts on my arms
> I'm starting to calm down and I'm in the bathroom trying to patch myself up
> She's still covered in blood from me beating her
> She just clings to me and tells me she loves me and how sorry she is for interfering but she just can't stand to lose me
> She helps me clean all the wounds on my arms while still bleeding from her injuries
> Makes me shower with her so she can keep me close and care for me while she cleans her wounds
> TFW I don't deserve her

today about five hours ago

I cheated on the perfect girl. She was so perfect she didn't even tell people what I did. It was w/ a young girl flaunting herself at me & I just failed in all aspects. There are a few good people in this world. When you lose them that emotional pain is so strong makes you wonder if you'd rather get hit in the jewels than sit through the guilt of what you've done

Did you break up or are you still together?

When I rejected her at her birthday party as a kid.

>tfw no girl would ever show interest in me anymore

I make my girlfriend cry every now and then. Not intentionally... girls are just emotional as fuck. Kind of ridiculous really but I have the emotions of a rock so what do I know

Dropped un-checked MDMA at a fest

Broke up with her? I didndu nuffin worng she just lied alot and i couldn't take it.

artistic work of fiction or true?

man, if you are a veteran, take your ass down to the VA and ask for help. We have meetings where we talk about shit. Plus, you meet other people who are just as fucked as you but somehow function through life.

I make sure my girlfriend never cries. If anyone's gonna cry it's me lol

My wife is fucked in the head and cries every day over something or other

>me working 50+ hours a week
>her working 20-30 hours a week
>she bitches at me over various household chores
>when I do the chores she bitches they aren't done her way
>when I don't do the chores she bitches she has to do everything, and is exhausted
>come home from working 11 hours plus 3 hours traffic, nothing is done
>she been watching netflix all day, save for her 4 hour shift
>bitches at me that nothing is done
>I don't engage in any of her bullshit which frustrates her
>she screams and breaks things and cries

worth it though, best sex of my life this one

Just spanked my girl with a lexan paddle. Damn right she cried.

>coping with a thot's bullshit for sex

>being this married

wow. what a faggot.

damn nigga. was it murdering children or watching your friends die that left you like that?

She's bisexual (we have lots of MFF), deepthroats, loves anal, flashes in public, gives road head, into watersports and being dominated and beaten......

i left her

wow you're a piece of shit you really dont deserve her at all your lucky she made that decision she could of walked out on ur sorry ass

>She's bisexual (we have lots of MFF)

... if that's true, then i rescind my previous statement.not a lot of bitches are down with that. but, if the trickle of strange starts to slow, you better kick that bitch to the curb.

>When was the last time you made a girl cry?
The other week
>work in a prison
>one prisoner stands out
>20yo who was upgraded from young offenders for being a nasty cunt has got his girlfriend visiting
>I'll call him "badman" as that's what he referred to himself as, he thinks he is from the London grime scene or something
>he was in for dealing drugs, burglary, GBH and other crimes, serving 9 years
>visiting hours, easy stuff, check visitors, take prisoners to the table
>Badman's gf comes in
>she tells me how she loves him and when he gets out everything will be perfect as she has waited for him, this is the first time she has visited him in prison
did I mention I work in a high security prison? just to hammer home what a piece of shit the guy is
>Badman has been a good boy so he has an easy time during visiting
>they are face to face and he is the nicest, most polite guy you have ever seen
>I wish he was that pleasant in the wing
>time is up
>I swing by and tell him he has 2 minutes as I'm feeling generous
>his girlfriend is welling up
>most people take this time to hug it out and get a bit physical
>Badman gets irate
>"Fuck you I'll take as long as I like"
>I tell him I was being kind, one minute now
>he tries shoving me
>apparently he hasn't fought someone who wasn't built like a skinny faggot
>he grabs his chair
>I've got no backup nearby, meaning I can do anything within reason
>he has a weapon (chair)
>I move in and elbow strike him in the cheek before he can wind back the chair
>he drops like a sack of shit
>blood everywhere
>his girlfriend starts shrieking and crying
>backup arrives and pull his girlfriend out
>Badman is taken to the medical wing
>I split his cheek open and damaged his retina
>got cleared to carry on working
>he moves back to the wing a few days later
>turns out his girlfriend left him because of his violent behaviour and she couldn't handle prison life
>he cries for a day straight
Do I get a score multiplier for that one?

my girl cries whenever she cums and i don't. which is often. i'm a smoker, and by the time she gets off good 2-3 times, i'm too winded and tired to get myself there. which i don't mind, i can jerk off later, but she always crawls up into a ball and starts crying. which works for me, because it keeps her self-esteem low, just how i like it.

fuck you, CO. i dindu nuffin.

You can do better mate, seriously. Shes damaged goods.

>Go out with my friend
>She gets angry because I went away
>Tells me she is done

you a dumb nigga for staying with damaged goods. drop her ass like a sack of hot rocks, you'll breath easier without all that baggage.

Accidentally slammed my sister's finger in a door. Probably broke it, too. She bawled for a long ass time after I did.

my 2 exs made ME cry because they broke up with me... I'm a beta lazy faggot

Scrotes in the UK aren't like American niggers
>Brappp Brappp
>Got Arrested By Loadsa Feds Cuz I'm Notoriousssss
>Yuuuuu Better Watch Your Back
If you want a more detailed example of what chavs are like check this video

>My little brother has a babysitter who was like 16. I was 20
>She always flirted w/ me. Openly too, but our family never told her I had a GF.
>Never made any advances till about 4 yrs ago. She had these pink top & shorts w/ her ass just hanging out.
>I started doing it more & more w/ her for about a month
>GF came to room hearing us on phone talking about where to meet up
>Chasse after her she was driving while I had my head in her window
>She broke it off. We still talk. BFF on an even higher plain
>She knows I'm sorry & I know she want to get back on too for all these yrs
>It's just an understanding that what I did was unforgivable & we just can't be together out of standard

Lol you beautiful bastard do you try to console her or do you berate her with shit

gaaaaaaaaaaaaay. kys betafag.

Your a faggot was the 16yr old worth it at least ??

just play it real cool. shrug like i don't mind, and if she wants to cry about it, then that's her problem. women thrive off love and hate, but indifference drives them fucking nuts. nothing makes them want you more than you not caring about how they feel.

About a month ago, I told her she spends too fucking much of my money

pranked my cunt ex girlfriend by telling her i was moving far away

A girl made me cry like a month ago. Yes I'm a pussy ass faggot but she was the love of my life and she moved very far away. Still can't get over it, it keeps me from getting with girls and it's ruining my college life.

Couple months ago. 2 of them. Told them to kill themselves. (Ex's)

She really liked me but she didn't want a new boyfriend yet, because she was feeling like this she cried, she told me.

I told her to do her job, as she was slacking off and making me do the shit she was being paid for. She threw a hissy, I threw a zerofucksgiven back, resulting in crocodile tears, which made me laugh in her face. Then I called the manager and she got fired for being a dumb bitch.


>Broke up with her over text
>She sent me picture of her leg carved to rat shit

Ended a 10-year friendship and severed. Told her to never contact me again. She only spoke to me when her bf was ignoring her or out of town; she'd turn to me cuz she knew I cared about her and was a good emotional boost for her. She'd lead me on, call me handsome, tell me how great I was, would talk about all these plans she had for us to hang out, but they'd always collapse at the last second. Or we'd plant o meet somewhere and then on the day I wouldn't even hear from her. I got tired of being dicked around. She cried and tried to get me to reconsider, and it was hard, but I stood my ground. Just too tired of being her Plan B.

Lol cannon fodder always acts like cunts to their family.

I forgot the astro-glide.

I made my ex girlfriend cry because I was crying myself in her arms because I destroyed our 2 years relationship and I basically fucking suck :/

Found out gf fucked a dude 2 weeks after we broke up

Grabbed her but the collar spit in her face shook her and told her I never wanted to see her ever again

She started bawling and had a panic attack right there as I left her with slit running down her face

I kinda feel bad about being abusive to her, I really really verbally abused her saying all she was worth was her pussy etc etc

She ended up coming back to me, gave me a great blowjob and didn't stop sucking as I was nutting

Raised her head back up while wiping her lips and said, "I forgive you"

Fucked her three more times after that until I moved and she couldn't stumble to my house drunk anymore.

about two months ago
>be me 19
>find out she's cutting
>me being weak
>can deal with it, fuck, why would she cut? she's perfect
>get drunk as fuck and call her about it sobbing like the pussy i am
>she freaks out cause she thinks im going to do something stupid i.e. kill myself (im clinically diagnosed with Bipolar depression)
>cries and begs me to stop
>tells me to call her in the morning
>i never do, i cant hurt her like i did ever again
how fucked am i bros?

One time I threatened to my girl friend and told her that i wanted to commit sue of side and she cries

tell her i'm in love with her

Only a little bitch cries over their own mistakes. Grow a pair of balls and fix it or move on you whiny ass faggot.

aren't you a funny fellow


waw user u so manly waw

Why yes I am.

i am perfect, i never fail
who knows what is on a females mind

Younger people aren't worth it. They don't have any sexual experience. It's just all you. I mean of course it's fun to pick them up & man handle them, but it's not as fun as someone who knows what they are doing

My sister came to me for help, she was pregnant and needed abortion money without our parents finding out. I slapped her around and called her a whore.


5 years ago told some bitch i dont care if youre boyfriend is cheating on you or something to that affect

good job m'lad

is that megan turi? kill the fucker who made her cry!

>sue of side
Oh my fucking god.

>gf cheats
>you break up
>you decide to assault her
You sound like a top bloke to be around.

>moms asks why I'm rolling my own cigarettes again
>I say it's cheaper
>she says you know what else is cheaper? (ie:quitting)
>I snap "No but I bet you'll tell me!"
>she starts crying
Shit was cash

>be me
>arguing with my little niece over the custody of my little doggo
>"mine!" She says literally choking the dog
>try reverse psychology
>"alright you can have him"
>smirks little the stubborn child she is
>so then I smile and look her dead in the eye and tell her "Alright but that means bathing him, feeding him, taking care of him 24/7, can't leave your toys everywherebecause he'll bite it."
>lil doggo is like 5 months and has a biting problem I'm trying to fix
>tell her she has responsibility
>she nods and days she can do it
>she's missing a shoe on her left foot
>say "nope." And grab my pupper telling her that she needs to take responsibility of her shoe before a dog
>grabs her other shoe and throws it at me
>Let the dog go and the dog takes the shoe and runs off under the bed
>niece balls out in tears in a fetal position
>grabs a coat hanger and proceeds to swing it around in a tantrum
>she pushes the coat hanger up mouth out I pure rage
>"It's to late for that" I say
>cousin hears me and chokes back his laughter

Fuckig kids man.

i did the same thing, except i threatened to commit suicide if she didn't have the abortion.

it worked. twice.


3 weeks ago or something
I reminded her of her boyfriend.
Fucking friendzoned lads...


>made her cry
>i did something wrong
bitch i did everything right and it´s not my fault that the she is a manipulating bitch



>he doesn't know how to jack off

lmao, why did you fall for the snare that a woman is?

Never said i was, maybe im just emotionless. At least im not a little bitch like you though you fucking cuck.

you fucking moron

Last week.
Did nothing wrong.
Proposed to her.

I dont remember, I used to be a bit of a dick though



did you help her?

Told her she had a child with a mongrel of a manslab to validate her own existence.

I must've been right, because she collapsed mentally and physically.

Admit it, you've never had sex in your life yet

>He's never gonna have sex

i gave my girl friend of four years (we're both 20) a kitten for her birthday. she cried and giggled fer like ten minutes. god that girl is fucking amazing

>at DND game
>ex gf there
>she had a bf at the time
>had to go and come back

>return to extreme truth or dare
>failure to do truth/dare result in loss of hair
>only rule is nothing sexual (all of us were underaged)
>tell ex to go in garage and think about how worthless she is (abuse victim/bullying)
>get punched by white knight best friend
>she comes back, hour later gets dared to cuddle for an hour with me
>game ends a few dates later

>hour or two later she asks me to sit with her during lotr two towers
>we end up making out

tl; dr cucked my exes bf

But thatd be a lie, just ask your sister and your girlfriend

We came to an arrangement.

> tickling my gf and didn't stop,
> she crushed her knee in my face and my tongue started bleeding

she did cry because i did bleed


I threaten her to kill myself as her father comitted suicide with a shotgun.

Crying no more

what the fuck

About one year ago.
At least i hope she did.

I didn't do anything wrong. This my post from a baww thread. All of this actually happened to me. I told her this story.

My mom because i insisted she go to my sister's, her daughter's, wedding. She had decided not to go for spiteful chick type reasons (sister didn't invite one of our relatives).

ma nigga poky