Left or right?

Left or right?

no thanks


The broom in the middle

I'm sure you're out their league anyway.

my hand

Aww shit, MY EYES!

turn 360 and walk away

well shucky darn

Wait...no.. It's a garden hose. must be bath time.

Either way. The garden hose. It makes me moist

the brick wall

i'm not sure i have the length to penetrate either of them without some kind of ergonomic miracle

I pick suicide

The one on the right looks like she has more meat, so I'd cannibalize her instead of lefty.



Fuck it. I'd do them both. At the same time. And I'd take pics and post them all over Sup Forums and not give a fuck what anyone thinks because fat pussy is as good as any.

user hero

Id fuck both .......at the same time

a noose and the nearest tree.

I prefer my left or right hand..

the left looks cleaner so ill just hit from behind and pretend she has a hot face


I would killed both

I'd prefer to fuck a hole in the ground instead.


let me express some of my thoughts in visual form

pussy is wet and warm no matter what it looks like




So user you really love this doggystyle... don't cha wanna change it up and see my beautiful face?

I think i would cut my left wrist
Seems to be more vainy

you know they can't wipe
>and then there is that smell

fuck no

fat americans lel

>Fat pussy is as good as any
Pussy .. you're doing it wrong

It doesn't matter.

White fatties like the homies.

Or trailer trash.
