Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:




I'm just here for the memes


still here

Sounds like he is very special to you, not in a good way though.

I still don't think you should worry too much. Have more confidence on your own waifu, there is a reason she won the title in the thread!

I'm not able to tell what is it from this.

I've been good, got some stuff to do later

wow that is pretty short, adorable
kidding but i would be able to get you down pretty easy
so what are you going to do today?
uhh, should i blind my windows just in case?
i have fate in people, queen isnt a psycopath
the things he is doing now arent horrible, the are looked down upon sure. but you having a 2d girlfriend is as well accepted either
doesnt make you a horrible perosn

Still here

Kyouko is always so fast

insult-chan here. prepare for more insults to your waifus

This guy


you and that shikki faggot are a cancer to me both of you need to die stop being such fucking ass clowns fr no reason you are both crazy

>Yuuko claim, birthday is tomorrow edition

Wow, I've never thought I'd read those words from you
>someone I don't like

aww yeah, trips confirm
Burn us



Lol I have it saved to my hard drive now!

> but you having a 2d girlfriend is as well accepted either

You can't really compare this to what he does.

I guess.

No bully

well im off for a bit to moon claim faggot ill get you latter you fucking bigot you to saber you are both crazy for wanting a human me dead fucking animals to the rest have a nice day
>ill be back very soon

Thank you for the notice

>heroes in life
>fucking harambe
I hope he's just memeing.

Weeaboo trash is nice, but we're just watching edgy amv's, so.

That waifu is a bit too edgy.

yeah i know it is. i dont think i would expect to be able to stop you

No memes?

We won't miss you faggot

>Finally a good reason to use this call back

Can you repost this in English?

>moon claim faggot

ooo what kind of stuff
>just in case
Your blinds won't save you
kek have a good one

You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show off Powerpoint presentations!
I'm surprsied there's still people who even talk to him normally.
And that should tell you how low I regard you.
Hurting animals for fun, I'm assuming he doesn't regard it as some secret that I've spilled.


You silly goofball~

Kill yourself

Disrespect your surroundings.

You're too nice to Esdeath. All you really do is say he's fine, even though he isn't, and then proceed to not try and help him make progress in any way.
I don't know. Edgy AMV's are eh. Happy birthday to you for tomorrow in case I'm not here!

No bully memes

Just lawnmowing, pops fixed the lawnmower, so he says

Into the desert
Weathered forever
Desperate clouds
Follow them out
Seeing the future
Cautiously answer
It's only the plains
Sideways rain.

No bully meme. Can i bully if it's original?

I thought that Yuuko loves all.

What is this english
Also dubs
Also, cya

Yuuki~! How are you?

Velvet is such a goddamn boss

Tsun is nice to everyone, he can't help it

Saber claim
Anyone compiling this?
Also this
>Inb4 the therapist actually called the police
>He's on the run now
This is the only person I've met that I genuinely believe should off themselves it takes a lot to make me hate someone.
>Literally the only way to fix Edgedeath

Now your waifu..............is not so bad
>pic unrelated

I want to hug the Togame user.

There is no helping esdeath

I still want to hug the Togame user.

>not so bad

Very welcoming.

No u

Is this English?

What's up Ruby? I'm good, just chilling at the moment, been doing some homework for a bit.


Noo U

Fine. It may take me a while though.

>You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show off Powerpoint presentations!
Kek'd hard at this

Personally I think he's not mentally developed yet.
He's like a kid who's trying out stuff... but he's nearly 20 years old and no one told him that his behavior is not okay

No Problem. How are you by the way? How did you get the idea to claim waifu insults? It's a nice and funny one


I'm not yuuko
She is my waifu. She loves so i don't have to.

At least it's not Esdeath.


i think they will
i live 3 stories high unless you can fly im okay
>inb4 you are a giant
i am quite big so good guess
up to anything
alright so first of all, i like the guy
secondly you guys put way too much emphasis on someone being normal
listen its a bit more complicated than that, queen has had a pretty rough life and his mind has this way of coping with it. He can get pretty depressed just by having something said to him, this causes him to do bad thins. While on the other hand if people are nice to him and say he is a good dude he will be one.
The mind is a strong thing.

Yeah, then you would be an interesting underdog.

Post your dics fags im horny

is it a cool one you can ride on and that has cupholders? Or just a good ol push lawn mower like mine?
that would be underestimating my rappelling skills

Wanna go m8?

Holy shit... now I'm #dickmissile

someone post the ballistic missile

yeah i figured you were kinda taller. well i was thinking of making that europe lol account to see if the ping is playable

Because these pictures make me laugh and seeing if people get angry over them make me laugh.

I'm studying and trying to solve a rubik's cube. At the same time.
>why am I doing this to myself?
But yeah, pretty chill day too.
btw, have you been on the stream lately / at all?

The good ol push
Having those driving ones is pointless for my yard

If you want to call It that.

Wanna have my 2 cents about it? Don't talk to him, it's the best way to get him to off himself, he's only here to entertain himself and the way he goes about this is attention seeking.

Once he sees that he is no longer accepted by people who will accept pretty much everyone, he may just turn to the only thing that's right for him and jump off a bridge. Hell, he's not exactly letting us on to believe that he is very stable, so maybe we'll get lucky

Lord knows, it'll help him much more than his therapist ever would the useless cunt.

But really though, I don't believe he is who he makes out to be.

Ehehe, thank you then.

I totally didn't steal it from Yahtzee.
Eh, I've met a few people before but yeah Esdeath tops most lists. I'm waiting for him to come back for round two, should be any minute now.

Bring it on old man! BRING IT ON!

Never been able to solve rubik's cubes, I've gotten close but I don't get the patterns. Which stream are we talking about?

all of you fags should post your dicks for me
maybe then this thread wont be completely usless

Can't wait for the compilation for YLYL threads.
Only YouTuber I watch for reviews anymore

well never mind. my dad had one of his fits of rage and now we arent going anywhere my mom is in her its your fault mood
>i was upstairs the whole time
>so im back

That's a justifiable reason to hate someone.
>I'm assuming he doesn't regard it as some secret that I've spilled
I don't think he is that much retarded.

Having a 2D waifu does not harm other living beings or invade anyone's personal space. Defending or motivating such actions is almost just as bad as doing them.

fine i will install spikes on my roof
just kidding i want you to come, id be really impressed if you could sneak in. my window is always open at night
how did you figure this out. lucky guess i guess
oh that be pretty cool, but its probably going to suck ass.
also my pc didnt come today so i am dissapointed.
wednesday isnt the start of the week to me anymore
oh sucks
where were you supposed to go?

Oh, in that case I have some bad copypasta

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I am the personification of hate and greed and I've been involved in numerous genocide runs on the underworld and I have erased the world over 300 times. I am trained in SAVEing and I'm the most DETERMINED being in the entire Underworld. You are nothing to me but just some more EXP. I will ERASE you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never seen before in the Underworld, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am threatening Alphys and she is tracking your IP right now, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your SOUL. You're fucking ERASED, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my old knife. Not only am I extensively DETERMINED and able to come back to life after being killed, but I also have the ability to ERASE the fucking world and if I feel like it, I will use it to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known that you were never the one in control, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn IDIOT, I will stab you over and over until you are nothing but dust. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I don't know what Yathzee is so I can find it funny.

I also like the guy. We've been talking for about four months now. It's just as bad as Shiki and Saber only telling him to kill himself, you not actually trying to help him develop in a positive way by just telling him he's fine. You need to be more constructive with Esdeath, or else he'll always be how he is. You shouldn't believe that killing animals for pleasure is acceptable, and nor should he.
>not watching meme master
Why live.

>I'm waiting for him to come back for round two

>so im back

post your dick

who is this semen demon and why is she so qt?

*teleports behind you*
Yare yare
*cuts u with elucidator*

>Based Shiki

He time traveled

restaurant for my moms birthday but I ruined it i guess

>An is based gurl.

Psh copypasta. These shits are clever though


Shiro of Deadman Wonderland.


well okay, if you say so. I put a lot of work in this copypasta though. Gave it an overhaul to fit my edgy waifu

rabb.it /shino83
This is were some of us hang out and chat and shit. Come join us sometime if you can make it!
Also, same here. I'm learning now since I've always been interested in it, and since I've got like 3 friends right now showing me their cuber skills, I decided to go for it and try to learn

Heeeey! Don't hurt my Yuuki~

yeah lucky guess. didnt go to your house and watch you. nope. well thats ok i already suck right? maybe tomorrow then?

>using elucidator
>parries and slices at legs

YOUR yuuki?
Excuse me??

Yeah it would be pointless for mine too
>but so cool
make sure it's open during the next full moon

but.......you didn't though

shiki is a cunt tbh
that sucks fam

my day was going well and now its shit again hey akame im back