
Meme edition

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:

metal-archives.com/search/advanced/searching/bands?bandName=&genre="dark metal"&country=&yearCreationFrom=&yearCreationTo=&bandNotes=&status=&themes=&location=&bandLabelName=#bands

First for Thrash

First for I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.




Ignore it and it'll go away

Fuck Fantano

/th for thrash

If David DiSanto, Robb Flynn, Frankie Palmeri and Corey Taylor formed a band, what would be its name?


Lel I thought it was Amorphis album at first

The Greatest Band That Ever Lived

Why is metal so unbearably white?

>i-i-i use it so it's n-not nobody, h-hah!!


hummed the chuggy one from LCD in like .5 seconds so hum on my nuts fuckboi

who NVKLEAR here?

you mean "implicitly white"

Why do you hum with my cum in your mouth dickchugger

>image macro memes


Why is classical so unbearably white?
Oh right, it takes a European mind to craft and appreciate it

you forgot your pic

Is that Geroge from Deafheaven?

Give me some more castle-core.

Literally the year of the cock

Happy Birthday user

memetal edition

>tfw pic related is you

Sorry dude, Dark Metal is as much an accepted name and as much a real style as DSBM or brutal tech death or post-thrash. Not liking it won't make it go away.

it's been more than 20 years and symphonic metal still haven't topped this album

I don't need to make it go away, it literally isn't even here. It never will be. It doesn't exist on any reputable website. It's a pathetic meme for pathetic memesters with bad taste
like you

>not Therion

>non-normie corset-core

>maybe if I cover my ears and go LALALALA


>Therion being better than Bal-Sagoth
>ever liking Therion in the first place

>this is gonna be huge! this is like "black metal" all over again! we're gonna be the next venom!

Hate this meme but it's not wrong. That album sounded like nothing, yet everyone praised the everloving shit out of it. Zero idea where this notion of it being this good is coming from

>symphonic metal

So user what does cock taste like?

give me some endmylife-core

>It worked for venom so it works for everyone else

metal-archives.com/search/advanced/searching/bands?bandName=&genre="dark metal"&country=&yearCreationFrom=&yearCreationTo=&bandNotes=&status=&themes=&location=&bandLabelName=#bands
>inb4 "reputable website"
>inb4 no true scotsman
>inb4 "it's still a meme"
>inb4 "not an argument"
>inb4 autistic ragequit

Vovin and Theli are GOAT fag

What're you faggots slamming your dicks to?

post /metal/ related MILFs

Reminds me of that Chthe'ilist album

i love both desu
none is metal tho

>M E T A L A R C H I V E S

HAHAHAH that's it i'm done hahaha


Apparently whites are the only ones capable of anything more advanced than basic song construction.

The third best Gothemburg album

>inb4 autistic ragequit

>no true scotsman
>le "no argument" meme
>autistic ragequit
Why are you so predictable?


No one has been able to replicate summoning that isn't already a meme. Emyn muil and caladan brood are the closest you'll get to summonkng, but I'm sure everyone has either waved them off as imposters or listened to those bands dead already

trips = checked

Why are Deafheaven hated but Alcest respected? Because they came first and Neige played with Peste Noire?


Also Alcest's first EP and LP are actually GOOD

2 The Jester Race
1 The Gallery?

Don't tell me I'm about to have to explain to your dumb ass all the problems with this website....


Not in the right circles they aren't.

You avidly visit Metalsucks, don't you?

Le secret and Souvenirs?

Metalsucks is the most jewish piece of shit site.

the one that goes

BEE-Doo duggadugga Bee-doo duggadugga bee-doo duggadugga

oh wait that's all their riffs

>the right circles
Like ANUS? Kek

it's just a database

>be retard
>"inb4 you're retarded"
>"haha you're so predictable"
congratulations self fulfilling retard

>basic bitch can't into prog thrash

not him and the database is helpful but the forums are godawful

Do it faggot

is just mad that his coreshit bands aren't on there

This'll be gold, explain to everyone what's wrong with Metallum

what is the best Sodom album?

>you think dark metal is a meme therefore you like coreshit
Argument weak like your dick game.


This. That thread about graveland vs antifa like last month or so just served to remind me how unapologetically pc and leftist the forums are. People and mods actually siding with antifa and their bullshit. Just go to NWN for music recs

>A few of the bands which have been given the dark metal label include Bethlehem, Black Sabbath,[15] Slayer,[6] Megadeth,[6] Alice in Chains,[16] Anthrax,[6] Judas Priest,[2] Evergrey,[17] Tool,[18] Iron Maiden,[2] Paradox,[19] Kekal,[20] and Virgin Black.[21]


>antiFA metalheads
Holy shit talk about cucked.

>but the forums are godawful
Name 1 (one) good forum about metal music
pro-tip: you can't

This pretty much, the sites is really useful but the community is cancer

Same wiith RYM

>metal is about freedom, self-expression and resentment of authority

Amino :^^^^^^)

>being about freedom, self-expression and resentment of authority
Jesus you're like a little child.
Hey I need a laugh, tell me your thoughts on Castro.

I'm not sure if it was in that same thread, I think it was, but two members started arguing about male and female rights or something like that and a mod came in and instead of warning both of them for being off-topic he just gave warnings to the one defending male rights.
they are so biased it's not even funny.

>I can't read

>not fascist
>then you a stalinist commie cuck cuck cuck!!!!!


Brave of you to admit that, bud.

>user triggered the commies

This is the tipper gore notion that by listening to it, you become it. Are you going to with old rap albums from teenagers because they might go out and do the shit in the songs? Are you in favor of censoring acts that fall under free speech but don't align with you?

Shit man, are you axel Rosenburg by any chance??

every time i listen to this I love the samples more and more

in the sign of evil

I swear I'm getting embarrassed by how easy this is
t. pokedragonball wearing, anime watching, dark metal memeing, alt-right rebuking god

GTFO newfag

how have we reached a point where if you're not X you're automatically Y

either Persecution Mania, Agent Orange or Tapping The Vein for me, although they have lots of other well liked albums like M-16

>how have we reached a point where if you're not X you're automatically Y
50 to 100 years of identity politics being pushed by leftists

>50 to 100 years of demonizing anyone who isn't a white Christian by the right