Ask a bored Subway employee anything

Ask a bored Subway employee anything

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Where do you work?

My shift started 2 hrs ago and I've barely made 5 sandwiches. Any distraction helps

Where do you work?

Rub the rostbeff on your nips

Is the tuna fish sub a better fuck than a mcchicken?

where do u work

Kristy, go back to work

Do you judge people based on what they order?

is this u


never again

Objectively yes. But after making the tuna I cannot stomach eating it.

So damn close. Also this is work, I get paid to play on my phone



subway is the balls

purposely i order a double meatball marinara untoasted with everything on it so it's sloppy as fuck and nearly impossible to wrap at the register

Call me and ask me anything 6023968010

Yes. I am very anti-fat so when hamplanets come in and order footlongs with extra ranch and a fuck ton of bacon I am cringing on the inside. I enjoy asking them if they want cookies or chips because of course they want cookies or chips.


Were do you work?

You're horrible, but it's ppl like you that keep me entertained during a slow shift tho. I had a guy tell me to put "a disgusting amount of Chipotle" on his sandwich. I emptied half the bottle before he was happy.



were do you work?

Have u ever been to subway?

Where do you work ?

If we knew what you did to the food, would you eat it?

What unhygienic stuff do you do to it?

You know that is there a sandwiches franchise called subway?

>were do you work?
>We're do you work?

*would WE eat it?

Do you Like working At waySub?

Thanks for answering.
What do you usually order if you eat at work?

this is my order every time:
Pizza sub on flatbread, toasted, foot-long.
lettuce, tomato, onions, green peppers, jalapenos.
w/ sweet onion & mayo.

I don't usually get a drink because I typically have water with me and it's a lot of food.

But not gonna lie, I get chips and drink half the time. depending on how hungry I am.

I used to order the same thing in a wrap, but I'm enjoying food without giving a shit lately.

What is safe to eat and what is not?

Where do u work at?

i never 8 there :^)

Do u ever spit in anyone's food?

i never 8 there :^) rr

What does BMT stand for?


FYI, I fucking love subway.



Big Moist Tits

do you like working in Subway, plan on working there for a while

do subway employees drug cops any chance they get or is it when they think they wont get caught?

Who do you work with?
How much experience do you have?
Do you ever know what's going to come through that door?

What job/career would you rather have?

Your gloves are way to big for everyone and and you line cheese terribly. They are triangle, put together they should make a rectangle to fit the break instead you line them side my side like the Egyptian horizon. It's not right

A few things. We wash our hands before handling the raw bread but never put on gloves. We also occasionally touch the cooked bread with our bare (hopefully washed) hands. I have dropped bread on the ground before and just wiped it off... like two loaves but still. I also have dropped meat on the ground and kept the meat piled on top and just threw away the stuff in contact with the floor.

Also we don't throw anything out when it passes it's date, usually the date kept is complete BS and the food can be safely kept a day or two after.

I never have eaten any chips since working here. Not one bag, I have a sweet tooth and will eat a cookie a day usually, sometimes two and on a bad night I'll do three.

My usual sub is a subway club with cheddar toasted, with lettuce spinach tomato onion green pepper and salt+pepper no sauce. Tasty. Sometimes I switch it up and do the steak instead, and when I do the steak I might put a line of chipotle. I also like the new Chicken Caesar Melt.

If you're so bored why don't you ask me a question? Start a fight for all I care.

Which one of your coworkers do you hate?

It's all processed to the nth degree and thawed from frozen, so it would be difficult to spoil the food. Some veggies and sliced fresh so watch out for any nasty looking veggies.


Bigger, meatier, tastier I think

Yeah I used to work at Wendy's and that job is was more work. I'm in college but need 30 hrs a week to live, so the chiller the job the better. Here I play on my phone most nights, I make tips, and my boss rewards me with coffee gift cards (tho he would reward me with weed if I smoked it, he does that for a few crew members lol)

You're raspberry cheesecake cookies are so underrated. If I worked there I would eat the raw dough all day. Also veggie delight with everything in flatbread xtra sweet Italian sauce

Big, Meaty, Tasty yo.

What's your favorite fast food place to eat?

That's a bunch of bs

My boss is a gay stoner and the next two senior members of the team are lesbian stoners. After that is a hamplanet and qt pie who work less hours than me, they are roommates with one of the lesbian stoners. It's overall a cool crew.

I have 4 years in fast food (16 yo to 20 yo) and a few months here. Most nights are slow but if a bus walks in I am never stressed cuz I been in fast food too long. I work by myself most nights, from 5 to 10 or 11.

I'm in school to be a software engineer.

user. You absolutely must make a steak sub with chili on it.
Life doesn't get much better, sadly.

I like the italian bmt with jalapenos and spicy mustard. Due you get sick of the Jared jokes?

How many times have you gotten yelled at for putting 4 olive slices on a six inch?

Satan demands an answer

Not OP, but as an artist if your manager yells at you for this they need to seriously fuck off.
It's cool to tell workers to go easy on them, but some people come in there wanting half a cambro of fucking olives and 3/4 a bottle of mayo.
I hate those teenage girls, because it's always teenage girls.

That's not a question you dumb nigger you have to put do before it, just having a question mark doesn't make it a question

Dont you hate that. You probably take advanced calculus and then some chick trying to impress her friends or having an off day comes in and tries to himuliate you. Shit used to happen at a&p "no i wanted 3 and four quarters of ham, that s 3 and 3.8. Fuck off, thinky our cool just because you can use fractions.

At our store everyone has baby hands, so my boss only orders small. He's the only guy and he has tiny hands, when I got on I told him I need medium or large cuz I have manhands and yet he still don't order larger sizes. Also I alternate my cheese.

You ever stick your dick in customers sandwiches?

Will you put cyanide or rat poison on my sandwich if I request it?

I actually got the coworker I hated fired. She was lazy and would just constantly eat and never do work until the last minute, and she would try to push her work on everyone else or else she'd stay late. She straight robbed the company with her constant eating and late hours so I got everyone to report her every time she fucked up after warning her several times and she got canned lol.

For curren coworkers, my least fav is the hamplanet just because of her fatlogic. She told me she was stressed and would probably gain weight despite not eating that day. Wtf

So where do you work?

Raw dough is frozen and not pleasant to eat. I always get either a chocolate chip or cheesecake. I will only get the cheesecake if it slightly undercooked tho because those are the best.

Subway because it is free. Not counting my work, Taco Bell because cheesy bean and rice burritos are only $1. Or if I get to choose any place Five Guys because mushrooms yo.

this. I worked at a Subway in high school. to prepare the tuna you have to that along with an industrial sized bag of mayonnaise into a bowl and mix it with your hands.
I'd refrain from ordering it too because a lot of employees will put something in it.

>a customer before closing came in and asked for tuna on her sandwich
>politely tell her that we dont have any tuna out and she'll have to come back tomorrow
>asks in bitchy suburban mom voice to go make more
>spit in tuna while in back.
>serve her food with a suspicious smile on my face
>put the rest of the tuna in the fridge
>same tuna was used the next day

Chili from where? We don't have chili and my Subway.

Never heard anyone mention Jared at my Subway. We also don't have deli mustard...

I don't fuckin play that game. I start with half a small handful and then put the rest on at request. If my boss is around I will put a decent pinch of olives on and more at request. Never had a complaint.


You're a real piece of shit.
If you do this to food you have to imagine that other people do it to your food.
Don't fucking do that shit.

I have a vagina, so no.

Yeah because IDGAF I am about those tips. I wrote asshole on a sandwich wrap one time because the guy asked me to.

Yeah I would never but one of my coworkers probably would. Also when shit falls in the tuna you just stir it.

TITS OR GTFO. Also how old are you?

Yeah, could you get me a 12 inch honey oat turkey please?

tits or gtfo you fucking nigger

Not OP. I wouldn't recommend the honey oat.
It's one of the less popular types (at my store)and often times we find loaves with mold on them (it only takes about a day).
Yes, we do make bread every day, two or three times a day, but that doesn't mean we're going to throw everything out in the morning.
If we catch the mold we toss it, but let's face it, the wheat bread kind of camouflages the mold.


21, and no tits

Quit ordering Honey Oat at night because there's a good chance I don't have it and I don't want your salty ass giving me grief. Get the wheat and put some Honey Mustard on it for all I care.

Overall the hygiene doesn't sound too bad then, I thought you were gonna say you spit in the food or something

Why do you think you deserve $15 an hour when it takes you 20 minutes to make 2 fucking sandwiches and don't understand "everything but tomatoes "?

I love Subway...except for when the employee comments on my sandwich. I get the buffalo chicken....but I keep it cold, not toasted not microwaved. I eat it cold. They are always like OMG gross, it's cold. I tell them it's cooked and it's good. You ever get any weird request like this?

kill yourself then

>as an artist
Yeaahhh sure niggerfaggot
