You Americans seriously aren't going to elect a Nazi into office right...

You Americans seriously aren't going to elect a Nazi into office right? Tell me you are joking when you say you are voting for Trump

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No. We will elect a Queen.


Oh wow Trump is a Nazi? I guess he's got my vote then.

wtf i love trump now

Man Trump doesn't know the fucking difference. He probably thinks Hitler is a fictional character and can't even spell "Nazi".

wtf??? he's gonna kill mexicans and muslims and probably jews (as in my OP pic) the country will be destroyed

Salty. The only thing lower than your self esteem is Trump's poll numbers.

Whats the problem?

The only joke on this thread is your dad's condom. It broke.

Idiots on Sup Forums who support Trump aren't old enough to vote.

Idiots in the rest of America on the other hand...

>tfw Hillary memes

Such low energy low quality. Weak. Absolutely no strength whatsoever. It's sad really just sad.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
You can't have a clan purely dedicated towards the advancement of Islamic doctrine.
I don't know who you are recruiting for, but this is a freedom-loving forum and we will fight against any incursion by outside forces,
no matter the strength. We will, as patriotic citizens, stand against any hate that you or your Muslim brothers may spread.
Go back to whatever 6th century shithole you envy, and stay there, as it's all that you pitiful hate mongerors deserve.

trump is a legitimate candidate for president
it passed joke status months ago

I gotta say, with Hillary being such an evil genius it'll be fun to watch conservatives wig out in Terror when she's elected.

>Run to the hills! Ardra is coming!

While Hillary has been responsible for 4 deaths in Benghazi. Get the fuck off Sup Forums, newfag.

WOW! Muslims and Mexicans included??? I wiuld have settled for Jews but ALL OF THOSE? If he adds niggers this country will literally become a Utopia! I'm sold.

Trump 2016

youre fucking evil fuck trump

It's going to be fantastic. Trump already knows he is done, that's why he started to float the cheating accusations.

It's fucking fantastic.

If we get to throw the Jews in the camps with the Mexicans, I'll vote for him twice!

no, im pretty sure the americans actually want to elect a nazi

People who support Hillary are either:
Feminists or SJWs
People who hate America
or are Islamists

Someone should do an investigation and bring her before congress to testify. Republicans are so smart they'll nail her to the wall!

No, we want to elect a reality star. The slow revelations on his Nazi leanings is why his polls are in the toilet.

>People who support Hillary are either:
>Feminists or SJWs
>People who hate America

Or they just lack the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

>being this guy

I'd love to fuck Trump but he's gonna be way too busy roasting all the degenerates! I hope we finally get the balls to attack that pathetic excuse for a country Canada. They'd probably apologize for not surrendering earlier.

Nope, fuck you. Go blow up a church.

gtfo shill

>implying that's a bad thing.

Fuck yes.
Sick of the bullshit.
Fire the ovens!

Aren't the Nazis losers?

Heh, idiotic shill, claiming Trump supporters are mentally ill? That's a pretty big fucking claim there kid, where's your proof? You don't have any. Blow your brains out.

Rather that than a lying fucking cunt that doesn't give two shits about the people or the country. I honestly hope someone kills that cunt. I will have a party and create a defense fund for them.


Sup Forums is antisemitic because jews are richer and get more pussy than them thats why they love drumpf

Well the red hats are pretty big indicator. It's autism on Furry levels to all have matching head gear.

>same FBI who's statistics they use to prove guns aren't bad and niggers are deadly

Sound logic.

Trump is Pro-Israel, and he wishes to end the conflicts between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Trump telling a pro Israel crowd he can't be bought has literally no fucking subliminal message in there. He has told other crowds he can't be bought either. You're the ones enforcing these negative stereotypes about Jewish people.
and on top of all that: Nazism is a LEFT WING ideology.

Someone who wears a red hat has autism? What the fuck kind of logic is this?

>and on top of all that: Nazism is a LEFT WING ideology.
>preservation of culture above all
>reject of foreign ideas

Sure is left-wing.

>Heh, idiotic shill, claiming Trump supporters are mentally ill?

Trump supporters believe things like Hillary deliberately killed Benghazi soldiers, deliberately sold national secrets or something, and has had people murdered to advance her career. They believe Trump is going to deport millions of people and that Mexico will pay for a wall which they think he really plans to build. They also believe he's actually a conservative, despite his myriad liberal comments and positions documented in print and video going back decades.

But no no, you're right. Trump supporters have all their marbles.


You're an idiot.


What's funny is that with no indicator of which candidate you're talking about, you can say this for either one.

Maybe us trump supporters are just tired of the bullshit status quo, and want to see the whole system torn apart. Let's let it all burn.

Socialism, discrimination against races, big government, religion outlawed.

Very left wing.

Jews tend to have blacks fuck the pussy.

Sound logic there, you belong on tumblr.

Benghazi was a clusterfuck. We all know it, not witch hunting.Grow the fuck up.

>Heh, idiotic shill, claiming Trump supporters are mentally ill?

They also apparently believe that there's an FBI conspiracy to prop up Clinton.

> (You)
>>same FBI who's statistics they use to prove guns aren't bad and niggers are deadly
>Sound logic.

>liberals call colin kaepernick patriotic for not standing for pledge exercising his 1st amendment right
>trump is a racist bigot for doing the same

I'm not voting but if I did is definitely vote trump because he has the balls too say what he believes is right and is not just a figure head for big business and the right is far less hypocritical and annoying

Go to Sup Forums faggot. They'll set you straight if you're still this stupid

I thought Nazis were socialists.

Then go vote for Gary Johnson and enjoy never having cops or firemen to call

>discrimination against races
Great bait.

>Big government
When has small government ever worked in the history of the world? The US Government was huge when we beat those German fucks and their Japanese rat fucks

>religion outlawed
Sure, let's go full Saudi Arabia then.

You believe that Hillary has done nothing wrong despite the vast loads of leaks and emails proving otherwise. You also believe she's a queen and a good woman, yet all of her ex secret service agents says she is a stone cold bitch.

Yeah, you think we're real crazy don't you.

Her campaign has run out of steam though. She came out of hiding to give a speech tying together Trump, internet trolls, Nigel Farage, the KKK, and Vladimir Putin into some grand Russian-fueled conspiracy theory to take over America and hurt people's feelings. Or something like that. By early October she'll be trailing by 10 points, you heard it here.

>Benghazi was a clusterfuck. We all know it, not witch hunting.Grow the fuck up.

You're right; it was a clusterfuck. The House should have funded better security for Benghazi, but deliberately declined to do so. Clusterfuck indeed. Someone should vote out those republicans.

Then you need to vote.

9/11 was Clinton's fault also.

So was Pearl Harbor, that cunt.

I wasn't gonna vote for Trump before, but now with all of this evidence of him being a Nazi that you're showing me he has my vote for sure.

>all of her ex secret service agents says she is
Literally fucking rats.

Why do you give credence to rats?

>You believe that Hillary has done nothing wrong despite the vast loads of leaks and emails proving otherwise.

No, I believe Republicans have been crying shitwolf over clinton for 25 years and still haven't actually proved she's committed any serious bad acts.

>You also believe she's a queen and a good woman, yet all of her ex secret service agents says she is a stone cold bitch.

No, I believe she's a shrewd old lady who will have an utterly uneventful presidency.

>missing the point of that literal scene

Is Trump pining to become a Vampire King?

My vote doesn't matter the electoral college would never let trump win

How mad are the Republicans that Anthony Weiner wasn't married to Hillary?

Trump favorite colour is blue.

"Then go vote for Gary Johnson and enjoy never having cops or firemen to call"
Capitalist systems can still have police forces and fire departments without the country being socialist. When has socialism worked? Ever? Nazi germany fell too.

"Great bait"
Legitimate fact that left wing government tried to destroy a whole race of people.

"When has small government ever worked in the history of the world? The US Government was huge when we beat those German fucks and their Japanese rat fucks"


"religion outlawed"
North Korea and Soviet Russia were perfect in your eyes I presume.

>Trump accepted defeat when he sold the lie of a rigged election

I know a bunch of Bernie supporters that are so pissed they are voting for trump

The same reason why you give any credence to the most corrupt U.S candidate in history.

thank you for correcting the response, schlomo

She's married to Bill, isn't that bad enough?

You mad?


Holy shit you're fucking stupid

>the country will be destroyed
Oh shit! You should run around in a circle flailing your arms and screaming so people understand how serious the situation is.

Then did they really support Bernie, or do they just dislike women?

Go to tumblr, retard, Sup Forums is for Trump supporters. You literally have the rest of the internet.

Bush sucked too.

Gary Johnson is the only viable candidate

>he has the balls too say what he believes

Which is funny because he contradicts himself constantly. Almost like he doesn't actually think well enough to maintain a cogent set of beliefs.

No wonder Republicans love the guy.

Sup Forums has always been communists / anti government

trump doesn't belong here

Trump isn't even funny anymore. He's gone full cringe when he opens his mouth.

LOL People still buy this shit?

It's was congresses fault. They cut funding to security.

Hillary was just an easy scapegoat so congress men could get reelected and not blamed.

He probably didn't mean it's literally rigged he probably meant everyone's against him which is pretty true considering the entire media left and right shit bashes him on the daily

>guy falls in love with qt blonde
>he makes a bunch of stupid statements
>"I'm a Jew!"
>meets her later, ultimate beta cuck
>she gets killed, he pretends to be King Nazi
>ultimately, becomes a bitchboy to the Vampires to be beta'd throughout the books

Yeah, the Nazi's were so great. It's ok, we'll edit the clip to make it seem like he was the badass who killed a woman.


Then why does he oppose abortion and support ditching free trade agreements?

Hillary Clinton has contradicted herself on almost every position she's had. No wonder dumbocrats like yourself love her.

I wasn't for him when he went after blacks and mexicans. But jews? If he's willing to nuke Israel I will vote for him in all the precincts I'm registered to vote in.

Are you really gonna argue with a time traveler?

This guy is fucking heated so bad, the Kyoto Accords made him illegal.

This would be true if viable ment no chance in hell.

Even Libertarians hate that milquetoast.

Good point.
All we really need is a nuclear war,a good one. Full scale no holds barred.
Then I could quit my job and play fallout for real.

Don't get me wrong. Fuck Hillary.

But it was only 2 email's and they where classified after the fact.

I wouldn't vote for her cause she is two faced scum.

>Sup Forums has always been communists


chan has always been communists / anti government

That's literally impossible, communism requires a totalitarian state to make a communist society possible. Really though, this website is full of Nazis.