Sacred Bones

Best albums from this record label?

Stop shilling your employer, asshole.

Jenny Hval's probably my favourite artist. Looking forward to their 2017 output

>He doesn't know Sacred Bones

Get some taste pleb

Of course I know Sacred Bones but I also know that one of their employees actively shills them on here. Seriously, when do you ever see record label threads on here? Close to never. Regardless, they (proabably you) already admitted to shilling so stfu.

Anything by Jenny Hval and Marissa Nadler is great. Marching Church, Exploded View, Psychic Ills, Pop. 1280, Blanck Mass, and Rose McDowall are all also pretty good. The Eraserhead OST, too.

Honestly, it's a pretty great label

I wish they had more artists. Also, they could do away with some artists I simply don't care for. Moon Duo, I'm looking at you.


seriously I could just go down their entire roster and never hear a bad record

eagerly anticipate each album to drop so I can pick it up on vinyl

Sacred Bones is overrated bullshit. They have maybe 3 decent releases.


What releases?


me too

usually I even buy two

one for play and the other display

LPs by Blanck Mass, Pharmakon & Lust for Youth.

No need for endless poorly recorded garage bands. And their Death-Rock compilations suck.

I find it really odd how Sacred Bones gets shit on so much on Sup Forums.

The first death rock comp was great, fuck you.

That would be artists, not releases.

Also lel. There's way better stuff on there.

Hardly. It's just that an intern of theirs likes to shill them here so people drop in and give their honest opinion.

t. Sacred Bones intern

Do you even read before replying? I said the LPs by those three bands. Not singles, not EPs. LPs.

And there's nothing better. Even Psychich Ills released a shit album with them.

t. pleb

marching church is pretty good

t. Sacred Bones intern

I liked New Moon too

Yeah, I can concede to that being god tier but Sacred Bones is still boring.

>Do you even read before replying? I said the LPs by those three bands. Not singles, not EPs. LPs
You said releases. Also there's more than three LPs between them on Sacred Bones.

>And there's nothing better.
Jenny Hval, Marissa Nadler, Marching Church. The rest of the stuff on:

Well now that someone from Sacred Bones is back again shilling their employer, any of you got the new Marching Church album?

>names the new releases

Go away intern.

>when do you ever see record label threads on here


I'm on here all day and never see threads solely dedicated to a record label aside from these Sacred Bones in the last month or so.


I wasn't naming releases, I was naming artists, except for the Eraserhead soundtrack I guess.


If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

It's a meme label

No mention of Zola Jesus, Gary War, or Var yet? Cmon Sup Forums

t. that user

Not all of us are white enough to be interns at Sacred Bones. c'mon user.

(((white))) enough


Jagjaguwar is better and that's saying a lot