What the hell does a producer even do?

What the hell does a producer even do?


no one knows

For hip-hop they make the beats. For other shit they either do nothing, or help guide the sound. Like The Woods was as much as a Dave Fridmann album as it was a Sleater-Kinney one

>help guide the sound.

what the fuck does that mean?

I generally see them compared to directors for movies. Producers seem to basically direct the recording of the music (and operating the sound recording equipment), both of the artist themselves and of the session musicians, based on how the artist wrote the songs. They also book the studio time and stuff like that. That's the general impression I get from various people explaining it to me.

Like said, in hip hop and other forms of electronic music, the producer is the person actually making the music/beats, but in pop and rock music they're mainly in charge of the recording process.

Nigga how autistic are you.

>operating the sound recording equipment

don't engineers do that? also what the fuck does a mixer do and why is it different from what the others do?

I think mixing is a different step than recording. So it would go recording (I've also seen it be called tracking) -> mixing -> mastering

And maybe you're right that engineers operate the equipment or maybe they and the producers work together. I'm just going off what I've read and have had explained to me, I don't have any first hand knowledge of this kind of thing.

No you idiot. THIS is how it's done

>Pre-recording session > Post recording > Track recording > pre track recording > pre mix > post mix > final mix > master mix pre > final mix > mastering

Are there people on Sup Forums who SERIOUSLY don't know these things?

They take the sound waves and guide them to your ears.

Producer unfortunately can mean a variety of different things and isn't really a specific term in any way. The producer role can sometimes be almost the central role in certain albums and sometimes it can barely be anything beyond a person who helps fund or facilitate the creation of the album.

Imagine like a movie director but for music


the producer is essentially the bands babysitter and the record labels are the parents

In the case of The Woods, they ruin the album by compressing it until it's mostly clipping.


only the producers know what they are and they all think something different

what about guys like brian wilson? someone like that goes beyond way beyond what you're saying

in rock music, the producer has creative input similar to the band, except that they don't play any instrument. so they just stand around in the studio and be like

>tune the snare drum higher
>play that part faster
>use a different guitar amp

Joan Joan Jett
Passed out on
The fucking set
Can't you seeee