Listening to music in the car with my brother

>listening to music in the car with my brother
>playing some normie shit, his music
>eventually play sleep by godspeed you! black emperor
>entire time is silent
>17 minutes in
>"hey this sounds like mumford and sons!"

Other urls found in this thread:

>listening to godspeed in the car

>be in car with people.
>uhh connect to the Bluetooth you can dj.
>no it's fine we can just listen to your music.

That's when you play the most whacked out shit possible

Kek. Suggestions?

I hogged the aux throughout a 10 hour long roadtrip and only played godspeed you black emperor, Grimes and solstafir.
Gotta make them learn somehow.

this is pasta

>be in car
>pleb in car with me
>put on ultra partrish music
>pleb does pleb thing because he not partition enough to have good partion taste

>in car
>"put something on user"
>put on geogaddi
>sound system in car is awfully set up
>practically only hear the drums
>"user what's this"

>he listens to anything but classic butt rock on a car trip

do you hate fun?

>be in car with a grill
>second date
>put on some pink moon
>"user this is so sad, could you please put something else on?"

the death grips

whoa, too much

she's right though

i do this but no one likes it

yeah, we didn't date again

You are supposed to play something fun if you are riding with someone, no one wants to listen 15min long industrial no wave tracks

>feeleing sad it's not fun
yeah I guess people watch dramas because they are all retarded

how are people this socially retarded

why is there so many autists like this on Sup Forums?

kek i hate that

this is worse though:

>'i don't have any music on my phone, can i use yours'

there's no way you can weasel your way out of that one without coming off as if you've got something to hide. i do have embarrassing or very weird shit on my phone i wouldn't even want my closest friends to see.


>being secretive about your passions
truly the weakest race

>listening to Bombay Bicycle Club
>wigger friend of mine show's up
>says "God I hate Techno."

I threw him out.

People don't realize the joy of doing this. My friend asked me to play something cool like Portugal the Man so I put this on

He didn't say anything for about 30 seconds then looked at me and we both started laughing so hard he had to pull over. If you play something weird you can just say it's a joke. Like obviously I didn't expect him to like it but it was funny

If jazz is improvised, and it usually features many different musicians, how can it be published under the name of only one of the musicians?

fuck I meant to post this as an OP

Don't be so sad. So what if your brother compares them to an artist that you don't like. I'm assuming that he likes the song, and that's what matters most, right?

What is the best music to play on a car ride? I'd say Wu Tang.

I do this with with my friend when i find dumb shit on Sup Forums


>hanging out with friends playing vidya
>host of the house suggests we play music
>nobody brought their phones but me
>plug it in and remember I jacked off before coming here
>all they could hear is Riley Reid saying "Big Black Cock" and moaning



every time i see a post with a jontron reaction picture, i read that post in his voice

>have houseparty
>make a really good playlist that transitions well and fills out the entire night
>"yeah user your music makes us all sleepy, let's just listen to youtube"

are you saying jazz is BAD to listen to in the car with friends?

>be in car back to uni with a friend
>Hey you heard this new album?
>Albums pretty good
>Hey you heard this new album?
>I like this album too

Just don't have pleb friends.

>playing music that requires your attention and quiet introspection to someone in a car

>blasting anything except young thug in your car


very good

>in car
>everyone's high
>on motorway
>play oxygen by swans
>driver goes insane
>starts bombing down the motorway
>nearly died
>worth it



>listening to music in the car with my brother
>playing some normie shit, his music
>eventually play dead flag blues by godspeed you! black emperor
>car bursts into flames

Dave the butcher by tom waits

>mom visitting from the country, i'm showing her around the city ive moved to
>turn up radio
>she only listens to pop country
>forget I left my ariel pink cd in my car
>she actually likes it, says it reminds her of music from when she was in high school

you shouldn't have left the wheel

Austrian Death Machine

In our case, is this or dying alone

Be in car with my family
Get weird looks for rest of the drive from mom and dad

user. I had never heard of this band, I decided to give it a try. I love it, thank you user.


>that music taste
If you ever need emotional support, feel free to talk
