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Have you ever felt like a lie was so powerful, you couldn't face it?

I would prefer to see her knee pits


i meant im nayoung but gugudan nayoung is cute too


kpop more like kpoop


post idols that are under 40kg

This album is the GOAT along with The Red




are you trying to bankrupt me? 1 lime button is the best i can do

nice try

Depends if we're counting the new baby bump or not


post seolhyun feet

if we are talking about Lime I'm only interested in her feet

no way she's had sex before

BebSol time?

I can see why, they're incredibly charismatic

i still can't believe cheer up won soty, they literally devalued that award by giving into the shashasha meme


best butt in kpop

Not even the best VIXX

it's the worst song ever made

so fertile

are they? post them so I could judge myslef

I get you

Look up the meaning of the term SOTY, chingu

consider it done

nice feet

shashasha was never even fucking funny, i had no fucking idea what was going on when i woke up and it was suddenly a meme, i liked twice at the time too but i just had no idea what was memetic about it, twiceshitters' sense of humor is so bad they really need to leave

what do you think your waifu is doing right now?

Ever since she's been exposed. I can't look at momo the same way. She literally went from 9/10 to 2/10. The tragedy

students of the year?


are """""""""""""""""we"""""""""""""""""" hyped?

But 99% of girls are busted without make up and shit

cubclub still around?

getting fucked by zico

maybe it has something to do with the fact that the rest of the song is so underwhelming

I don't understand this meme


our highest ratings girls

nice feet

>webm related

eunha is objectively one of the best idols from the new gen


post kpops that look smelly (Cub and Jihyo have been posted so that's a good start)


I remember the very first time I heard it I thought it was irritating as fuck

Oh definitely, just look at her

pretty much all of twice dbh

chanmi always looks like she doesn't shower

thought this was chungha

Smelly of what? That they dont shower?



I'm gonna vomit

where's that button

Who were your top 3 from first seeing the gee mv? Even as a kpop ignorant at the time you'd have to have favourites

looking back mine were Yuri, Tiffany and Taeyeon in that order but something about put frog in front

people who own cats are always clean

TT > Oh ah > Like a fool > every other Twice song > Chorrop


dude, i couldn't even tell them apart when i first saw gee


Dogs are godtier pets. Cats are shit

check on your belly
yous should have one there

yuri's cute hat tho

yul, seo and tae

Same, even Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun said they looked similar enough to be triplets.

seolhyun look smelly the first time i saw her
i bet she reeks of spilled soda on a garbage

>Even as a kpop ignorant at the time you'd have to have favourites
Lol no see

i have a dog and i haven't showered in 4 days

>if you keep repeating something, eventually it'll become true

>4 days

Casual, I haven't showered this year

she's too pretty to be stinky

this here is the best Twice song


Exterminate yourself out of this earth

sun seo yoo


is this mina's dog that has the ability to overpower her at anytime?

>like a fool
good song desu

any other kpop song like this?

Sunny because I could tell who she was

Twice's bets song is like saying have a shit sundae

SeolHyun looked hot as fuck today.

do i finish to sinb or eunha?

im panting bros help me

agree except one in a million instead of like a fool

this was my 2nd favourite twice song until TT came out

dahye always looks squeaky clean


okay, guess i'll just get memed on... again..

Beastiality is not accepted even in the deep web

more like belongs in the trash

that's easymode, try babysoul

here's your (You)
you seem like you really want it