Which would you choose?

Which would you choose?
>all jews die
>all muslims die

Because they full of sand.

There are 1,2 BILLION muslims
While there are only around 10 MILLION jews in the world
So i would choose islam withouth a doubt. But if i had the chance to spare some, i would spare Shia muslims (15% of the worlds muslims)

all Jews because they are jews

easily muslims, holy shit how is this a question

at least jews make useful fuckin shit

Exactly. Muslims haven't contributed anything since like the 1200s

but cause all the problems in the world , without jews there would be peace on earth

According to conspiracy theorists. Post evidence.

Jews, then all this third world immigration into White countries would stop and we can send all the darkies back home!

news flash darkies run the world, you lost that war long ago

Definitely Muslims.

Jews. Anyone who doesn't say 'Jews' is blue-pilled as fuck. Muslims are just useful idiots to the Jews. Once we get rid of Jews, we can EASILY get rid of Muslims.

Why are mutant butts attacking that baby?

Ok but ,,, but how do we get rid of the real problem?
Faggot white punk ass internet trolls?
They are everywhere with their little dicks, sun burning skin, mental issues where they think they are a woman, incestral relations with every cousin they can get a hand on, the highest rate of autistic kids in the world, the absolute compulsion to be fucking cucks, and the retard mind frame to believe woman actually want them beyond their money. Only to find out the guy is a faggot gay fag. How do we stop these weaklings ?

>16 years old: The Post

Why not both?


Jews saving money counters inflation

This guy gets it.

I'd sooner kill all white liberals.

so you want barbaric sand niggers chopping heads off

Muslims. It would reduce overpopulation by an insane degree and eliminate a savage culture in one shot.

>not killing all niggers

i would get rid of all juice, water is healthier anyway

>highest rate of autistic kids in the world
No! - Highest rate of DIAGNOSED autistic kids in the world. Because a poor person is not going to bring their kids to a doctor if they are shy or pay little attention in class. Good poor parents everywhere just beat good manners and submission into their kids.
> How do we stop these weaklings ?
These worthless weaklings still grow up to be successful and productive members of society. They contribute according to there abilities when they get there.
Muslims however are a destructive force on the planet, take their religion to serious and have not added to the combined human knowledge in over 800 years.
So I vote for Sandniggers.

> being jewish
> having depression
> beeing suicidal

pretty easy pick, muslims of course

clear the muslims.
reactivate the nazis

your last two paragraphs contradict eachother, good one faggot


How about we just go back and time and burn the Old Testament before it got popular, that should take care of all of them.
>not realizing Christians are every bit as horrible



>black people think they can't get sun burnt

That's what Bob Marley DIED from. Believe it or not, a little extra melanin does not block all the harmful radiation that the sun puts out.




>all muslims die

Why not just take out all of the Abrahamic religions? They're all fucked.


Fucking both

Muslims, they breed faster

Yeah, man. The Christian will fuck you just as hard as the Jew or Muslim. They're all cancer.

Christianity has a lot more power and followers

There really aren't many Jews left on the planet, and Muslim extremists don't make it over to the US often. Christians are definitely the worst over here.

No doubt. Christians in the US are way worse than Muslims and Jews. But I have no love for any of them.

easy, muslims

that took me a second but I literally LOL'd

I can't unsee the asshole now.

as of today, Islam is the greater threat to society, so ez choice



All Muslims


all muslims ofc

