I see Nasa has been able to suppress most of the news about our upcoming demise...

I see Nasa has been able to suppress most of the news about our upcoming demise. Nibiru is set to enter our orbit in a months time. Whether that means collision or near miss, the results will be the same, total planetary annihilation.
Let's spread awareness. Not a damn thing we can do, other than live our last days exactly as we want to.

Other urls found in this thread:


Even the pharaohs knew about Nibiru

Nasa being it's typical fuckstick self and saying they expect it to give us a near miss and we will be unaffected. Meanwhile they gather supplies in their bunkers

How does it feel to be completely lost up your own ass?

Retards detected. Go West your tinfoil hats.

Better than it feels to not have a clue on what's happening around you.
Are you one of those flat earthers? You sound like one.

Wait.. didnt this happen last year.. and months before that.. The faggoty is strong in this thread

I hope you did all the right preparations

Nope, check the calculations, it's set for this month.

There's nothing we can do brother, even troll physics won't save us now.

Link related. It's what OP doesn't want you to know!

Even a third grader would know that wiki article isn't based on anything tangible.
Believe me or not, I don't care, we're going to get facesat by a fucking planet whether you believe it or not.

Google Earth supports the hypothesis

"The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later postponed) causing Earth to undergo a physical pole shift that would destroy most of humanity."

If that doesn't read like bullshit to you, then you have problems. Just because a whack job agrees with something doesn't make it not plausible. There's actual data to prove it, unlike your flat earth theory.

of course it reads like bullshit you fucking orangutan. You're the utter moron that actually BELIEVES it.

how fucking stupid are you?

I refuse to hold discourse with Neanderthalic name callers and ruffians. Good day.

Don't forget to tip the fedora when you exit in such an euphoric way.

Quit this tomfoolery and bally hoo user.

This shit was suppose to happen August 21. I think I'm still alive

You, sir, are nothing but a hoodwinking scalawag, and I'll not parlay with you either. I'll bid you and the other rude gentleman good day.

Nibiru is no more real than your girlfriend, op.

Even tho its bullshit, I really would love a world ending event to happen. Just think of the clarity that will sweep over you. You could truly enter a state of bliss. Before either the air explodes around you or you are liquefied by scorching heat. Knowing that everyone will die.. Is kinda soothing.

Meet me at Rust for fisticuffs. The loser of the bout shall perish from Sup Forums.

If there really was a fucking PLANET coming at us and crashing into the MOTHERFUCKING EARTH this FUCKING MONTH than i think we would see the fucking planet in the sky by now wouldn't we. Stop spreading hysteria and go back to your basement, don't forget the alluminum foil. Piece of faggot.

this is all the proof i need

currently emptying bank account to spent entirely on drugs and hookers

god bless, user

>Nibiru is set to enter our orbit in a months time.











good call it's not actually nebiru, it's the Lexx

may his shadow fall upon us

Lexx was cute for a teenage girl

too bad she only did a cameo in the 2nd movie

you mean zev? i've only seen the first movie so far. whole series is up on youtube


Challenge\: If Nibiriu don't come in 2 years, you all stupid fags that belive in him, should kill yourselfs.


aw, i'll watch it in your honor then

You might find it boring. No planetary collisions.

i was led to believe it was like corny soft core porn but all the first movie had was barry bostwick running around without pants

Kys retards