Heartbreak thread

Heartbreak thread.

>had heart broken 2 months ago
>together for two years
>planned a whole life together, she said we'd get married and have a family
>found out yesterday she's been with other guys
>I'm getting More and more depressed everyday
>cut my wrists last night hoping to have a long sleep but woke up with a red bathroom floor

For you guys who have gone through this before, when was the moment you felt your heart become whole again? Was it when you met a new love? Because if I feel this way any longer gonna have to revisit that knife. Wake up depressed, work depressed, sleep depressed. 2 months non stop. I fucking love this girl. Please post your experiences I want to know I'm not alone

So like thats it? She's was with "other guys", at some point. Or did she cheat on you?

You are alone and will be until your end. May as well keep that knife handy, all you can do now is make that come sooner.

STFU whiner.

No didn't cheat on me, found out she has been with other guys since the break up. I didn't think she'd move on so fast after everything she said. Can't listen to music, can't watch movies. Nothing feels worth it anymore. Already suffer from depression and having her in my life for two years helped me. Now i feel how I did before I knew her but with a broken heart and more of a desire to die

Cut vertically not horizontally. Stopped reading at suicide attempt

Edge Lord.

this. sack up and go fuck other girls, motherfucker. i believe in you.

Or is he hurting your feelings special butterfly ?

Gets better with time. But fuck it do drugs and bang whores

So because she's being human you don't wanna be with her?
Jeeze, user. Better work on yourself because as of now you don't deserve anyone if you dont want them to be with other people. Boo fuckin hoo.
Little special snow flake here.
And stop telling people you cut yourself, kiddo. You think we feel bad for you? Pfft. Fuckin kids today...

Not in the slightest, user. He's just edgy. I don't wanna get cut like OPs fuck ass...

He is a bad cutter at that. Im sure you would do better !

What manner of dumbassery are you on about? Who the fuck wants their squeeze fucking other people?

My man, if you hurt yourself she is the winner. I got heartbroken and I was feeling like shit for a whole time. But I did not do myself harm. I went to gym and I gave myself one year to feel better. At the end of 11th month, I was with a girl that was hotter and better to me in more ways then that ex whore. Let the pain get to you, and time will heal it.

OP it hurts, happened to me today except she cheated on me.
Whatever you do, don't fucking give up my man, find a better girl and put a ring on it

I feel this thread has gone over your head and you've completely missunderstood ops post. Please fuck of

bro I've kinda been there you just need to get laid too
I know it sucks but start hitting the gym, get a new job/start working harder at your current job, find a slutty 6/10 work out a frustration nut and you'll begin to feel better

Hangout with your friends. Easiest way to get over anyone Sup Forumsro. helped me through some serious relationships. It sucks at first, but you'll learn not to give a fuck and move on

Cheers dude. Glad things went well for you. Will take your advice

Cheers brother, hope your alright

OP let's see wrists and a time stamp

My girlfriend cheated on me once as well, we were in a rough patch. I found out when she fell asleep and her phone kept buzzing from her messages. Saw it was some dude and the messages I read from them both were gut wrenching.

My advice, turn this into anger. It helps. Go workout and be a better person than you were ever before. You'll find someone new. No woman in the world is worth more than yourself.

Get angry and tell the world to go fuck itself.

Fuck man that must have been painfull, hope that bitch gets the same thing done to her

You'll start to feel like a normal human being again when you have sexual contact with another girl. Whether its a drunk make out sesh at a bar or a full blown overnight fuckfest, that will snap you out of it. As far as healing your heart, the pain will fade with time but you will never truly feel complete until you love someone else. Then sadly, the cycle starts all over again.

She's with one of that guys's friends now, pregnant in the first year they met (i shit you not)

Meanwhile I got a great new girl and things are better than they were with her. So things are good now

>their squeeze
She hasn't been his "squeeze" for 2 months.
She got over it. She wants a real man.
O-faggot-P hasn't.

>boo hoo broken heart
>sounds like a grill

GOING clubs with some mates this weekend, I never did anything with a girl in this two months because I thought we were going to get back together... so I didn't want to complicate things... guess I can just take advantage of being single again this weekend.

Good to hear bro, ashame that happened to you but I get your new girl
Is a silver lining. Had to take a bitch to fuck around on you for you to meet a new girl who deserves you. Glad your happy and shit worked out for you

Read all posts you retards. Learn to lurk properly before you start posting.
"Didn't cheat"
Op is just a little bitch and can't handle his ex seeing other people.

I think life is going over your neck beards. Do you know how humans act outside of a basement?

try a gun next time

Aus fag so unless I live on a farm can't get one m8

Good luck man. I remember the first night after I broke up with my gf of 3+ years going out single. Hadn't felt that free in (obviously) 3+ years. Absolutely amazing. Got drunk and kissed this Russian girl I was in classes with. Got home after that night ended and slept the most peaceful sleep in months (relationship had been falling apart prior to the breakup). If nothing else, it will show you that you're capable of not only living without this girl but that you can get other girls as well. Once again, good luck. And don't be afraid to fuck a chubby to regain your self confidence if you struggle after a few times of going out and trying to meet chicks lol.

Fuck man. Had the exact same experience with my ex. 11 years and two kids she fucking cheats on me.. threw the bitch out and have been raising the kids by myself for the last 4 years. My life's fucking awesome now and she's an alcoholic gutter slut who has to beg me to see our kids.

Let the rage fill you OP but don't be consumed by it. Use it to better yourself.

Pic of current gf to help you feel better..

Post her nudes and info. Then youll feel better

pics of bathroom floor or it didn't happen...

Forgot to check back here
Yeah man, life goes on

Op shits hard. Had gf for 4 years, same shit life plan, I went out of town one weekend bitch cheated and broke my heart also. Honestly it took months. I had a hard flip, I got a new job, got new friends who didn't associate with her, just need to focus on your life now, and make changes that don't reflect her or parts of her still in your life cuz you'll think back about it a lot for a while every little thing you do will remind you of her. Best advice is to hang out with friends A LOT. Get distracted, and do things you normally wouldn't do. Get out there and live now eventually you will move on. Good luck homie, worked for me would work for you.

Agreed. Change your life all the fucking way around. New haircut, new clothes, new underwar even!!! My friends and I have a saying "Trash that is thrown away is not to be picked back up." Stay away from that dirty cunty sperm whale.

I just ended a two-year relationship, and I've never felt so depressed and alone. I suspect a breakup is easier when you actually have friends and family to cushion the blow. I have neither. I don't know how I'll get through this.