Sup Forums what do you think about adolf hitler

Sup Forums what do you think about adolf hitler

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literally hitler

A God among men. There's a reason the anti-christ hate him.

that isn't hitler.

Adolf Hitler is my God

Are you sure? He looks like Hitler to me

you're right
faggot can't even tell the difference between hitler and stalin

May rest in peace u_u


I think he and Heinrich Himmler were both really shitty people tbh.

Hitler dindu nuffin wrong



that is heinrich himmler. basically hitler's right hand dude

Who ever wins the battle gets to write history.
I will just leave it at that.

I think he had the right idea when it came to asthetics, but he went a bit over the top with the genocide and ethnic cleansing bit. Could do without the warmongering too.

Hitler should've stuck with painting.

That being said, his existence pretty much saved Europe from being entirely conquered by Commies.


I don't understand why people think Hitler was evil. We all know why wars are funded and created in today's age right?...You all know that American funds wars, starts them, sells weapons. Our biggest money maker is war. So knowing this, do you think that only applies to recent wars of your generation? It also applied to Hitler's war. His war was manipulated and funded by the same powers that are in America today starting wars. Wars are a big money maker. Who likes money? Jews, thats who

>I don't like hitler because jews are bad
There, that was so much faster.

I think Hitler is a pretty cool guy. Eh gasses the jews and doesn't afraid of anything

he didnt kill anyone personally.
but he caused the deaths of somewhere between 30-55 million people.
just goes to show how weird the world can get
if he wouldn't of declared war on the us and made a ridiculous land grab towards russia.
yeah... me262...tiger1...luger..mauser...
btw thats himmler...Himmler was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel....not the führer

i dont care if im being baited, thats Joseph Goebbles the propaganda minister.

Hated guns so i hate him

Glad he's dead. More like Shitler.

That's not Hitler moron.

killed himself with a cyanide capsule plus a gunshot to the right temple after being married to eva braun for abt 40 hours.....
if i got married... sounds about right

Think it's Himmler. He had a questionable ethical attitude

That's Albert Speer you dumbfuck

Nah he escaped via submarine to an antarctic base.

>he didnt kill anyone personally.

True. And not a single document, transmission (encrypted or otherwise) or person has ever given evidence to prove he did.

>but he caused the deaths of somewhere between 30-55 million people.

No, you'll find that was commie Russia under Stalin aided by the "allies".

Hitler's biggest crime was ridding the world of international banking cliques their opportunity to profit from a nations debt, effectively, slavery.

>Got to greedy too fast
>got a pretty nice head start from France and Britain
>fucked by not learning from the last short man who wanted to rule the world
>was to busy being an 80's guy so he forgot to cure his boneitis
>made is so I can't be Charlie Chaplin for Halloween anywhere but Alabama.

14/88 bitches

the allies only recovered a part of his right jawbone...
hitler ordered his personal aids to burn his and evas bodys so the Russians wouldn't hang them from the city square like Mussolini

reports also suggested his gold went to argentina....

History via Hollywood, the post.

I've always found it interesting how one decision can make the world crumble. I do believe that I heard Hitler was confronted by a British soldier near the end of the first war. The British soldier decided out of compassion not to shoot him because he was unarmed. That set in motion a chain of events that caused millions to die in the most brutal and bloody war in human history. One small piece of metal the size of the tip of your finger could have stopped humans from splitting atoms and annihilating entire cities in with one bomb. It's fascinating.

.t never studied history

He was a great man there's no denying that we don't have any great men anymore

Even Hitler had a girfriend. Why don't you?

A fucking austrian jew

Not Hitler, but his lap dog. Eh, neither of them did anything wrong.

Pity that anecdote is likely apocryphal. Just like Hitler tortured animals while he was of school age. Hitler's government passed the first laws in the world to protect the natural animal wildlife.

So much propaganda written, again, by the victors.

from Alabama....
kkk=OK (cuz bible belt)
chaplin was a cool dude...

Nobody knows for sure. I think the 11 milion numbers are for the people who were killed in Nazi death camps, but the higher number of 60 million is probably much closer because it counts all the people who died in World War II trying to stop Hitler.

hitler rolls dubz.jpg

bad man. charismatic, but deeply flawed and morally bankrupt.

Hitler wasn't the only German on earth who thought Jews needed to be cleaned out of politics and finance. Someone else would have lead Germany to the same conclusion. WWII was inevitable.

I think he did some horrible things for ideological reasons. But i also think his ideology was honest and the eventual goal a better life for the people he ruled over.

And i'm not sure he was wrong. The jews were working against the interest of other germans, they always do.
And homos, lefties, retards, gypsies and niggers are bad for society and pretty much impossible to fight with normal political means.

Compare him to the politicans we have today, who dont do anything particularily horrible but spend their days endulging in minor corruption and making life worse for the people they should be working for.

Maybe a bit of horrible but honest isnt always a bad thing?


>Nobody knows for sure

Have you heard of Holodomor? Stalin was much worse.

We'd have been enslaved by the Jews much earlier if it wasn't for Hitler.



Hitler said of airships "Airships are like a new type of flooring, that never scratches and is always has a shine on it. But with the drawback that if ones steps on it it explodes killing everyone on it." That was pretty smart shit so I'm kinda okay with Hitler, and have now forgiven him for trying to kill all the Jews.


One interesting fact about hitler is that his war is one of the major reasons why whites are being bred out of existance by niggers and sandniggers.

So many people in europe died.

Camrad Joseph Stalin

you people need to stop glorifying this person. he was a weak and failed artist who got into populism and had quite some success doing so. lets not forget that his regime dictated whats normal. anybody outside his ideology faced obliteration. this guy and his henchmen were serious assholes and i wish that we will never see someone like hitler in power anywhere on earth again ever.

don´t vote trump, please.

Heinrich did it.
It wasn't uncle Adolf, he was a good man and a great leader.

observe this dude
hitler had a wife

actually askanazi jew

lapdog was goerbels himmler just wanted to kill motherfuckers

also true he had a dog named blondie and was a vegetarian

charismatic, but deeply flawed and morally bankrupt guy who pulled a country out of a recession and just one day decided to go to war against the united states... oh and wrote a book got married and drank wine..... alll in snazzy af uniforms

Heimmler and loli

> go donate some more money to sanders transgender nigger faggot

I think... Joseph Stalin!

nazis were nice guys Not assholes

I am Adolf Hitler's grandson.

Me too! Lets fuck!


if he was such a good man, then why is he dead?
checkmate atheist

sehen Sie in der Hölle Enkel



>implying he didn't escape the russians and flee to south america

>implying he's still alive

Das ist Himmler.

>implying he didn't move to the hidden part of the moon

does anyone in here have the pic of the english newspaper with the headline about 6 million jews killed that dates back to the first world war??

Das ist Heinrich Himmler du Spasti.