Hey Faggots

Hey Faggots

faggot here who is completely fucked financially. Rent is due and though I dont mind living in my car im fucking over my roommate cuz i cant pay my half. I dont expect anything but I have seen miracles on here before so here goes. If anyone could help heres my paypal

[email protected]


Welcome to life

How much are we talking here?

>Calls us faggots then expects donations

Go suck your landlord

life is ez af
if you think it's hard it's only becuase you're not doing anything.

this. at least give a figure you begging piece of shit

about 500

you must be new here

Is 250 okay?


hey man anything helps, you're a lifesaver

Here's some tips with living in your car.
Join a planet fitness gym for 10/20$ a month.
Don't actually use the exercise equipment, you're going to use the gym for its shower, bathroom, and sink to brush your teeth and change your clothes.
Buy a cooler and icepacks and put it in you trunk to keep your food in.
They have adapters for cars that let you plug your computer in, now you can live in your car and shitpost on Sup Forums without having to pay rent.


Good advice here
Also, walmart parking lots are a safe place to park and sleep

I appreciate the advice. I can live in my car no problem im just a dick to my friend thats all and thats what id like to fix

If you can't afford 500 in rent you might as well end it now because life is only going to get way harder from here. Whatever you are typing/texting on you might wanna pawn in and cover your rent.

Appreciated but I am not depressed or suicidal. Last job I had was saving people money from the IRS but quit when I realized the company wanted to charge more than what people owed, plus the 40 minute drive wasn't really helping the minimum wage part of it

>car batteries are cheap and never run out

Hey man i really respect you admitted you are the one with the problem and you decided to move because of it, there needs more people like yourself in this world, ur a mad cunt bro respect

Just know sometimes other people don't know what love is so hold it back till u gain their trust
Love is pain to grow

If you're living out of your car, first advice I'd give is to get the fuck out of the city: it is not safe to sleep there, at all. Go to some suburb, or a more rural community, and just live on the outskirts, not far enough that you can't get anywhere, but far enough that you aren't gonna get mugged. Steal from grocery stores if you have too; be discreet. They don't really give a fuck so long as you don't look conspicuous.

If you have the capacity to work odd jobs here and there, I'd also recommend you take a very, very long trip. Do some sightseeing -- explore. It's very therapeutic, and wonderful for long-term health. I did it for about four years all over Europe and North America and I'm a far better, happier person for it. So long as you got wifi, you'll be good anywhere you go.

Buy a gun, with a licence to carry. If you're living in a car, trust me, no matter where you go, you'll need one. Just don't take it out of the car, ever, for any reason.

And don't drink in the car; it'll lead to some pretty nasty-ass habits. Bars and restaurants only. Weed is fine, usually.

Best of luck, OP. I'll donate a little to the cause. Seriously, though, take my advice. It'll help.

Very good advice man. Previous jobs in retail have taught me how theft works. A trip does sound nice, and i get get a gun license no problem. I have friends with some small arms i may be able to trade for if things get too bad but I kind of already live in a small city without much crime. Though better to be safe...

Thanks very much man

Mr. Will to Power,

Thanks man. Nietzche is my go to. I just got the confirmation. 100$ what a life saver. all love from here

No worries, mate. Post some updates, alright? Despite what most of the faggots on here say -- of whom I am one, obviously -- we do actually have some very, very twisted sense of love for our community, and typically like making sure our fellow anons are getting along decently.

Can do. I'm psychopathic enough to have stayed on this site for 10 years now so If/When I get my shit straight I'll be sure to let y'all know