Post your face when you discovered Sup Forums

Post your face when you discovered Sup Forums



Summer seems so far away now, doesn't it?




>fundamentally a porn board













isabelle is my spirit animal

















I came here orginally for lolcats late 2006

















Dude he reappeared irl with a kid that looks just like him. I fuckin died




It was so long ago I didn't even have a face yet. Unlike all the newfags in this thread.

Way more CP posted back then.


I like this gif. A lot.







Pic related





back in the day when cake was real





he's one of the deadest memes



My first thread was a rekt thread






mfw i discovered Sup Forums
holly shit Im not as fucked as i was thinking

The accuracy of this still gets me.






It's one day away faggot


awoo? are you lost?


