How to get rid of it?

How to get rid of it?
Poping it hurts

Don't be a pussy and pop it you fucking cuck.

Stop being a bitch and pop it dude

going to have to pop it. wold be easier if you soak it in hot, salty water than pop it with a pin.

Pop that thang

Get smashed/high and use a needle, and green text outcome.

exactly how does it make him a cuck you faggot.
stop being edgy asf and using words you dont know the meaning to

Just use a knife, or if you happen to have a scalpel that would be ideal and cut it open clean it and wrap it so it doesnt get infected.

>Soak a clean rag in hot water and wrap it up for a few minutes
>lance with a clean needle/pin
>Drain by squeezing gently
>Once fully drained slather on some Neosporin
>Get on with your life

yuck, just lance it with a pin and delete this thread


Go see a doctor just in case it's something bad

Don't burn pop blisters faggot. It heals much faster if you leave it.

It's just a burn, stop being a pussy.


dont be a faggot post a vid of u popping it


Bite it off.

Knvm .

enjoy you're aids retard

Rub a shit load of wintergreen ointment on it then pop it or cut it off when you feel it getting numb.

>aids is an airborne and surface traveling disease

Well this is new.

I put it under hot running water. Best feel ever.

>being this new

Niggga dont wear socks it might attach to the wound

>being this much of a faggot

Livin the meme dream aren't ya?

Ye its bedtime anyway

Don't pop it. The fluid inside has antibiotic healing properties.


Did you walk farther than the toilet or kitchen? Well Goddamn, what did you expect you tub of horseshit?

Get a needle, burn it until it's really hot and simply just push it through don't go too far or else it will hurt just enough to pierce the skin so the liquid can come out, this will not hurt if you do it right

Die fat shit

Pop it, record it, and post it, for the lolz

Too late, scroll up i didnt record it