Ringo starr's art thread

ringo starr's art thread

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Is it 'time'?

yer baby

Was Ringo the real madman all along?

Pure genius

>Sup Forums

is this real? It's fucking horrible.

still better than 90% of /ic/

Have you guys seen the prices for these things? $1500+?

This is fucking insulting.

Care to argue that without philistine buzzwords?

Holy shit how did I not know about this before?

holy shit the prices


this was done in MS paint

it's a fucking joke

fuck ringo

Ringo is just the worst Beatle at everything.

tell me how you can get the halftone texture on the right in MSPaint

(you cant)

copying and pasting the image from internet

i like it :)

everything about this image is surreal

Are there any interviews of him talking about his art

I'd like to see them. I can just imagine him talking about this garbage smugly

It's so ridiculous a certain amount of brilliance creeps into it

Jesus Christ


psychedelic pictures that I gone and done


Holy shit, it really is just MS Paint drawings

>100% of Ringo’s proceeds benefit the LOTUS FOUNDATION Charity.

>The objectives of the Foundation are to fund, support, participate in and promote charitable projects aimed at advancing social welfare in diverse areas including, but not limited to: substance abuse, cerebral palsy, brain tumors, cancer, battered women and their children, the homeless, and animals in need.
To be fair, that's real good of him. At least the prices don't seem as stupid now.

what on earth did he mean by all this

>"Most of the titles for my pieces arrived because on computer you have to call them something , so I have. The easy way to look at it is, if it has a hat on - it will probably be called Hat Man" - Ringo Starr, 2005



I find Ringo's art to be hit or miss but when it's good it's enjoyable but a lot of times his art doesn't really do much for me and I'm one of the world's biggest Ringo fans. I even own his book of artwork.

Not even good post-ironically

Art is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.
Many people think Jackson Pollack Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein are hacks.

>In B4 Better than Ringo though

the pinnacle of human achievement.