5x5 thread

5x5 thread
Recs, rates, guessing personality, all good things

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stop with meme music

>PC Music
>calling anyone out on meme music
I mean, I like them, but still famiglia
Also, I like it, but I'm not starting threads and such


+auscultation, tim maia, jens
i recommend project pablo and beat detectives
arthur russell if you haven't

>i recommend project pablo and beat detectives
I do love me that project pablo album, sky lounge is a great track.

+dirty projectors,
you might enjoy anderson. paak
+panda bear
+- Bon iver
listen to Toro y Moi and Jai Paul
+OKC, slint, nirvana,nmh
you might like spoon, the war on drugs and sunset rubdown
+frank ocean, bob dyla, julia brown, burial, bowie, arthur russell, kate bush, beach boys, xiu xiu
Really good taste.
Listen to Love Forever Changes, Graceland, angel Olsen and Animal collective (but I have the impression you already have

recs are really welcome.

forgot to post the pic (OP)
+dirty projectors,
you might enjoy anderson. paak
+panda bear
+- Bon iver
listen to Toro y Moi and Jai Paul
+OKC, slint, nirvana,nmh
you might like spoon, the war on drugs and sunset rubdown
+frank ocean, bob dyla, julia brown, burial, bowie, arthur russell, kate bush, beach boys, xiu xiu
Really good taste.
Listen to Love Forever Changes, Graceland, angel Olsen and Animal collective (but I have the impression you already have

recs are really welcome.

Rec: Diabolic- Liar & a Thief
(if you haven't checked it out already)

Rec: EPMD - Strictly Business





blank is elliott smith live at studion

gr8 taste desu

Check out "Deliver Me Unto Pain" by Banished





I listened to Unwound's entire discography like 2 years ago but only just now did I realize how good they are

I think we would get along. Listen to The Notwist - Neon Golden or LSD And The Search For God - s/t.
That's the acoustic show where he opens with Angeles, right? So good.

Check out his set at the Bumbershoot Festival, where he takes a bunch of his s/t + Either/Or songs and turns them into full band rock songs. Or there's one from Jan 31 of 2003 where he's audibly shitfaced but plays a bunch of FABOTH songs, it's pretty great.

Did you see Either/Or: Expanded Edition? Looks cool but I think I have everything on the bonus disc already.

that's the one, and ill take your advice


>Aesop Rock
Busdriver (Thumbs is a good starting point, but he also has two songs with Aes, called "Ego Death" and "Superhands Mantra (Fuck Us All)"), Onry Ozzborn, and if you like his old stuff check out all of the other Def Juxies.
>Pink Season
I legitimately love this album. Is it ironic on yours?
This was one of the best albums of last year. I normally can't stand singing, but I thought that it was great.
>Rage Against the Machine
Flobots - Survival Story is their most similar to Rage, but all three of their albums are great. If you can get beyond the kinda corny instrumentals and the white rapper (Jonny 5)'s voice might take a while to get over, but the lyrics are legitimately great. I think that Circle in the Square is their best.
>J Dilla
This is kinda obvious, but Madlib and Knxwledge.
>LCD Soundsystem
I really like This is Happening and self-titled, but never really got the hype of SoS.

Already recommended off of different charts of mine:
Cannibal Ox


>Busdriver (Thumbs is a good starting point, but he also has two songs with Aes, called "Ego Death" and "Superhands Mantra (Fuck Us All)"), Onry Ozzborn, and if you like his old stuff check out all of the other Def Juxies.
I know Busdriver's catalog very well, and desu I wasn't big on Thumbs or Perfect Hair. Thanks for the recs though. Have you listened to Rav, Hymie's Basement, or Deep Puddle Dynamics?

goddamn dude i love jeffrey lewis.

what'd you think of the new ramshackle album?

are u me wtf panuccis pizza is dope

have you listened to jank? its the band he went to after panuccis pizza broke up

heres some bad taste from my last week

guessing mbtis bc lol
ENFJ the 808s cover always looks like goatse to me
INTP i bet you have amazing cheekbones

i kicked jank's ass at a party once
made his gf cry

yep you got it
what are amazing cheekbones

rec and rate thanks

a component of good facial structure

i'm not necessarily talking high cheekbones, just well-defined ones with satisfying indentations in the face

i may have just looked at the heroes cover and gotten stuck on that train of thought

no bull e



You would probably like living in Minneapolis.

Have you checked out By the Throat by Eyedea?

they're definitely prominent but I dont like them

>70216164 (Me)
i haven't done a personality test in a while but it came up as intp

sorry for your suffering i'm sure they're lovely though :'/

lmfao ya i grew up in minneapolis and the person you replied to has such a mpls fkn chart lol
hell you might like all that mpls rap like POS and Doomtree lol


