

Like forever or a month?

unknown amount of time. Gotta prepare for the worst.


Fishing rod

I feel like first aid kit is a must. Then I'd probably go with hunting rifle to hunt/protect myself until I get more comfortable with the island (make some kind of safe haven, maybe learn to create traps).
I think I'd have to take the matches, since even though I might be able to get a fire started without them, I'm not sure, and I feel like a fire is a must.
And maybe a water purifier?
Honestly a lot of this shit depends on the island. Like, is there any nearby source of fresh water? What plants/animals live on the island? What are the seasons like?

i choose pot because its difficult to build something to cook decently in on your own.
a hammock because its above ground and therefor the probability of dieing to shit like spiders and stuff is lowered.
a water purifier is always useful.
last i choose a knife because its a basic tool which i can use to craft other tools.


The essentials: rope, knife, water purifier.
Also: Flashlight if it's a hand-crank kind, or can be charged with solar power. If it's battery operated, it'll die soon anyway, so I prefer either a fishing rod or insect repellant


>inflatable raft
>water purifier
>flare gun
Literally any other selection is wrong.


Fishing Rod

Fingers crossed for tropical paradise.

First aid
Water purifier

Water Purifier

>on dessert island with shade, food source and solid ground to create help signs with
>decides to float into the ocean in tiny, hard to spot raft with no way to navigate, stear or drive
>on inflatable boat, brings knife

Are you fucking retarded?

First aid kit
Water purifier

this lol inflatable raft would be one of the worst options

Rope, first aid kit, matches and weed.
Probably going to get the alcohol out of the kut to put it all over me. Smoke a blunt while hanging myself with the rope while on fire
>fuck no I'm no survivalist

>5 ounces of weed
>5 ounces of weed
>5 ounces of weed
>5 ounces of weed
I want weed

Fucking plebs....
Mirror- shine to attract vehicles/start fire
Knife- multi-use and easy to carry
Boots-for protection from all sorts of foot injuries.
Rope- this choice is the weakest. Can help with so many things but somewhat a burden if you have to carry it.

Hunting rifle
(Put up hammock, smoke weed, shoot self with rifle)

Unlimited water: pot, mirror, knife, tarp.

Water Purifier
Fishing rod

Sounds about right. Once the fix is exhausted what's the point in having any motivation to fucking live anyway. Lazy cunt.

good luck without a lighter or matches.

fuck matches or a lighter. good luck without food or water

Hunting Rifle.
Fishing Rod.
Volleyball. (Because Wilson)

That is, assuming it's a warm island with wild-life yet nothing extremely poisonous that would require the First Aid Kit, and that rain would be frequent so I could acquire water easily. I can make fire without matches - I have done it before.

5 ounces of weed

Water Purifier
fishing rod

Water Purifier
Fishing Rod

For use as shelter and basic water purification (by evaporation) system

For signaling and fire starting

For tool making and animal cleaning

Unless I'm showing up naked I already got boots and emergency cord on me... So lastly vitamins or first aid.

If I am naked I'd take the boots.

>Water purifier

four hunting rifles
shoot self
you know what they say, a lethal dose is a lifetime supply.

Raft, First aid, Water Purifier, knife (or saw, depends on how thin the saw is).

Make a fishing rod myself, would stock some food and then fuck off that Island.

If I have to stay there:
Weed, Ipod, Hammok, Gund. As soon as there is no weed left, shoot myself.

First aid kit

>5 ounces of weed
>vitamins (thc extracts)
>hemp rope

I wouldn't live long

id bring your mom faget and fuck the shit out of her
without condor

This is the only correct option. The flare gun instead of one of them perhaps

I'd bring your mom, faggot. Then I would fuck the shit out of her without a condom.

Fixed, you're welcome you southern educated sub-human.

Tarp, boots, water purifier, rifle

First aid kit probably. Don't be a dumb ass and you should be fine

Sunscreen, IPOD, Weed, Matches


fukin owned lol

>Hiking Boots
>Water Purifier
>First Aid Kit

Water purifier
F. Aid Kit
Fishing rod

>Inflatable Raft
>Hunting Rifle
>Insect Repellant
>Water Purifier

I still survive.


Use the inflatable raft to sail away.


What if it's already inflated.

Nah, you'd be surprised. Injury will happen a lot more if you're constantly scurrying about to feed yourself and all that, if you get gangrene you're fucked

But why not? Am I not pretty enough?

>Insect Repellant.
>On a boat.

Literally why? Are you going to ingest it and hope that it makes you high rather than kills you? And what the fuck are you going to eat? Are you going to shoot fish with your rifle and then dive into the ocean to catch them before they sink, hoping your raft won't drift away meanwhile? Good luck.


Just chop of the limb, you casual.

The water purifier can only purify so much water, though in this case it's going to be worthless - The purifier will decontaminate water, not desalinate it.

Knife, pot, tarp, and boots seems like the most reasonable choice, but I'll probably regret not taking the rope...

Also, crossing fingers to not get malaria.

First aid kit

The tent wouldn't be used as shelter though, it'd be broken down for materials. While the tarp would be preferable, it doesn't withstand cutting to well, while the tent's material can be improvised to meet some of the tarps uses.

Flare gun
Fishing rod
Water purifier
First aid kit

I imagine you could probably empty the flare gun and use the sparks from blank shots for fire. Good shelter is not hard to build, especially if there are palm leaves on the island.

Fishing rod
First aid kit

well in that case I'll change my post's-
-water purifier to a tarp just in case there aren't an palm leaves

Water purifier

does the weed comes with seed?

If its a large island with wild animals, then yeah, maybe the rifle and or knife would be handy but if its some secluded pacific island, then you can probably make do with just;

-water purifier

-first aid kit

-rope to hoist yourself up on shit and fasten shit together.

-flare to draw attention to get the fuck off the island in case help arrives.

everything else is just a luxury item. You don't need the precision of a knife or a hand saw, you can make rocks sharp enough to cut with. The flash light and ipod will run out of batteries eventually and you'll also run out of matches as well...and its a pointless item since fires are easy to start with dry weeds and a spark from a rock.

lol at white people wasting an inventory slot on sunscreen.

If you're smart you'll just dig a hole in the ground until you hit clay, get the clay wet and spread it on your body. That will protect you from the sun AND insects (so you don't need repellant either).

You don't need toilet paper because you'll either be using leaves or just jump into the ocean real quick.

Weed is a waste as well as everything else depended upon what kind of island we're stranded on and how proficient you are at camping/hiking.

the hammock is pointless, you can use large leaves as a "tarp" the raft would be nice but its unreliable/can easily get punctured....just make a spear to stab fish instead of the fishing rod, and you're on an island, it would be pretty hard to get lost. Just follow the shoreline a mirror will just break vitamins will run out. and the volleyball is pointless.

Water purifier
Fishing rod
Med kit

not if you want to play volleyball


If I'm being serious:

Tent (don't wanna get wet if it rains at night or in general)
First aid kit
Water purifier

Knife, tarp, hand saw, pot


That way I won't ever get bored

Water purifer for water
Fishing rod for eat
Boat for escape from Island

Tarp against Sun / coldness


Logic, isn't it?

hunting rifle and shoot myself

this. So much this. I can hardly count the amount of times my boredom has been relieved by a quick spurt of solitary volleyball.

All I need is the rope and I'm hanging myself.

You would be a retard if you didn't take the knife. You could easily survive with that alone if you knew what you were doing.

Ask any survival expert.

First aide
Flare gun

>implying you have ammo for it

tent, first aid, water purifier, weed


flare gun
>not only for signaling, but also to start fires
>for nearly any purpose
>for cutting meat and trees
>for usable materials

Rifle, matches, water purifier, and a knife

boots rope knife 1st aid kit

Rest is up to individual survival skill.

>just dig a hole in the ground until you hit clay
nigger what

Good for a makeshift tent+rain water
>Fishing rod.
Cooking plus boiling water.
Fucking useful all around.

Are you?

Matches to light weed?

Is a deserted island, but you've told us NOTHING about the sort of island it is. Is it a tropical island? A desert Island?

4 bottles of sunscreen. Don't wanna get skin cancer.

nah bro there's other ways of lighting fires, just get some dried out plants and add friction from a twig (that rotating motion between your palms) or a spark from hitting two rocks together

Water purifier, fishing rod, matches, flare gun

After doing this a lot in the scouts
it takes about 1-2 hours to light a fire this way
if the stuff is completely dry

5 oz weed, matches, iPod, hammock

>Fishing Rod

What climate?

I'm stranded on an island bro, I got time

-First Aid Kit

You can forgo the water purifier with the pot because you can boil large amounts of water and cook food you find on the island

The knife is invaluable as a metal tool. The user that said you can make rocks as sharp as a knife doesn't have any experience with stone tools. They are a POOR replacement for steel tools.

With a compass you can navigate the island and also, if you could somehow build a raft to attempt to escape the island, navigate the seas.

First aid kit cannot be replaced by anything else on the island when it comes to things like needles, medicines and emergency supplies if you were to hurt yourself.

Everything else on the list could be made from things found on the island.

Tarp or equivalent can be made form branches/palm fronds etc

You can use mud for sunscreen or just learn to deal with the sun.

Toilet paper is useless in this situation, just use some leaves.
iPod is pointless when we are preparing for the worst.

boots seem extremely useful but you can fashion something similar from island resources

The knife is more valuable then the handsaw.

-Flare gun sounds useful but you could always just build giant signal fires.
-Inflate raft won't last long on the high seas, plus there is no guarantee you will find passing ships.
-flashlight won't last long
-insect repellant won't last
-hammock can be made from things on the island
-mirror is not realy useful unless you wanted to try to signal people, but then again you could just make signal fires
-fuck vitamins
-pot can purify water by boiling it
-Fishing rod won't last and you can fashion one yourself or make nets on your own.
-Rope can be made from island resources.
-Hunting rifle won't last.
-Getting high will just get you fucked on the island.
-The tent won't last and you can make better shelter from island materials anyway.
-You can forgo the matches by creating fire by old school methods with sticks.
-Volleyball... Meh this isn't castaway nigga

If a desert island
Fishing rod
Inflatable raft
Water purifier

If a tropical island
Water purifier
Hunting rifle

If a desert island, then inflatable raft

If temperent island

> Wilson
> Wilson
> Wilson
> Wilson


Everyone who chose the pot over the tarp will die.

Boots (Supposing I am barefoot)
Flare gun

>Flare Gun

My goal isn't survival, it's getting spotted ASAP so I can get off this shitty island. And the weed is there to make my last moments less painful if I don't get found.