How about an ugly cars thread? I'll start

How about an ugly cars thread? I'll start
>looks like an egg
>doesn't need that big ass spoiler


This gotta be the ugliest car ever made

This Cla250 has the worst body Mercedes has ever come up with

Fiat Multipla: When your car has one chromosome too many.

I don't know why people like these ugly fuckers

forgot pic


Fuck yea, ugly car with idiot following that cant see how shit it is, thats just the outside thanks for sparing us of the inside.

Subaru Baja.
Looks like a canvas slip on shoe.

join the bandwagon

>looks like an egg
Eggs are white fucking Dipshit


The ones on your moms chin last night were brown though


This thread is fucking cancer.

I kind of like fox bodies

not so fast

while not as bad looking, porsche should have known better

W210 is at least somewhat timeless, and with a proper driveline (not a fan of the fwd/awd mercs).

The new Tesla model X on the other hand.. Putting seagull doors on the back doors has to be one of the dumbest things I have seen in a while. Rich people with no taste is going to be all over it, its gonna be the next BMW X6.

Without the spoiler, they're acceptable imo, convertible is nice.

Its not even ugly, its a meme by this point.

I agree, its like its melting or some shit.

post facelift w210 can look good ill give you that, but there is no excause for this hearse

good ride tho

Thats my favorite gen mustang, kill yaself roodypoo.

Its not ugly, but, its the most useless subaru there is.

As if the 911 wasnt beetle enough..

italian cars in general

They couldve at least gave it sliding rear doors to make it look more like what it actually is. A minivan.

Lexus sc430 most poorly designed car it's an ugly hardtop with some great back seats for amputee children

911s in general are hideous

Another pic of the sc430

Naw, its plenty ugly. Gotta love the bars in the bed of this mechanical mongoloid.

I never even knew that thing had backseats. Kek


Fucking fight me

WTF was Acura thinking when it came up with this short fat ugmobile?

You're ridiculous.

Someone else gets it


>sedan pickup

Definitely ugly, as is every modern muscle car remake.


Oh...Hai Guise!!!

Lol my coworker rolled one trying to use is "off-road capability" it's considered to be the most unsafe Acura, it's whole roof is sunroofs with no back window, and back doors that open 50%

Would own as a joke

you gotta be retarded if you think the sc line is ugly.

that said you want ugly, see bugatti veyron.

Personally I think all mustangs look bad, soft lines then really sharp ones, it doesn't follow thru


remove that grill, and... tadaa!

The only mustangs worth owning are the 1st gen, in my opinion. The rest are absolute shit.

Not only completely useless as a SUV, but it looks like they tried making the SUV of the future and it failed

This and the generation before of Grand Ams.

I should say most poorly designed not necessarily ugly unless your looking at it from a functional standpoint. It had potential but they messed it up

The nismo one is bretty gud

This thread needs more Saturn

Used to have one. Nice interior, but it's ugly and the transmissions in those are garbage.

That's not an ugly Subaru. This is an ugly Subaru.

aston martin lagonda wagon (the sedan is pretty fucking ugly too)

I bought a later year of this and all I could think was why the fuck did I buy that.. fun but certain years was nearly impossible to pull off

What was Subaru trying to accomplish? Beating the aztek?

More Saturn, reporting in

Agreed, otherwise a pleasurable experience, but walking up to it everytime you go for a drive.... ugh!

saturns weren't really ugly, they were just very generic looking

Jesus Christ...this looks like a pointy, tacky, $600 tryhard dress shoe that some aspie first year analyst on Wall Street would buy and wear until his boss took him aside and smacked some sense into him.

Oh, and checked.


They all looked cross-eyed...

"Rebirth of the CR-X"

Even if they did performed mediocre, it was the looks that put this sick puppy down.

Best Ac ever however, and their built like tanks I crushed the kia I crashed into.. still drivable to this day
Worst years of Subarus, they look like everything wrong with the people of Berkeley, ca

I actually like the older scobaru wagons

the ugly was not just skin deep either

Not mine but same color and engine

Get rid of spoiler and change rims and its not bad looking anymore

I should back myself up by saying that Berkeley Subaru owners love their bumper stickers and their dog stickers. Not a Berkeley car but minimum appearance of these aggressive hippies

Jesus wept !!

the only thing wrong with those was the stupid tiny wing on the back, otherwise they were pretty good looking cars. The mitsubishi version got it right.

this ugly piece of shit

Does it come complete with Ken and Barbie dolls?

Drive one. That's all

Only an Englishman could make something so ugly...

Agreed. They also look good with the mitsu wing.

The V8 version Pacer might be a cool sleeper, still ugly

The thread isn't about how the cars perform.

Agreed. But I like the britfag cars more than ours. Don't like the cars here at all tbh

Still looks better than any bmw

Still looks better than bmws

Never seen this before, but I unironically love it.
Straight up full homo.


Thats a GXP model, not a GT.. christ..

this sucker fish on wheels

Still better looking more high tech and reliable than bmws

Tbh this is beautiful o.O


Yo, the pacer looks fucking rad. Patrician vehicle.

You're trying too hard. You need more subtlety to be effective.

you, sir, are a TWAT!

I don't care bitch. Best drive you'll ever have

Also, apparently this motherfucker was voted ugliest car by some jealous cuckold

At least the drivers don't look gay like bmw drivers

looks like it came right out of star citizen

That's probably be because it's ugly. It's like someone watched all those shitty transformers movies and tried to replicate what they saw in car form. Shit like this only looks good to preteen boys.
