So today is the 3 year anniversary of my fiance's suicide, and it's not getting any easier...

So today is the 3 year anniversary of my fiance's suicide, and it's not getting any easier, I went to her grave today and her parents came, they still blame me. And I have no idea what to do, my mind is so fucked, so I am just going to drink myself into oblivion, I just want someone to care about me...

If you want someone to care about you, Sup Forums is not the place to be.

Iknow, but I just want to vent myself

Why did they blame it on you?

Vent. Theres always someone with open eyes and ears

All I can tell you is that life isn't fair. Keep pushing forward. She'd want you to, OP.
She'd want you to.

Sounds very tragic, stay strong friend.

I guess it is because I was her fiance, I was supposed to prevent it? It is probably the biggest regret of my life

How do they blame you?

Fly to northern Iraq join the Kurds fight Isis... Duh

You can Vent here,man. We'll listen.

When parents see their kids acting in strange and unsettling ways, such as committing suicide, they try to find a scapegoat.

I just, I find it hard to talk to any of my friends about this, I lost pretty much all my friends due to being blamed, but since then the new ones I have I have I don't really open up to, but I feel so alone

I LOST my gf back in '08 to a car accident. i always think about her more than any other girl i've been with since. stay strong Sup Forumsro!!

It really isn't fair, Itry to push on each day, but its just so hard


Maybe if you were a good boyfriend she would have realized it was best to not die

I am trying, but it is so hard to keep going every day with my regret, especially when I saw her parents

Post your fiances nudes.

It's not your fault user. Suicide is a personal choice, not someone else's fault.

I know it would probably be tough for you to, but you probably oughta try moving somewhere else.

Stay strong and remember that you're NEVER alone man.

was she hot? any naked pic?

a fedora fag wasted the double doubles

I think because I should have been better, i should have done more, I should have tried harder, I mean, I fucking loved her, no I still do, and it gets harder everytime someone blames me again

kys already... join her and harambe

Do you know why she was such a weak minded selfish person?

It's sad I know, but I literally have nowhere else to go, I can't go to my friends, because what if they judge me too?

Yeah, I know, I'm pretty sure I became that scapegoat, but it wasn't just the parents, it was all my friends as well

I know its sad, but I haven't actually been with a girl since

This is what I actually think, just what if I was just better, what if it is my fault, it's haunted me

I know it's a personal choice, but I still can't help butfeel some slight guilt, it's always playing in my mind

Got anything to live for OP?

She was beautiful

I have attempted that before...

I honestly have no idea, and that's the scary part

dude this is bullshit. It'a straight up not your fault. you need to forgive yourself first. take care of yourself.

Thought about a therapist?

fuck off faggot

fuck off faggot

thats harsh! when people become depressed they usually put up walls and hide their pain, making it impossible for others to help until they are able to share and deal with it! a lot aren't able to fight through and its no ones fault!

A boy died from masturbating 42 times... you know what to do

Hey. Can you describe how she killed herself? Pills? Wrists? Bleach? My cock is so hard picturing her killing herself that I'm about to cum without even touching my dick. Maybe if you weren't so terrible she'd still be alive. You should join her.

I try to, but I am also the person who sorts everyone elses problems out, so there'snever time for me

I want to express my feelings with people I know, I just can't bring myself to it

I have been, but I don't know,it doesn't help

then they're not your friends, duh.

i doubt they would judge you, though.

this actually happened to a friend of a friend.

> they were in the process of breaking up
> or had just broken up or sth
> she hanged herself
> and made sure he found her

> he was pretty shaken by this for quite a while
> nobody blamed him
> he blamed himself
> not, he didn't blame himself as much as thinking
> he could have prevented her suicide
> i.e., had he know she'd contemplate it
> he wouldn't have broken up
> anyway, he couldn't get past that for a long time
> not sure how long exactly, perhaps a year or two

> he finally moved on
> by sleeping around
> basically objectifying women
> which allowed him to be less burdened by the enormity of the loss
> if (all) women are worthless, surely one woman's suicide isn't such a big deal, see

> i guess that's a screwed-up way to look at women and the world
> but it was his way of coping
> not sure how he come out in the end

good luck, user

He died august 26 not today you stupid

>it was all my friends as well

i'm starting to think this story is just made up.

if not ... yeah, user, then you probably are to blame.