My best friend is gay, what do?

my best friend is gay, what do?

Get a blowjob

Accept him and move on.

Suk his cawk

seduce him

u gotta fuck him man. its the only way.

but i aint ghey

He's secretly in love with you OP

Insult him.

Forget you ever met him

Eachother but u say no homo


Its not gay if you say "no homo" after the hardcore fuckin


you guys wanna see what he looks like doe?

not sucking his cock is gay

this is what he looks like

Pics please

frot with him

Fuck him.

Let him fuck you

>::but i aint ghey::

He aight

dubs and ill give out his deviantart

kill that disgusting degenerate fag


Get free blowjobs???
Even if you aren't gay.
Flip on some porn watch that shit while he goes to town.
