Post one star reviews of your favorite album. Others guess the album

Post one star reviews of your favorite album. Others guess the album.

murican football?

Merryweather post pavilion

Natural Malk Motel


is it something by modest mouse



My favorite album doesn't have a one star review anywhere

In Rainbows?

Person Pitch

Blanked out spot is another album by the same artist.

Moon & Antarctica?


Yup, it's sad when this beautiful album just doesn't click with someone.

Kid A?



lol legendary

A person wrote this review, and four other people agree with it. Fucking pretentious word vomit.

nope. Kid A is a great guess though.


Mount Eerie?

enjoy your rabbit

This is the most negative one I could find that didn't give anything away.

(Hint: 70s album)



Hint: "enduring the moaning"

made me p mad desu


lmao i want to know what this is

Nope. I'll give a hint.
The album they mentioned that they liked came out over a decade after the album being reviewed.

Nope. Male artist.

can someone translate this


Is it by Joanna Newsom?

buyers market?

White Light/White Heat? If so what a pleb.

>Joanna Newsom
All male band

Trout Mask Replica...?

A woman did a bunch of the vocals though


>Yup, it's sad when this beautiful album just doesn't click with someone.

It clicked so much with Grimes it turned her into a musician.

>I was walking around in Montreal with this in my headphones, and I had only just started making music. I completely tripped out because the way the songs are formatted allows you to hear how Panda Bear is building songs out of loops.

>Up until that point I had basically only made weird atonal drone music, with no sense of songwriting. I barely understood anything about music, it seemed like a mystery. But suddenly all music clicked into place and seemed so simple and easy. I was pretty much able to spontaneously write songs immediately after listening to this album once. I guess it seriously jumpstarted my mind in a freaky way.

pink season

closest guess yet

that was quick

It's not dopethrone btw.


That's amazing

Person Pitch is pure fucking art of the highest order.

It came out after 9/11

Is it a EW album though?

Yes, though that kinda gives it away.

I've seen this one before. I won't give it away, but that is one garbage review. It's not even a noisy or dissonant record or anything

Is it something by Zappa?


Witchcult Today or Black Masses?

It's either Freak Out! or We're Only In It For the Money



This is the lowest rated review the album has

Everything else is higher

This review says "his" but the artist is female

Music has been proven to sound better to schizophrenics.

Animal collective

>recommend to almost anyone

Uncle Meat? I don't really listen to Zappa t bh
I was thinking Trout Mask but the "piano intro" and "oboe or bassoon" throws it off.
Don't know but I want to

Is it like Stockhausen or Schoenberg or something?

Nah I think they only have slightly strict system. The positive review fags are blatantly obvious. When I was looking at reviews for Person Pitch just now this guy wrote multiple paragraphs praising each song with shit-tier analysis and gave 2/5 stars.

here's another review I found on Amazon

hint: it's the band's second album, released in the mid 70s


Sung Tongs?

ahhahaahahhaah wtf pic is missing and my filename gave it away 0_o

Nope its a female singer's album

It's not Machine Gun is it


Is it Arcade Fire?


not familiar with that album

if anyone guesses it I'll buy the vinyl release to you myself


doesn't count

no, there was an album released in between them.



Merriweather Post Pavilion by /our guys/?


These threads are so dumb.

Love You by The Beach Boys?


you got it



this description of the album makes me want to listen to it

I was going to say Ghost until I saw the date


It's "Lighght" by kishi bashi

Don't think anyone was going to guess it

Enjoy it man

I fucking love every single song on it


First utterance

what is this?


That's a pretty good album

One of the only tracks I don't like that much is The Ballad of Mr. Steak


That's a fair enough opinion

It's funny because that's the track I heard first that drew me to the rest of the album

Now I would say it's probably closer to my least favorites then favorite tracks

But I still love all the songs on it

I'll be honest though. The first two times I listened to it, I thought it was alright but not great.

I listened to it on shrooms and it changed my whole perspective of it.
Was the best musical experience of my life.

And now, whether I'm sober or not, it still sounds fucking great.
Helped me to notice and pick up on things I hadn't before.
I heard more of the details that I subconsciously blocked out normally.

If you ever get the chance to listen to it (or 151A for that matter) on shrooms.
Go for it.

Every fucking song is incredibley moving and gorgeous.