Is height a big deal for women?

is height a big deal for women?
5"5 manlet reporting in
how fucked am i?

Move to asia.

why did you post an ugly af girl?


Only to the trendy hoes it is

Post more of bitch

someone post advice/tips for manlets on how to pick up women ..
need some honest help from you fags

I have a sis that let me in on girl """"""culture"""""", generally girls don't want short guys but the severity of ir depends on the ego of the girl. Some are fine with 5'8" and above, some lower. But 5'5" is pretty low.

Daniel Radcliffe is 5"5 (harry potter),
tom cruise is 5"6
faggot from big bang theory
aziz ansari 5"5
whats the relationship between height and attractiveness?

It's a simple as be confident,if you're confident you wont care if the girl likes you or not,they'll pick up on your confidence


Pretty high actually. Lmao good luck getting anywhere like that if you're not rich/famous

You can tell that she's nothing but a bird brain

After fucking around with tinder for a while (with success), it matters for some, not so much for others. You can't generalize all women, but most won't like someone as below average height as you are. 5'8" is like the lowest you can possibly go and still be able to get any woman. I'm 6'0" which I think is the perfect height. Not too tall, not too short.

You are aware that birds are one of the smartest animals on the planet, right? Just saying..

You are aware that you're completely wrong right?
>Fly's into glass window
>somehow one of the smartest animals

yo. post more of that girls pics

what about baby faced manlets...
OP here with a baby face, relatively young looking teenage, 21 years
do other attractive features cancel out the lack of height ?
As a 6"0, what can you say to a manlet for confidence building

no moar

Kill yourself around friends now or you'll die alone later.

Multiple videos easily disprove what you just said

She's alright I'd fuck her

5'5" manlet checking in, it doesn't matter unless you're socially retarded or generally a loser. I could probably bang more chicks if I were taller but I've got no problem banging hot chicks. Confidence goes a long way.

well shit more slightly chubby girls then!

>Exactly this

I think most women prefer a manly face over a baby face so that's probably going against you too. You don't sound like you're very confident so that's probably hurting your chances too. You've gotta just go for it and not be afraid of failure. It's better to try and fail then to just not try at all. I have a cousin the same age as me who isn't that great looking and is only 5'7" but he always has a pretty good looking girlfriend because he's confident and knows how to talk to girls, and I think that's just something that comes with practice. So my advice is simply to just start trying.

from a 5"5 manlet to another
what are some tips
please user i need some honest advice
confidence building, advice, tips , w/e
looking to fuck tight collegedorm pussy this school yr

fags out there with gf's are they taller or shorter than you ?
for science

Talk to random girls,see if you can keep them interested,don't go in with the mindset of sex right away,unless she clearly wants it

I don't know a single woman who would take a 10/10 guy who's shorter than 5'7" over a 6/10 guy who's taller than 5' 8".

If you're 5' 5" you better be rich.

Wouldn't date a chick over 5'2. Fuck, yes. Date, no.

I'm 6'2.

I don't have a gf right now but I've gone out with this one girl several times so far and intend on making her my gf soon. The only reason I've held out so far is because I'm fucking another really hot chick and I don't want to cheat but I also don't want to stop fucking this girl. Anyway both girls are shorter than me.

I'm 6'1" and my gf is 5'4"

You'r fine nigga,in tx,all short latina girls here tho

That girl is fyne! Are you a fagyt?

any med fags know how to increase height naturally ?
is it true that our bodies stop growing once we hit 20 ?
inb4 heel lifts are for faggots

I'm a 5'7 manlet, I just happened to get lucky with a 4'11 girl. Our kids are fucked though

6"1 is a perfect height. it seems like most white girls aim for guys that are at least 6"
you're lucky af considering you've got 2 bitches, when i m struggling to bag 1 being 5"5

have a hobby that doesn't suck or a good sense of humor. chicks dig dudes who are passionate about something and have their own life. if a chick comes along, sweet, if not I don't give a shit because there's other things that I'd rather do than listen to a chick bitch about whatever just so I can get a nut off. I don't think trying to get laid has ever gotten me laid. doing my own shit and not thinking about it has gotten me laid time and time again.

how does it feel being a manlet, walking into a bar or club...
are you instantly height conscious or do you not give a shit ?

im moving to houston soon im 5'5 will i be able to pull some sweet latina pussy?

5'5'' manlet here. my gf is 5'6''. as long as you arent a lil bitch and take care of yourself, you can get almost any chick you want

I have a friend from college who stood 5'6" but he slept with more girls than anyone I know. When asked how many he would always shrug it off. We found a book in his room where every page was a different girls handwriting talking about fucking and in it a list of over 180 names, many of which we could confirm as fucked.

Moral of the story? If you got the dick magic, I don't think it matters how tall you are

>I don't know a single woman

sounds about right

I don't give a fuck, I found by not trying to over compensate, I don't even notice. I've got pretty broad shoulders, and a pretty muscular build so I like to think it helps. My friends are all mainly 6 to 6'3 but I don't ever catch shit from them

nobody cares.

I'm 6'1" and am 9 inches taller than my girlfriend. I think you'll be fine if you're confident and know your shit. Most of the sluts at my school hook up with much shorter guys because they're stupid cunts, anyway.

Maybe don't post that when there's an entire thread of people doing the exact opposite thing.

Pretty much this, the only faggots who call out height are dudes just below 6 feet tall, and chads

you're fucked because it's already in your head that you're not good enough, you need to not give a fuck

5'7 manlet reporting in. I'm 21yo and I've slept with 43 women. Most of them were pretty attractive, granted there's about 4 or 5 bbw's in there most of them were at least a 6, some were better. The thing that always worked for me when I cared about getting women, was being really, extremely self absorbed. Cocky, rude, just generally a bad person. Now let me make clear that while, yes, this in itself is a meme, I don't mean the 'tv mean guy' meme way. The way I go about it is being 100% honest, all the time, and not holding back to protect their feelings, ever. When I go after a women and she asks what I want(if all I want is pussy) then I say pussy. If they ask what I like about them, I tell them I like them because they give a killer bj and have nice titties or whatever it may be. If I don't like them, I'll tell them. And not just through text messages and shit, I say it to their faces, in front of anyone. You have to be EXTREMELY blunt, and honestly just vulgar a lot of times.

The reason I think this works is because it makes you seem like you genuinely don't care about them, you have no feelings for them. This crushes their over-inflated egos that they've built up over time through social media likes, favorites, friends requests, follower counts, ect. So at that point they think they've found someone whose too good for them(that's the trick, I'm not too good for you baby I'm a ugly piece of shit) and they suddenly take interest since they're so used to getting what they want when they want it.

It's hard to describe, I wish you could see how I do it, and it may not work for everyone, but it's worked for me. I could fuck more women if I wanted but I'm kinda bored of it and am now looking for a real gf.

Best of luck anyways m8.

one of my old buddies in college was an average scrub, only 5"7 but consistently got pussy every night... his secret?
drugs... he did MDMA, coke, kush, became the life of the party every night.

your personality is everything OP

>Manlet confidence boosting thread

5'8 master race reporting in, if you're generally athletic/ or not socially autistic you'll be fine. Don't prey on small girls just for the principle though, they're usually extremely bitchy

Aim for asian or actual Hispanic girls from their home country. Guatemalan girls are small if you are into girls shorter than you. If you want a tall girl you better be attractive fuck great aND make great money while having her submissive to you because you are fighting against the world. Her friends exes parents coworkers random people on the street will let her know you are short and she is taller than you.

5"6 manlet on duty
whats the easiest way to gain muscle fast?
be 19 year old skinny neck beard scrub

working out before gave me close to no results.. how do i put on muscle fast for pussy?
is using weight gainer, creatine the secret??

hispanic girls are eaaasy to pick up, but usually are fucking PSYCHO...

>have fucked 8 girls
>all of them shorter than me

Just have to get lucky OP, and it helps to not try and over-compensate. But if you're ugly, you're fucked

This, I'm the super manlet standing at 5'4 and this shit right here is true. Also I never saw my height as a problem. I always acted indifferent towards females and that makes them want you. Some of them just fuck with you if you show interest quickly but if you play it out right you can definitely fuck. It also helped that I was friends with half the fucking rugby team and we would party every other week. Just be a dickhead and fuck it.

You just have to stick to a regular workout regimen. Eat a lot of protein, maybe bulk up. I highly suggest not bulking unless you are serious about following through. An overweight Manlet is the quickest way to an heroing. Pop over to /fit/ for some tips. Work on socializing more often

the truth is, every girl likes what they like. some girls like short guys, some girls like bald guys, some girls like black guys. just find one that likes you. the trick is to keep trying even if you fail. you can only get to success if your willing to fail a bunch to get there

5'11 and most of its head and neck

feels bad man having a long torso aswell, i got that manlet legs

You are working out but not eating. Eat more and workout more. If you eat 3k calories I guarantee you will bulk up. Track it you are the opposite of a fatty a fatty will wonder why they aren't losing weight even though they only ate 3 times but those 3 meals ended up be 1.2k calories each at 3.6k calories total. Whereas a skinny faggot will be like I ate a whole pizza bUT eat nothing else for a grand total of 1.6-1.8 calories and eat less tommorow.

/fit/ here. Quick guide to building muscle for skinny people:
>Eat like a motherfucker, and eat real food
>nothing processed
>3,500 calories or more/day
>Do compound exercises: bench, deadlift, squat
>Lift heavy, low reps, keep workouts as short as possible(30-45min range)

Do this everyday and you'll gain muscle.

It helps to be slightly bulky. Don't fatten yourself up, but try to gain a little mass. Being too fit, or too thin gives every girl the impression that you're just a high school track runner. Dress nice/current, have good hygiene, and take care of your body and you'll find yourself talking to more and more women

uni fag here,
how the fuck do you eat 3k calories a day?
you must be rich, or live with your parents.. what are you eating ??

average college scrubs have class and dont have the time to cook fancy high protein meals, let alone the time and money to shop and purchase the ingredients

Don't fucking workout everyday this stupid fucker is an idiot. That's a great way to hurt yourself. If anyone needs any actual workout advice il be here for a bit.

5,5 manlet here. To the people saying you need to be rich at this height to get a girl, they are completely fucking wrong and retarded.

As long as you aren't completely autistic and have some genuine confidence to you, you can get plenty of girls. Just quit being a whiny bitch.

Move to a country or region where the average height is lower
You can thank me later

Speaking of ego, it depends on the ego of the guy as well. Don't be the cocky, chad manlet who compensates by being a total dick. It's hilarious, but also annoying as fuck because of "little man syndrome" (you will be a walking joke to everybody). Plenty of nice short guys had girlfriends when I was in high school because girls thought they were cute and kind

And by bulky, I mean lift regularly and develop some muscle tone. Being a manlet is finding the right spot in the triangle. You either end up wider than you are tall, high school track runner sickly, or a over compensating chadette. So find the perfect in between. I'm 5'8, 168 pounds and it's the perfect balance for me.

> be 21, amerifag, manlet

where to find decent looking chicks?
too poor to afford college...
looking for pussy
where does one go for pussy hunting?

I shouldn't have said everyday, I only work out 4 sometimes 3 days a week, the off days I eat more. You won't hurt yourself working out every day, only a retard would think that. But if you're bulking you don't want to workout that much. I guess I have to be extra specific for people like you(autistic people).

You're a skinny fag to the extreme. 3k calories a day is literally 5 ramen packets a day + eggs. I wouldn't recommend that diet personally but eating a highly caloric diet very cheaply is pretty much a staple of the American culture. You're not even trying.

5 ramen packs = 300 g carbs?
thats barely any protein
let alone eggs
what is healthy, muscle building super food college fags can get


Holy fuck my sides. This guy has the right idea though, it really is about finding balance. Being a manlet is an art form in itself.

Spoken like a true virgin.

any fags try heel lifts...
thinking about givin' em a try at the club
just for 1 night stand runs

No fucker what you said is straight up wrong. It takes an advanced understanding of the body to work out 5-7 times a week and not hurt yourself. It also takes an advanced understanding to work out 3 times a week and do it efficiently and correctly. You need to think more and stop thinking about your biceps fur like two seconds you fucking faggot. Working out correctly and actually building muscle is way more complicated than your dumbass post stated. Have another beer and fuck off.

Please don't be a stereotypical fag and start a creatine regimen. Just don't do it

manlet reporting in,
have you /fit/fags attempted crossfit?
any opinion on that ? how is that training regime for muscle building ?

creatine is a supplement designed to give you increased ATP production for your sets.... not designed to build muscle mass. it just increase water retention in your muscles for an extra PUMP in a set...

no stereotypical faggotry in supplementation



Don't just bulk up and pursue a toned upper body or you will bring your Manley syndrome full circle. Don't bring attention to your legs by being unproportional

I get comments about my height from women all the time and I'm only 6'3". But the most popular guy I know at work is even shorter than you. Be likeable and have a personality.

Here's what you need. Eggs, dark meat chicken (thigs especially) rice, oats, beans, and milk. You HAVE to cook. You're also going to want spices and seasonings but that's bit technically necessary. Beans and chicken and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Milk is decent and rice is your primary carbs. Yo need fat, carbs, and protein to lift efficiently. All of these ingredients are cheap to buy in bulk and extremley caloric/efficient. I would also but a multivitamin for the obvious lack of vegetable/fruits because they tend to be more expensive.

Actually you hurt yourself using incorrect form. If you're not training torn muscles, you're not over training, so that's all on the individual.

I know this was bait but, why don't you post yourself since you must be so jacked from your advanced understanding?

skywhy12 snapchat schyler thorton

Man, if only they had wealth or fame to help them get women

OP, some of the highest payed hollywood actors are manlets...
tom cruise, dave franco, jack black, tom cruise

look at mark wahlberg, he's 5"7 and RIPPED as fuck. his max bench is like 430 pounds. this should be your motivation .

Here's my bicep alone. And yes you're right incorrect form is extremely damaging which working out 6+ days a week only encourages. Only the most advanced lifters can accomplish that kind of form without injury. So yeah stop telling people to hurt thrmselves in the future you fuck.

Marky Mark is what got me laid in high school lol. I aspired to be him and my dick thanked me all 4 years

Your kid has bigger biceps. Fag.

Houston full of ghetto latinas and some decent. You might find a decent hoe that will fuck.

Depends who likes you. I'd go no. But when the girl is in her 20's and has a little kids body and you are overweight and 6 feet. You think about rolling over on her in bed.

5'10 here. I had the sex once

Yeah she's pretty buff. But what about you? I can guarantee you ain't got shit on me.

The key is to not find some narcissitic, money grubbing slut.... just find one decent down to earth girl and you're fine

OP dont go to bars or clubs... go to wal marts and coffee shops.
beleive it or not, MILFS that like younger men go to wal mart... dont worry about height be confident and go get pussy

We have a tough guy here. Watch out.
you're a redneck.

Tbh OP, it helps to not have a little dick. She might give you a chance if you are smooth/not autistic but if you aren't packing a decent load she'll just laugh her way out of fucking you

You're all talk man. I rest my case.

Because you're a faggot with no testosterone who likes fucking girls with the bodies of a 10 year old boy