What's in your wallet, Sup Forums?

What's in your wallet, Sup Forums?

You have the most beautiful handwriting hands down. Must be a femanon.

about three fiddy'

...that's weird, how'd you know???

Only girls take time to make their handwriting look good. Men are too busy with completing the task at hand as opposed to superficial bullshit.

>pic related

Exactly one-hundred dollars, in fifties

Sitting on my wallet are two singles

credit cards? welcome to 2016

You already know bby.

Capital One, whats in your wallet.

Generally, women do have better handwriting than men. So I had about an 85% chance of my earlier statement being correct. Although, it seems to me that the dumber a man is, the neater they write. More intelligent people tend to write faster because they operate differently. That's the way I see most students at my school.

Reppin the state. What part you in?

I didn't know that was a thing...... welp, the jig is up. I'd post more of my handwriting but no one cares.

I carry cash on me, prevents me from splurging if I take that hundred out and see Ben staring disapprovingly at me.

The second shittiest city in NJ.

I'lll unblur guys wait 5 min

> no wallet

No, pls. My credit limit is 2 high

I'm guessing Trenton then...

Looks like i'm getting some free shit

I also got fat stax nigga. Got hella singles from works over time at the strip club.

No. Thats shit, but my town is a little shittier.

I'll actually say my town is the third shittiest right under Newark.

60$ plus some quarters for parking but isn't the plus on the checking account more interesting? ;-)

A fifty dollar bill, debit card credit card, drivers licence, apprenticeship paper, motor cycle insurance, scooter insurance and company insurance paper

why do retards forget that they need the CVV on the back??

Alright I've narrowed it down to Camden or Paterson. If it's not one of those I concede.


All in this Steve Maden card holder

Its Paterson.

I'd say Camden used to be the absolute worse when their Police Dept. disbanded. Now they may have gotten a little bit better.

Different user, but NJ as well. And, that makes me want to guess either Camden or Atlantic City.

That's some straight metrosexual shit.

3 fiddy mman

I never carried a wallet just stacks of bills ended up with tons of change which pissed me off but at some point you need to grow up.


And also Paterson has gotten better too. Fetty Wap donated a bunch to improve his hometown. Don't know about Camden... havent been there since '10 to take my kids to the aquarium. East Brunswick fag here btw.

Hello James W. Kosvoplis. Do those cards ever get you out of tickets when you wave them in the cop's face? I bet you have one of those lame stickers on your car positioned so the cops can see it as they walk up. If I was a cop I'd be damn sure to give anyone with those stickers or cards a ticket. You shit think you can bribe?

Inb4 monopoly money,
I work a commission job and get paid in cash at the end of every day

Show us your shit computer.

Fuck, that shit looks delicious.

Personal credit card (3% cash back on everything, bitches!), business debit card, driver's license, medical emergency card to instruct medical peeps to ship me off for cryonic suspension if things get serious, and a $50 bill just in case. Usually, I use the $50 to buy booze without it showing up on my bank statements.

Stax niggrs

What the fuck, you got paid fake money. I'd call the Federal Reserve to report those fucks.

>in your wallet
>no bends
>small amount of money
>timestamp for no reason

No bends in cash. Must have been carried in a full sized purse wallet.

Feminine hand writing too

Pretty obvious u r gril

I just hacked your chip. I'm you now

Can't blame him. OP probably saved up his allowance for years so he could exchange the bills for crispies and get some baller pics.

Why do they have so many 5s

That's a mighty fine carry

Obvious timestamp to show I'm not fucking around with someone else's pic.
ya caught me. But there *are* men that have full sized wallets btw.


That's not even 300 dollars.

That was a weeks paycheck while working part time in high school...

I bet you didnt know that monopoly money is worth more than that worthless paper in your hand.

Are you upset??

Never seen a man with a full sized wallet. Why the fuck would you do that? I mean I get why women do it because they're already most likely lugging a purse around anyways.

Choosing to do so without a purse would be retarded.

wheres the timestamp faggot?

Not all m8. Are you because I find that to be a very unremarkable amount of money?

lol faggot


Takes one to know one! hahaha haha

No, I just think it's weird that you're all like
when you don't even know what's the minimum "a lot of money" to someone else.

It's all circumstantial.

Hey, I'm not a man with a full size wallet.

2 condoms.

Cum tru boi nycc lurkin here Hell's Kitchen 41 y'all ready

It's because I don't understand the reasoning behind the post.

I think youz madz

And we know that OP, you're a lady that walks around with 245 in cash and is quite proud

go back to tumblr.

bout $1000 nigger

I regularly browse Sup Forums there's NO WAY I use tumblr.

But you use Bank of America...