Why are we men so manipulative?

Why are we men so manipulative?

We always want to control women, and everything that they say and do. Even marriage was invented to stop women from choosing the best mate, and now women have claimed it as their own, even though they're getting the raw end of the deal.

This is why I'm a feminist. Because the patriarchy must end. 'Patriarchy' has even become a dirty word because we can't handle having our masculinity challenged by a strong woman.

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does it ever fucking stop with you and your "rights"

Let me tell you two stories about, "The Patriarchy."

When I was in 4th grade I was attacked by two girls on the play ground who cut me with the file from a nail clipper. I retaliated by slapping the girl on the arm. I came to school the next day and was suspended because my guidance counselor thought it was, "inappropriate to hit girls."

When I was a sophomore in high school, a girl I barely knew who had some random hate towards me came up to me and hit me across the face. I pinched the back of her arm and carried on with the rest of my day. Two days later I get called into the discipline office and got a day of in school suspension and two days of out of school suspension. She lied to the counselor, then told the truth after I kept the story straight of what actually happened. I was told to write an apology to her mother because it's not right to, "hurt women."

Sexism is against men in this country you fucking moron. I don't care what your gender studies teacher told you about, "misogyny," but it's far from prevalent in the US.

Go live in the real world and tell me how often the patriarchy wins against another horribly oppressed woman.

Is it the patriarchy or the illuminati? I still get those 2 mixed up since they are so all knowing and ever seeing

Your guidance counsellor was right, and is a true gentleman. You should be ashamed.

The illuminati is a creation by the patriarchy, but I still fail to see how you could confuse the two.

Kys Faggot

>strong woman

That's the perfect picture of your everyday woman finally standing up for herself. She deserves a medal and a pat on the back.



Hillary will be queen, she deserves it.

by the way op strong women don't blame their problems on the patriarchy. they work hard and earn respect by being themselves. then you have people who all they do is complain about the patriachy. they become nothing. pic related.

Someone needs to stand up for the silent majority.

she isn't standing up for anyone i promise you that. if you think she gives a fuck about anyone you are insane.

She's going to make things better for womyn, and pay back the blacks for their history of being shat on.





>Why are we men so manipulative?

Cause women are easily manipulated.

oh joe biden? yes the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? THE DEMOCRAT AND CHILD MOLESTER? yes this is obama's right hand man. be proud liberals. fuck you are dumb op.

>when you want to destroy america, but you want to pretend you don't


Kill yourself please liberal







then why won't she stand up to muslims who beat and rape their women? honor killings? how old are you?

Because there are more pressing issues to address first.

yes we should address your "pronouns" and make sure no one is offending your feelings on the internet? look at this woman and tell me how you think she feels about your "pronouns"


She needs to fix America first, obviously.

let's talk about your "safe space" and make sure no one disagrees with you on the internet. that is what is important! we need to take care of that first.

Its such obvious bait Sup Forumsoys, come on now

nice digits

i can't help it, i can't stop myself...

An act of agression is an act of aggression. Violating someone's safe space may seem small and somewhat funny to someone who lives in shitsville, but the psychological effect is the same, a sense of powerlessness.

>fixing america
Pick one
She's a crook who's laundered money through her "charity" corporation, uses her news networks to send out false/extermely biased info and evades taxes and all this shit, she'll be worse than bush


I understand user, Hillary supporters disgust me too

>get treated like shit by women all my life
>even though I was always caring and considerate and never called women derogatory names
>finally become an adult and all of a sudden women are wondering where all the good men are
>still can't get the time of day because I'm not handsome enough

Fuck off with that bullshit OP. Women have always had more power because if it wasn't for men already trying to cater to their every whim we'd still be living in fucking caves.

This is obvious bate but allow me to explain. Women you see don't think rationally, they just make decisions based on how it feels. So trying to rationalize with a woman like you would a man is useless, you have to work her feelings to get anything, even a basic friendship.

So if any women wonder why men are trying to manipulate them, its because until you start acting and thinking rationally, its the only way to deal with you.


hey she went on the tonight's show and opened a jar of pickles ok? clearly she is in good health

Obvious b8 is obvious.


I absolutely love how it was pre-opened, way too fucking funny, even the smallest thing Hillary has to cheat with it


>muh flag

I don't get the religious outrage that comes with disrespecting the flag, or any flag for that matter. It's just a symbol of our country.

Also, how is burning, or disrespecting the flag in another way, somehow equated with being unappreciative of veterans? There's literally no correlation between those two ideas.

I always hear retards say how burning a flag is disrespectful to "the troops". WTF


>failing 3rd grade history lessons

Because some people are morons who put more value into things than people.

Just go cut your balls off in penance already faggot.

It is the flag that our brave troops carried into battle and defended, all in the name of freedom. It's like urinating on a soldier's grave. Pissing in that spot is not a bad thing per se, but it's the fact that there is a dead soldier under it that's the problem.

I hope your trolling, I really do. But plenty of people IRL think like this and its truly a symbol of how corrupted our education system is when the youth don't understand basic civic values.

That crusty old bitch needs help changing her diaper, so I believe the story that the jar was "pre-loosened" for her.

Everything she does is a lie, she literally is absent of truth, she is a true woman. You can see what being around her has done to Bill.

>symbol of our country
>oh how is defacing it and burning it offensive?

Also there wasn't any mention of veterans so that was a stupid fucking thing to bring up, but if you want a reason it's because they fought for that flag, they didn't fight for personal reasons, it was so our country could still exist and the flag could still stand. So defacing it for stupid reasons is a mockery to them

tumblr is filled with people like this. they spit on the american flag and collect welfare. they refuse to work, but damn sure will burn the flag.


Except it's just a piece of fucking cloth. The soldiers themselves are more important than that fucking multi-colored piece of garbage. I don't understand how we can live in a country where we treat veterans like shit but don't you dare burn our flag, that's un-patriotical!!!

>except it's just a decaying corpse


Men are manipulative because we compete, it's in our nature, biologically and with status. It's primitive instinct above a social norm. Girls can also be just as manipulative.

The people on Tumblr wouldn't know civic virtue if it reached up and bit them in the ass. They're unsuited for even a communist society because communist society expect their citizens to shuffle into work every day for the betterment of the glorious revlutionary fatherland or whatever.

Sup Forums are too smart to take the b8.

they would literally die to keep the flag from falling to the ground and to keep it raised on a flag pole. this is not a tumblr hate thread.


It's because it's hard to treat all the veterans, I'm not saying they shouldn't be treated well, they should be, but Obama has done a shit job with it

And it's easy to not burn a flag, do I need to walk you through it?

Route 1:
>Acquire flag
>Don't burn it

Route 2:
>Don't acquire flag
>Can't burn flag

People go out of their ways to deface it to make some stupid ass backwards point about equality, it's disrespecting everyone who's a part of the country, especially those who have fought and died for it

>this is the america the brave troops died for
The phrase 'turning in their grave' is thrown around a lot these days...

No one since Vietnam (40 years ago) was forced into service you rotten shit bag.

We treat our Veterans like shit? Fuck off.

1. They get free medical care
2. They get low interest rates on property
3. They get a free college education
4. They get a nice pension check when they retire (if they don't puss out and quit after 1 term)
5. They get so much puntang that it would make your head spin
6. They get to travel the world, free of charge

Thats just after they get out, while their in they get:

1. On the job training
2. Free housing
3. Free food
4. Free college education
5. Cash bonuses
6. Training on how to kick little pussies asses
7. One month a year paid vacation
8. Health care, dental and medical
9. Free travel between bases

Those fuckers knew the risk and they still signed up.


>welfare queens
We should pay them during service only, it'd help us get out of debt.

Well it fucking is what they died for. In WW1 and WW2, it was pure hell. The soldiers went through more pain and suffering than any of these SJW flag burners ever will

Oh no someone called you a girl instead of zoigerzion, you're prefered pronoun? That's tragic, I'd rather be in the trenches and literally drown to death in mud than that, I'd rather die of inhaling chlorine gas, or get shot and die of slow infection!

How bout you just call a halt to the entire military industrial complex, thatd save a whole boot load MORE money, plus the added benifits of half the world not hating you anymore.

I'm not trolling. I do understand these values. I just don't hold them personally.
Thanks for being smart about your response.
Nice argument. I'm really convinced.
I get that it's offensive. I just hate people that offended over it. They're retarded mindless zombies that worship the country just because they're told to by society. You are a drone. Think for yourself you weak fuck.

Also, you must all be under 18. You all regurgitate these platitudes talked at you by the media and your dumbass parents.

"our brave troops"
"they fought for our flag"
"fought in the name of freedom"

No, the reasons people join the military varies, especially from war to war. I consider a WW2 vet much more honorable than a veteran from the last two decades.

It's not for MUH FREEDOMS. There's nuance to it, dipshits.

Please stop believing and following everything you see/hear. Think for yourselves you fucking zombies

I guess you never had a gf

Because women can't think for themselves. Have you seen what happens when they get together and try to think what's better for themselves and men?


Congratulations on being a literal cuckold. They don't want you, and they don't need you. If they had any say, you'd be dead, balless, or both. That's modern feminism for you.

You sound super edgy, I get it you're sweet 16 is coming up and you have to be counter culture and your tumblr friends said why they hate American soldiers, but we don't need that here


I respect WW1 and WW2 vets immensely, so fuck you for putting words in my mouth. Like someone else said, I respect the people much more than I respect some cloth with a pattern on it.

I love how you interpret my position as something it isn't. You can disagree, you don't have to be disingenuous about it, though. Fucking retard.


if you think women are not manipulative or at least they don't try to be, then you are as dumb as you probably are lliberal

Calling us "zombies" and "sheep" isn't a valid argument. People should remember the sacrifices made for us so we can just exist, it's not about "Muh freedom", it's the appreciation for how great people have it in this country that should be had, and that so much was given for it over such a long time

And yeah some of the wars in current years aren't too valid (i.e the current war Hillary caused in Iraq), but most soldiers are still honorable, and I'd agree the ones that break the rules or commit war crimes should be condemned

If you want to spread femenism do it in the middle east, oh wait if you do that you'll be an islamiphobe.

Cool story brah, come back when you man up, hit the gym, and stop being a defeatist beta bitch who can't care for a woman.

not a "woman" of "color" unless fat and retarded are colors now.

Hes never embraced a woman that's why


>implying you have


You clearly don't respect them, there's more meaning behind the cloth than just cloth, it's what was given for it. People go out of their fucking way to deface it, something they don't have to fucking do you idiot. I'm not saying you have to worship the flag, or keep every tiny paper version of it given at a rally protected, but don't destroy it to make a point, it's something edgy counter cultures trying to "change" america and make it more PC do during protests



Essentially, this is you.

I forgot the add to this, calling people zombies is a total edge lord thing to do
>Heh, don't wanna be red pilled? Looks like you're just a stupid common sheep, and will never rise to my wisdom *tip*
>A red katana should fix you then
>*teleports behind you*
>Nothing personell kid
>*thrusts katana through you're back*