My gf goes through my messages on a regular basis...

My gf goes through my messages on a regular basis, facebook especially if i leave for work in the morning and my laptop is at home I know she reads it. It causes a lot of fights and problems in our relationship mainly because I delete conversations. She gets very suspicious when I delete conversations and thinks i'm being shady and hiding something. I am very faithful to her and I am with her 24/7 unless we are apart at work. She has been telling me lately that she does not go through my messages and a couple days ago an old female friend started talking to me over facebook, very casual. I deleted the conversation yesterday, and today at work i get bombarded of texts from my gf asking why I deleted the convo and getting huge heat from all this. I never go through her messages, I feel like I have lost all sense of privacy in my life.

Do any of you have similar situations or experiences? I really need some advice.

>pic not related

Man if there's nothing shady there's no point in deleting convos, like, let her read your convos, whatever man

She's obviously cheating, or thinking about it. Joyless her, you'll never get the trust or a good relationship back. Been there

Just leave.. Not joyless

Break up with her? How hard is that to understand?

Sounds way to fucking attached and she ain't trusting you for shit. Get rid of her Sup Forumsro. Seriously.

>just let her
Fuck off cuck

CUCK ALERT! CUCK ALERT! lmao don't let your girl run your life

She cheatin' bro

Of youre not hiding anything quit deleting your messages faggot. Then there would be no problem, right?

Go through her messages, maybe it'll piss her off. If it doesnt, at least you have her on check too

Get a storage unit. Take 1 small possession of hers per day. At the end of week 4, while gf is at work, get everything. Call her and break up. Make it seem like it was a robbery.
Your welcome.

OP, I cannot sympathize with you more. I broke up with my gf four weeks ago after two years of dating. The rift between was literally this, verbatim. There's nothing you can do besides leave her. If she's so insecure in herself that she needs to impede upon your privacy in order to feel content, something's very wrong. Not to mention that she's personally disrespecting you by doing this because she's not trusting you when she has no reason not to. I send you my best regards, OP.

Communicate that it isn't healthy for her to do this in a relationship and it is generally no way to conduct oneself in a meaningful relationship. She must be increadibly insecure and is always concerned you're going to cheat on her or leave her. So work it out with her and make her realize how this is not healthy behavior at all, even while not being in a relationship.

If after trying to use logic and communication she still fails at trusting you, the. There is absolutely nothing in store for yalls relationship. I promise. Don't bother wasting your time.

She's cheating, no bother trying to find out, life seems like hell, get out before she gets pregnant! Also, wrap that shit up son, you don't want to get her pregnant or catch something.


checking behavior only gets worse. it does not form trust, it is the opposite of trust. tell her to stop. it is not healthy in any way shape or form to "just let her look".

personally i would break up with any girl immediately if she had done this, but i lay those ground rules immediately.

you're a faggot. When you are around your girlfriend you should either A. be fucking B. eating and sandwich and watching tv AFTER fucking or C. sleeping after fucking....what's all this fag time you're spending on facebook, faggot? No wonder she's snooping, she's trying to find your boyfriend because obviously you're gay and being around her and giving her attention isn't something you're good at.

You must give her a day or two to understand all of this.

Why are you letting her use your laptop?

Get out. seriously. I had something similar happen to me and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Had a gf in high school who was crazy like that, wou always go through my messages wouldn't let me look at porn or even go out with any of my friends. at first I fell for that whole "I love you I need you you're the only person I have" act because she was a loner. Eventually I came to my senses and just left, she even threatened killing herself but I didn't care anymore I'd just had enough. She moved away shortly after and we haven't spoken since.

This is the best serious advice. Communicate but don't back down and if she refuses to listen or even compromise then break it off. It probably won't do anything but escalate from here if you don't say something