Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Just found out one of my oldest friends died.
Can we maybe post some funny shit or. I donno just talk a little?
If anyone cares to know i'd answer questions about my late friend.

Other urls found in this thread:


How old were they?

What happened to them?

26 years old

Not sure yet- I suspect heroin.

Keep the chin up Sup Forumsro,

Thats the fucking worst man.


Thanks man.
Heh i could also have said 'what hasn't happened to this guy' hes had more crazy misadventures than i can remember. His life was one long roller coaster of crazy instances, bad decisions, and also some genuine sincere moments where he reallyed showed his humanity and humility. Also at times the opposite. He was like my Trevor from gta 5

Yeah, I'm gonna miss him.
Mfw im from ny and desensitized to tragity and war butur

Feel better user!
How close were you guys?



We met in 6th grade, it was the year halo came out on xbox and we bonded over that.
We were really tight until i left the state for college. About... Six or seven years ago now. We never lost touch but there were periods where we didn't talk.

Gave me a chuckle, feel better user!

I appreciate the effort. Here is something i've lost to in return:

To be honest i've been loseing a person I considered a good friend for like three consecutive years, one or two a year...

I don't know how to process it. You would think it would just get easier.

Losing a friend at such a young age is heartbreaking. Especially when you think on what the future would of been like. I remember losing a friend in middleschool many years ago due to cancer. When we were younger he made me a promise that he was gonna play in the NBA and support my dream in becoming an actor. 10 years later and I'm finally going to audition for something. I hope he's gonna be there with me in spirit.

I really thought he was going to do better than me in life as we were growing up. Last we spoke, he told me he wanted to turn his life around. He was living alone in some shitty neighborhood

I hope you kill it man. I think the best way to honor them is to carry on their best traits and sort of keeping their best traots going in your actions and ambitions.
I hope you do well in your audition user.

Uhmmm NO. Krokodil is the worst.

Guys i think losing a friend to addiction is shitty no matter what...
I want to go to his funeral... Hug his grandma. But I don't like his parents. What do? I live in California now... He died in NY and his rents live in like florida or north carolina or something... And i'm not really well off- so buying a plane ticket spur of the moment doesn't seem possible...

You should go play through halo again. Just for memories.


I just found out about my friend dying today. Some hiker found his skull hiking 15 miles from town last week. Identified today.

I used to blaze with this guy.
Tweet with this guy.

Nobody even reported him missing.

No one knew he was gone.

Yeah.. it would be a good way to remember him. He always stole a banshee on that bridge in two betrayals- i found out years later there was a whole other fight through that elevator on the other side.

Is his name Andrew?


That's a good idea, you're gonna be sad so might as well spend the time remembering all the shit that you guys used to love together, it'll help you frame your grief in a more positive, commemorative way rather than fixating on events leading up to this.


Man that would suck so bad if my friends death ruined my halo gaming.

Wow sorry man.
I actually introduced my friend to pot, he was the first person i ever sparked up. He later went on to sell it (poorly) and got into worse and worse stuff and trouble. Yeah... That guy had some wild adventures.
Yeah... The last ten years have been a slow motion train wreck

Wow he was young. Have any good memories?

Get better OP

Thanks man.



Same thing with my friend. We're pretty sure it was drug related.

The chef who trained me years before was pulled out of a lake 6 months ago as well.

I think some one is killing tweekers in my small mountain town

and I'm pretty sure it's just other tweekers (I've been sober for a few years now),

but it's eery to think that I might know the assailant.

I have enemy's my self from the game.

I could be on the list too.

Maybe I'm paranoid,

Maybe the meth I used to abuse has had lingering side effects, brain damage etc...

But some one is killing tweekers here.

Thanks for chilling guys, it was nice to talk about him a little. I got work early... Have a good one anons. Try to appreciate people for who they are and forgive them their faults... I miss him and wish i had pushed him harder in life to be better.

When did you meet this friend, OP? Have any good memories of him that you could share?

We worked at a resteraunt 6 years ago.
We used to throw meth shards on the flat top grill and inhale it through half broken beer bottles.

We weren't full time meth heads at the time. In our small town, we never had a steady supply of just one substance.

Every one would do whatever they could get there hands on.

Are you neglecting his gender?!

Sorry man. Shit's never easy. Sup Forums loves you baby.


Ok maybe one more memory of how we met before i go-
It was 6th grade.
I didnt have many friends, i had just moved from the inner city and people acted dofferent in the suburbs.
He didn't have many friends because he was a little crazy.
Anyway it turnned out his last name started with an a and mine with a b so we were always seated near each other in classes.
Anyway in gym he was put in the spot behind me and while i was leaning back on my palms he decided to anoy me and stomp on my fingers every so often to try and get a reaction out of me.
I scowled him and told him he was an asshole.
The next period we were seated next to eachother in an english class and he showed me his halo one booklet that came with the game and invited me pver to try it.
Years later he confessed he noticed i didnt really talk to anyone and he was just reaching out and trying to make a freind.


Yeah man i feel you. My city we grew up in is having some major drug problems. Kids are oding left and right.
Ive never tried meth or coke- bud and alcohol are enough for me. Occasionally a phycodelic. I don't really judge people who have tho, life sucks and you die.

I may never have as good a friend as he was to me. I wish he hadn't choosen the path he was on. I wish he followed me to college. I wish he were here now having a beer with me.

I grew up. Had kids. Got married. I owe it to my kids to stay straight, but I wouldn't take my "college" years back for anything. I miss the life style everyday,

This new one is much better.

I'm glad you're keeping straight for your kids man. That's awesome.

Have a good night OP. I'm glad I saw your thread.

Your friend isn't suffering anymore.

He is no longer confined by our terrestrial restraints.

I'm sure he will be the first to great you on the next phase.

And to you good sir.

Stay strong.

Hug your loved ones.

sorry to hear that user. a friend of mine died of cancer about 2 years ago and let me tell you this: talk to people in real life about it. bawing on the internet only fuels the downward spiral in your head when you're griefing, took me way too long to realize that. your might be unable to articulate what's on your mind in a proper way, but most likely you'll find that the people griefing with you share that same helplessness. but in this also lies a great deal of togetherness and catharsis. i wish you all the best user
