You know.I think about killing myself once and awhile.I have a pretty decent life though. I have a girl that loves me...

You know.I think about killing myself once and awhile.I have a pretty decent life though. I have a girl that loves me,roof over my head,im not financially distraught.Sometimes thoguh.Im sittign around the house and feel like I want to die.Not like "wahh no one understands me "
or "wahh my life is pain" I cant really tell why.

I seem to have a shitty bassline of suicide and even though guitars are added and drums too and it makes a pretty good song and cover up,its kinda still there.

Anyone feel this way before too? I not sure if its depression because I dont really have anything to be depressed about.Anyone just wanna talk or shit thats cool too.I have some good advice how to wretch yourself out of it.


I hear ya, user.
Pretty wife, two awesome fucking little boys, six figure salary, living in a great area... Nothing to be depressed about, but sometimes, as I lay my head down for bed at night, I dream of not waking up, or just sleeping forever.

weird huh.I also seem to take things kinda hard.Like set backs or imagined problems.Ive had problems my whole life but it never really bothered me so much.I got laid back about it.Maybe its part of the brain keeping it locked down but its fucking you up at the same time.Got anything like that? Anyhting kinda move you closer to that thought of dying?

Do it faggot. Livestream it too

It's actually just the most mundane elements of life that do so... hits me at work sometimes, or after a completely normal day. Sometimes, even the happiest things can bring it on. Like - so much fucking joy that it's sad.

I do find i take stressful things more and more stressfully. Like, normal shit that'd previously stress me out, just seem to ramp up more and more anxiety.

I feel that exact thing also.I feel it sometimes after having sex with my girlfriend.When we are done and kinda laying there talking or cuddling I feel like dying would be ok.The only real good thing of it,is that when I was young I was very into self preservation and scared alot.Now not really,almost no fear of the things that used to scare me.I hated the dark but not I feel like doing a midnight jog

I had this time, about two months where I couldn't find a job, didn't have a car and couldn't start college.

However all my friends had everything they needed. A car from their mommy and a job at their dads business or whatever.

Meanwhile I had to struggle cause I didn't live with my parents. I never even really had parents. So I suppose that's why it all hit me so badly.

Textbook depression. Go see a shrink and live better through chemistry.

variables causing depression.It happens.I do believe that makes you stronger mentally,but will kill you earlier.

prob never going to do that.Its not great but I do enjoy the fearlessness to a degree.

I can't bring myself to do that... for some reason, always had an aversion to using psychotropic medications. I feel like id' be fundamentally altering my true personality, even if i was less "depressed"

Checked your quads.

I also have been telling myself that it would make me the better man in the long run.

Currently I'm working a really shitty job at the busiest pizza place in town but I'm so much happier than before. I hope it lasts

I feel that also.I use minimal medication and less so if they change my mood.Id rather be "me" then be fake happy.

its also being out doing things.Your mind is busy in a good way.Look toward a goal but dont make it tunnel vision,because if you fail at it ,it could be devastating.My end goal is to have land to farm a bit and raise some animals and have a few kids.

I suppose my end goal is to land my dream job and have a small house in the city with my girl.

Not worried about kids at the moment.

You realize the brain secretes psychotropic compounds all the time. Your brain can get a chemical imbalance that would otherwise go uncorrected and make your miserable for no reason. That 'strange' feeling from medication goes away and you feel normal.

Ive have been thinking about that too.I seem happy when with friends and my girl tho.

oh also,its not really miserable either.its just..meh with life.

Just trying to break misconceptions. I dealt with that shit for years before I got help.

Fucking kill urself

i think about suicide 5/7 days of the week
its bc of long term depression, but lately i can attricute it to my best friend
she is sexy af blonde girl, im' totally in love
told her this yadayada complicated shit thats not really important or you dont care about
lss: despite her being obviously fucked up, her apparent rejection of me and constant contact makes me want to blow my brains out
im wasted idrk what im typingo ut rn
got tix to a rave a few weeks ago as a birthday [resent to her. freaking out. dont think id b able to handle seeing her amke out with outher dudes
conversly, not gonna risk not taking her for chance we have a great night and get sexy n shit
(we've fuckd before and she would crave me in these periods)

to respond to your statement op, sometimes there is no one thing to be depressed about. but rather the accumulation of experiences n our lives that lead us to depression. that is how it is for me.

Your info is good,I appreciate advice.thanks.

is that callamburlamps?

cut her out man.Its seeping poisin.Me and my first girlfriend broke up and it was hella rough for me.I tried getting her back even though I knew we weren't right for each other and she was kinda shit.I just cut her off totally and it got better one day.Took me about a month or so.

not sure user.Just saved because I thought it was funny.

I feel the same way. Everything in my life is good. Just got married, job I enjoy, not worried about money, blah blah but there are days where is just look at it all and think fuck this. I don't plan on doing anything but I think about it all the time. Same as you guys it's usually after a normal day, where I realize normal is boring as fuck, or after a fun weekend and I have to go back to work.

Believe me.I came here and asked that question too.Should I cut her out.They said yes.I didnt listen.It turned out bad. Everything is telling you "maybe" but dont.IT WILL BE ROUGH and she may try to contact you.Just tell her whats up.Tell her how you feel and its better to cut out.It may seem mean but its for the best. Believe me dude.

ik wat ur saying, and ur prob right
but she is actually the only friend i have
again, complicated shit blah blah cut all my previoius friends from my life
she is the only positive influence in my life
but she is also killingme m8
rave is nezt fiday, gonna see how that gpes an then make a decision then
im not the type to fall in love w/o reason, this girl is almost perfect for me, im willing to work with her on her issues iim just stressed af fucz this is gonna be a years long project ya know?

Its the realization of life.Its pretty mundane.We get rolled into video games and tv and movies and our lives pale in comparison.The japanese have a thing about it.Many Japanese go to paris with intent on seeing the city of love and all the hype of it...only to realize its just pretty much a normal city and it fucks them up.

yeah he tweeted it

i think agout it literally every day
she is the only friend i have left man
she told me like 2 weeks ago she couldn't bear to be around me cuz im too depressing
calling me sobbing before the night ends, nothing changes
this fuckin girl dude, she just does whatever she wantrs
pisses me off, but i also love it
its not a logical love, i cant explain it and i can't make it stop

no I know.I dated a girl who seemed great for me.Wanted kids, house all that.She was mentally fucked by her ex who cheated on her.He was most likely first love.I am a fun guy who likes to tease a bit,nothing mean,but it was mess her up.I would call her things like "nerd or things like that" and she called it negativity in her life.I slowly found out she was fucked up and was a BAD third wave feminist.I was told to cut but I didnt and it went bad.I now date a girl who loves me and wants what I want...still feel like suicide though.

thats rough m8, but her issues aren't anything like that
they're legitimate and understandable. i could list them all but it doesn't ,atter. i seem to have a thing for broken birds.
despite all these issues, shes one of the most amazing people ive ever come to know. if she could just overcome her own mental barriers we could have the most constructive symbitotic relationship man... its just hard to watch someone be completely irrational and pretend it doesnt faze u

Its normal

if she hasent yet,even though you told her how you feel,its gonna kill you slow.I felt the same way about the girl.After I gave it time I realized she was shit.If you really need to make it hateful.I did that with my first breakup.I still resent her and that hate got me through.

i often think about deciding to hate her
i basically hate myself for loving her, it brings me so much pain and its more or less hopeless in the short term
if i find out this girl is shit, i'm afriad i'll never really find love
only girl i've felt this strong about was my first love 6 years ago in high school
dated around and fucked an acceptable number of girls imo, this one feels special