Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Umi claimed



Third for Asuka?


Sleep time.

See you later everyone, have a good day.


I know you

your anger only makes me harder.


salama > shit tier redhead

>being smart is hard

Sweet dreams Kyouko, I hope you rest well

Miho claimed

fuck off

Oh, what would you mean by that?


I have seen you before somewheree
How are you getting along today?

Do you understand?


You mad bro?

I disagree


you are allowed to be wrong
but her shitposting is anime cannon

Hello friends
>no life
>Juvia claimed
>everyone's waifu is looking good as usual



>You mad bro?
whoa thats pretty cringy

ok now fuck off

Why dont you just trip or fuck off.

How are you getting along tonight Juvia?

On this site? or somewhere else perhaps?

I'm fine, just listening to music and trying to figure out an error i made in ssbb.

How about you?
Anyway how has your day been?

>installs ns
>complains about trips


Thanks man

Heyo friendo

>hurr join the herd
kill yourself you whiny exhibitionist tranny.
fuck you.

both probably
Nice to see you about tonight
I'm enjoying some tunes myself
Who do you play as in brawl?

Claiming Felix

I dont like boy pussy thank you very much.


Mei is mine


Mako claimed.


Black Hanekawa

Hello Mako fall asleep again?

One last post before I go to bed.

QotT: If these were /husbano/ threads instead of /waifu/ threads, who would you claim?
>Yukinari Sasaki from Girls Bravo.

>Head pet edition?

Fuck off newfag you aren't a member of this community.
We don't care about your shitty truck
go suck more dick to pay for your debt




Bulat from Akame Ga Kill

About to.


Now i'm quite curious, any idea on what kind of site?

King Dedede, as you may know he's already perfect. i also use the other Kirby characters a lot and Ganondorf as well.

Krystal from Starfox, furrfags

Armin AoT

Oh a mid day lurker. Whats wrong did daddy give you cummies and you cant sleep now?

I can never sleep at night.

Hey senpai!

I am doing alright. How about you?
Anytime. It's always good see everyone else's waifu

Josuke Higashikata from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Sup nerd

Sarisa Scherwil claimed.

Anyone listening to some good music, tonight?



>in the middle of typing an insult, Miho slips into yet another vivid molestation fantasy

I'm feeling fine, thanks

Shinjiro Nagita
Nice choice other than the fact his hair is terrible.

well thinking back on it it would probably have definately been here on Sup Forums /
Those filenames are unmistakeable
I spend some time on 8 but I am not too sure if I can remember seeing you around there
Dedede is a great choice, rather enjoyed him myself
Shiek zelda was a fun one to mess around with I feel as wellll

I am getting along pretty well tonight, I got to see a friend who I haven't in a long time so for that I'm feeling great

what sort of music are you intio?

That was a shitty come back. But im sure your dad taught you to shallow.

I wish i had more.

Hey Kitten~

Ur a nerd!
Sup Emu!
>Apparently took 3 toll roads going up there
>Got a bill of violation today
>$308 fine
>IF I don't pay it before the 24th
>Otherwise it's $8
>Paying that shit off right fucking now

Only the best.

Oh, and also this.

Kyousuke :^)

But you should sleep. Please.


Stay away from Yukko you slut

Goku is my daddy

I'm sure you were abandoned for being a retard at 5 years old but its fine
you can still have cummies

Last night was fun~

I wanna do that again tonight~

I think i hit a nerve.

It's 11:13 here. I usually have ro take pills to go to sleep and tonight was no exception.

1/10 making me reply twice.

Thats no fun.

My crotch is wet and cold. Fuck riding in the rain.

0/10 was my first time replying to you

Who would have thought multiple people are sick of your immense faggotry.

Lewd Kitten!

>Implying the rain had anything to do with that :^)

Lovely, lovely! Gotta get this saved as an MP3.

Sounds dreamy. Like a cloudy vision. Someplace deep in the mind that's hard to find, even thought I often look for it. A dusty gem trapped inside the attics of our lives. Like a song you dream, but cannot remember.

Unique.. I like.

I'm a dead head. (Grateful Dead fan.) I listen to the Dead every day, and have downloaded countless hours of their live concerts. Would have love to seen them live, but sadly Jerry Garcia passed away in 1995.

I also like the Beatles, Jim Croce, John Denver, The Clash, and other retro artists. As well as bluegrass and opera.

Fast and energetic! Like something you listen to when you need a swift kick in the chops to get you going.
You like exciting music that gets the heart racing. Makes you seem like an adventure seeker.

Oh, I do see a Yui claim every now and then so possibly here, or perhaps i posted one image in a Kirby thread.

I mostly use them in these threads, thought i may have seen you on a Nintendo forum.

Zelda isn't too much of my taste.

Have you ever tried to mod brawl?
Anything you've been up to perhaps or any plans?


Now that's comin from the nerd lord. Nothin much aside from me taking back my initial statement of BF1, actually enjoyed it today.
I was about to flip shit lmao. Don't get fucked over 8 dollars. If you procrastinated it you'd probably forget

I prefer youtube.com/watch?v=2Bb8VCfn014

best "silly snek" claimed

Damage control

oh wow
whats the name you go by friend
I think I rather like you
What a warm introduction
Whats your favorite Dead album?

Only lewd for you, senpai~

But it was fun, no?

Enjoyed it from the moment I first heard the opening piano keys. Only got better as the beat settled in. Fun, playful, cute, and hopeful. Yet creative and inspiring.

Thanks for sharing!


xd don't know what to say so damage control

Nice buzzword

Would have most definately have had to have been here
but jeez,
You must have stuck around these threads for quite a while

/thread here

Silly snek~

Makes grinding less painful listening to this kind of stuff

Use trips then

Favorite gif. Post em

It did. My kevlar jeans are naturally aged and have a torn knee area. Plus my winter jacket has been through 2 winters and is in dire need of replacing.
Applying music to affected area
Sup Orange
I preferred Vicarious.


THis isn't about trips anymore, this is about you.
You are a huge fag.