Ask a pedo thread!

Ask a pedo thread!
I (and perhaps other fellow pedos) try to answer YOUR questions about pedophilia.
Ask away!

Have you ever molested a child? How and when?

I haven't

nobody gives a fuck

fuck off


are you a homosexual

Ever been to pic related?

>Being this triggered

Hi back to tumblr

No. Girls only for me

I have, it's not that great



Since molesting a kid imlplies doing something to them that they don't want/like, I will never molest a child

Yes, vaginally, four years ago, until present.


Hello anonymous, as a pedo myself, were do you get your porn? Totally fbi, I swear

From tor like everyone else, officer. You're not very good at your job, are you?

What are ways to relieve your thoughts/urges without getting v&? Also how paranoid are you about that?

How much of your mental gymnastics is required for you to justify all the selfishness of engaging in sexual play with someone who would NEVER feel inclined to share any sort of intimate contact with you, had they been given the chance to choose any other partner?

Does it bother you at all that you are directly robbing this person of their freedom to choose someone, on their own, which they would prefer to share this moment with, simply because you think you are entitled to their body?

Did ever strike you that you aren't really giving anything in return to this person, in exchange for what they are providing you?

Just a few objective questions to shed some light on your sick behavior. You are a freak, a danger to society, and you must be exterminated.

¿Dross is pederast?

there's children playing on the streets you can watch if I need something cute

Videos on Youtube and Loli hentai if I need to bust a nut

I'm probably less paranoid than I should be

>ask a pedo

>all same bullshit questions
>all the same bullshit answers
>all the same bullshit pro-pedo propaganda sprinkled inbetween.


Kill yourselves for having sexual interest in children

I wouldn't force anyone to do anything with me m8

If they want to try something, they would gain sexual pleasure from it, just like I would

Then again it's not all about sex
You will never get that though, I'm afraid

why though?


HAHAAHAHAHAHAH You silly motherfucker

This thread makes me feel good. Why? Because people are like, "Aw shit man, another pedo thread. No big deal."

Of course there are still the usual one-trick pony flamers, but who gives a shit about them.

Most people aren't particularly bothered by it. It makes me feel good knowing that pedophilia is becoming more accepted, or at least understood.

I started emailing men on craigslist when i was 13ish. Got fucked the first time 2 months before turning 14. When i was 15 my parents were coming home with a 30 something year old man parked in the drive way ready to fuck me, let him fuck me at the park around the corner to get him to go away. Do you need a little bitch to use?

I'll answer questions from new people, that do not know the answers yet. Also other people also answer questions

I'm just telling people the truth about pedos, or at least about me. Media tells you way too many bullshit and you simply gobble it up

The fact that you have to ask why is why

>what was that noise outside? Oh... just the flower guy again. Those neighbours sure do order a lot of flowers.

the fact that you have no answr to that question shows that you have no idea what you are talking about m8

How delusional do you have to be to honestly think that?

More like I'm not here to debate with a pedo, you faggots are grabbing at air

those three answers came from two different people, friendo

yeah, ok. don't worry, everyone believes you

do you have any experience with kids?
like i did

>two different people
THEY DID? Omg, who gives a fuck?

Such low quality bait

>If they want to try something,
They don't. Here is where every single one of you, sickos, fail to grasp reality.

Children are NOT sexually interested in adult males, at all. The only reason why they end up complying with it is because of the trust they have on the abuser, that's why the overwhelmingly majority of cases happen between people who know each other. Strangers would NEVER have a chance to coerce a child they don't know into sex. This is why it's abusive.

>they would gain sexual pleasure from it
Again, you are not providing anything they couldn't get otherwise, on their own, with someone far more attractive, in their eyes, whom they would feel far more comfortable exploring and playing with.

You are talking under the impression that what you are providing is, somehow, exclusive, and valuable, but that's just not true, and you KNOW it.

>Then again it's not all about sex
Yes, it IS. Unattractive (fat, niggers) children would NEVER be attractive the same way, and you are just bullshitting to try to sound noble, as if there was any real connection between a pedophile and a child. This is why your kind is so dangerous, you fail to grasp basic aspects of a reciprocity so badly, it's actually scary.

>You will never get that though, I'm afraid
No, no, I do get what you are saying, I get every single word of it, and it seems that you believe you are actually a victim here somehow, not a perpetrator of direct abuse.

you, if you are him, picked those three specific posts to make it seem like there is a connection between them. There is none though

shut the fuck up

How about youre all fuckin pedos, go eat shit.

nah, really mate, go swallow a load, noone gives a shit about what you think, or care about.

Are you.. thinking?

Because you're failing sort of hard. You make all sorts of claims that you just know are true because everyone believes them, yadda yadda yadda.

Yet you can not provide actual evidence to support your claims.

hi, not OP but going to answer some questions too as usual


I don't watch CP. loli hentai does the trick for me


personally never did anything non-consensual (and I hope it's the same for others here)

Thanks OP

ever babysit a six year old? They are curious about anything, they are children, you idiot

you have no idea how attractive I would be to them. only because you are a 45 year old balding neckbeard doesn't mean I am on too. Also they don't care about who does what with them

personal preference exists with pedos too. but that's not what I mean. I want to see children laugh and be together with them. comfort them when they cry and help them through tough times. pedos want a similar relationship with kids as you do with adults. It's not about sex, it's about love and relationship

You don't get any of this because you are a narrow-minded fuckhead

What turns you on the most, a very hot woman or your little friends?

All pedophiles deserve to die a horrid death

So, post YOUR proof.

Heres the thing, you cant straw man this. Most sane, logical people that dont diddle children, infact, all sane logical people that dont diddle children KNOW the above stated to be true.

Kids dont like adult males
They are coerced, because trust and abuse
It IS about your sexual desire

Even a lot of pedos understand this.

Unfortunately, the onus is on you to prove YOUR points correct, because the general population seems to think different.

So why do you only want to ruin female lives? Why not spread the joy around?

Singles of truth

You just did it again..

Never mind. This will go nowhere with you.

It's faggots like you who actually like children who make it really hard to defend loli. I slightly understand that it's an outlet for you, but it's totally not why I like loli; I have no interest in children whatsoever. Therefore I think you're fucked up, and on top of it all you and people like you ruin one of the things I love. What could ever change my opinion?


>jacking off to images

That's even more disgusting than if you did to videos.

If quads pedos are good

Just in it for the beautiful linework and shading too, eh?

Dickhead. Why do YOU like loli?

And all ya'll make it hard for men to have normal relations with children especially female. Are you proud that a father or uncle has to think twice of how they hug their favorite little girl because of you?

who did what again exactly?

Found the tumblrina

Very proud. You shouldn't have disgusting thoughts like that in the first place, so you shouldn't have to think twice about it.

I guess OP pussed out?
Don't see no questions being answered.

Hugging a little girl or kissing them if your not the mom is really weird imo..

exactly you can thank male pedos for this

I don't think it'll change your opinion on this, but loli kinda helps not ruining lives, as you say. would be kinda harder to contain my urges if I didn't have loli.

also, I'm not into children litteraly, I prefer girls in their early teens.

so you'd prefer me to jack off to vids of little girls being raped in front of a camera rather than drawing which don't actually hurt anyone? who's more disgusting between you and me then?

are you retarded?

I do like it because of the art, I follow many artists, and the girls are adorable as fuck. I don't like that toddlercon bullshit either.

1 - Children are NOT sexually developed, and they are NOT sexually interested in adults.

This isn't true just because people agree with, it's reality. You don't need to look much further than a simple google search to find ANY study to support the idea that children ARE NOT sexually mature, and DO NOT present any desire to engage in sexual activity with adults.

2 - Your "providing" of sexual pleasure isn't something special, or exclusive.

How does this need a study to be proved as a fact?

3 - Unattractive (fat, niggers) children would NEVER be attractive to you the same way.

Just like a burnt, disfigured, sick, or any other sort of anomaly, would put your off instantly.
There's no emotional connection between a pedophile and a child, there's no advantages to a pedophile to be in a "relationship" with a child, other than the physical aspect of it. It's not valuable to you, as an adult male, in any way, shape, or form, outside of sex.

4 - It seems like you believe you are the victim here, not the perpetrator of abuse.

Do I have to explain again how taking advantage of someone who hasn't been given the choice to engage in sexual activity with you, and couldn't opt out of it at any moment, or choose a different partner, constitutes abuse?

>You make all sorts of claims that you just know are true because everyone believes
Are you sure?

>you can not provide actual evidence to support your claims.
How is that not evidence? Are you even reading what I am saying?

Where you fucking unloved as a child or something faggot? It is not unusual or weird for dad to hug or kiss his little girl. Its not sexual, nor should it be.

Your the kind of fuckhead that gets single guys arrested when they take their daughters to a shopping mall or similar.

The fuck is wrong with people.

used to not be unusual for some cultures for fathers to kiss sons and daughters on the lips and it not be even thought of as sexual.

Am I the only one not reading a word this degenerate says?


You anons into that cheese best be careful. I did time for molesting my daughter. No excuse why it happened, I was drunk and an idiot and I have come to accept what I went through. Day 1 in the birdhouse for me and I was raped. Don't mess with it user, it isn't worth ruining your lives


>day 1, raped.

Which is basically what happens to autistic faggots who think that their kiddy touching is okay, and now accepted by the public.

Savages remind you savagely, that no, you're not right, and you probably shouldn't touch kids anymore.

No I used to mop the floor with retards like you pedo

you male or female?

You parents picked up guys for you? Explain

Haha you got raped

This fucking this

So many haters today...
If you don't want new perspective go hate a different thread

Tasty bait
Taste like sweat and piss

reality is what you make of it for yourself.

If you don't want to answer questions don't make this fucking thread you POS sickass condomfuck

no one asks me any questions m8

Exactly. What I did was wrong and Im not here for pity but to warn anons about this shit. In the slammer, you're chum in a sea of sharks. They catch a whiff of why you're there and theyll jump on you. My two assailants approached me as friends before forcing themselves on me. Trust me anons, nothe worth it. Get help while you can

Hears a question. ...........
Your a fucking faggot

if you are OP yes they have

Did you forget you're on Sup Forums and not normalfag land?

I like how none of you fags say anything about my answer to that fuckheads question,
but only hate on the easy-to-hate answers

No, not really. Broken glass and shit in your prison dinner is as likely as ever and still too good for you.

Aren't you the same user who was here trying to say children should be allowed to make major life decisions like having sex with an adult?

I missed them then, please link em to me

Ignoring some and cherry picking others is not answering questions.

There are questions, you just refute them in inane, stupid ways, with no data or proof beyond what fits into your world view.

Pity your world view is "everyone should be okay with me touching children"

"its a very prestige school, focuses on arts , mostly modelling and photography..."

>normie memay

Dude there's at least on, but probably more people that anser questions.
And any followup questions are asked to these specific people

I don't answer questions meant for others

I bet this murdered little girl's mom and buddies would agree with you. They were into fucking kids too.

I prefer teen loli too, but I still have no interest in fucking any underaged girl. It's not something I ever think about.

I think some of you think about it way too much, and try to justify your thoughts way too much when you probably need something better in your lives to get your mind off of this really low-life thinking. If it's something you truly want to pursue with your life then don't make excuses about it, know very well that what you're thinking/ possibly doing is not right. I feel stupid saying this because you pedos know it's not right, but as I said you're constantly trying to justify yourselves. Full out denial.

...Also stop trying to convert people into your way of thinking to also try and justify your actions. If this what you choose then live it and face the ridicule you degenerates.

That's social justice for you. Maybe the Tumblrites are right after all.

>you have no idea how attractive I would be to them
Regardless of your looks, children ARE NOT SEXUALLY MATURE to engage, seek, or participate in sexual activity. They can't be "attracted" to you in any possible way, because the concept of attraction and sexual drive REQUIRES an individual to be sexually matured.

>Also they don't care about who does what with them
Yes, they do. The only scenario where a child would be compelled to engage in sexual activity would be if an authority figure, who they are familiar with, enrolled them in that situation. They are conditioned to follow whatever orders are given by said authority figure because of the power they have. Strangers are scary to kids, especially adult males.

>personal preference exists with pedos too
I don't think you understand what I am saying, but I will try again.
>I want to see children laugh and be together with them. comfort them when they cry and help them through tough times.
Would you be inclined to comfort, and help those children, if you were NOT sexually attracted to them??
This is an honest question, so maybe you can observe your own hypocrisy and double think here. Would you present the same sort of inclination if you were NOT sexually attracted to the child? Do you see where I am trying to get here?
>pedos want a similar relationship with kids as you do with adults. It's not about sex, it's about love and relationship
If you ONLY feel compelled to comfort, and "be together" with children that sexually interest you, then you are completely missing the point. Adult relationships rely on reciprocity over any other aspect, and the same reciprocity DOES NOT exist between an adult and a child.

>You don't get any of this because you are a narrow-minded fuckhead
I'm more open minded than you will ever dream of being, to the point you don't even realize who is the person asking you those questions.

so i dont understand (OP) how you can do things and get away with no one saying anything. dont the kids just blert that shit out

yup, I'm answering too

I'm not trying to make any excuses at all, really. just answering your questions as accurately as I can. I'm not trying to convert people either, but maybe it can help them understand us a little better and make them see we're not as evil as they thought. it's not like I'm delusional or anything, even my family and close friends know about my sexual/romantic preferences.

what did you do yo her and how did oyu get caught?

I said normalfag not normie, newfag.