Civilization Game: Ancient Desert Edition

Civilization Game: Ancient Desert Edition

>dubs for action
>trips count as dubs
>action request MUST be in reply to the latest OP post or else it will be ignored
>each game update is 1 day gone by
>try to be realistic

Starting off with:

Soldiers: 0
Guards: 10
Villagers: 15
Leaders: 1
Religious diety: Undeclared
Food: 2000
Wood: 500
Stone: 100
Iron: 300
Farmers: 9
Philosophers: 2
Carpenters: 3


Andy Sixx's almighty log of shit is unanimously elected to be the religious diety that everyone worships

40 people, small world I guess.

Have the philosophers fuck the carpenter and make Jesus. Spend the rest of the food on a massive feast because your afterlife is safe now.

Andy Sixxs almighty log of shit is unanimously chosen to be the religipus diety and an altar is built closeby upstream.

Population grows by 5 on each turn

Villagers build more tents

have alligators roam the lake

Make the villagers build a bridge to connect to the other side of the river

Alligators move downstream and settle nearby.

Alligators settle nearby

Man bear pig comes out of nowhere and starts raping people

Build more tents

Have philosophers research hormones and how life is made



Build 3 tents near nearest farm

One villager adopts nazism as a political ideology and challenges the currebt leader

Build a wall to keep 'em gayers away

I roll 4 dis

One villager begins to rape the female villagers before drowning himself in the lake. The raped villagers cause an incline in childbirth.

rolling for this

I wants thiss

Harambe appears and presents himself as God, requests a temple be made in his honor

14 villagers now plus new villagers born in a few months

Rapist results in 20 new villagers plus the 15 from the 5 over each of the three days.

Population is now 70

The carpenters build a zoo to display niggers in their natural habitat

Carpenters build more tents.

The nazi fundamentalist becomes the current leader's deputy

Everyone sepuku

go alligator hunting, get some MEAT



Each tent is 25 wood.
4 tents are build by order of the leader

ISIS takes over.

discover plant magic, grow trees


Philosophers discover masturbation

Have 25 villagers make axes and chop down 3 trees for more wood



Job of the carpenters

Go alligator hunting for food.

discover moustaches

The villagers decide to plant trees instead of utilizing the ones all around them.

They plant these new trees next to the Almighty Log of Shit in hopes that it brings fertility to their harvest for many days and nights

make a school so people can get more jobs

make a baby

an archbishop blesses the land and recolors the sand to #c2b280

Use river silt to establish farmland.

alligators eat dead rapist and get taste for human flesh and begin to hunt

another archbishop blesses the land and recolors the river to #696969



A villager risks and succeeds in "taming" the alligators and he creates a farm

On my phone. Theres no filler tool. Sorry

Roll again


thats a great river color, dipshit, fucking gray, what the fuck, did your parents not feed you, did you just eat all the crayons then fucking burn your house down whenever they told you to fucking color the motherfucking river in some god damn coloring book you piece of shit faggot go kill yourself

Villagers build a wall to keep alligators away

a living poo emerges from the river

Philosophers teach Christianity to young villagers and create bishops


woah there

Carpenters and Farmers team up to search resources for bombs


adele rolling in the deep

hunt alligators to get meat, use farms to make wheat for dough and use fingernails to create cheese. invent pizza

rolly moly



Dark immigrants with big dicks seekrefuge in the village. They worship a different god and most villagers are angry.

Villagers build an arbitrary dam that functions like a wall but doesnt interfere with the flow of fish

Weekly Report

Soldiers: 0
Guards: 10
Villagers: 70
Leaders: 1
Religious diety: Undeclared
Food: 1200
Wood: 400
Stone: 10
Iron: 300
Farmers: 9
Philosophers: 2
Carpenters: 3



establish cthulhu as religious deity, marxism as economic philosophy, teach children existentialism from birth so as to prepare them for the world

Build school.

>Religious diety: Undeclared

what happened to the log

Start wheat farm near water

Alligators go extinct as a result of this magnificient invention but the food specialists are finding alternatives to aligator meat

My apologies, I forgot but Andy Sixx's almoghty log of shit was established as the diety.
I forgot about that part, my bad.
The Almigjty log of shit is at the top of the river btw

As more people arrive each day, they bring with them their old religous views of Cthulhu and that offers diversity and potential conflict between fundamentals

Soldiers: 0
Guards: 10
Villagers: 75
Leaders: 1
Religious diety: Andy Sixx's Almighty Log of Shit & Cthulhu
Food: 1200
Wood: 400
Stone: 10
Iron: 300
Farmers: 9
Philosophers: 2
Carpenters: 3


One of the villagers uses their log of shit as a dildo to fuck her pussy with and has the bacteria from the shit fertilize her egg cells and impregnate her with a retarded human shit baby

Chop trees down for wood

As the villagers frow weary of their wood supply, they chop down trees.

Wood increases to 800

Build more tents with the wood

Op here. This shits dead. Im off to bed.

>80 bumps in
>"this shits dead"

gr8 b8 m8

Villagers commit mass suicide.

Re roll

Re roller

Re roll-up

Re rowl

Erect a statue of a penis made of stone on opposite side of river worshipped causing potential divide in populace and potential increase fertility


Have public hanging for no reason at all.


all villagers eat sand

Villagers decide to build a giant dick out of the tress in the top left corner to help encourage sex in their lands.