I just was prescribed 50mg TraMADol for shoulder pain. Can I get high from it?

I just was prescribed 50mg TraMADol for shoulder pain. Can I get high from it?
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Tramadol isn't an opioid or opiate but it interacts with the opioid receptors, so yeah I assume you could. Swallow 150mg on an empty stomach and report back in 45 minutes.

It says it can cause breathing problems, oh well brb

Shit dude I'm nervous now, my heart feels like its racing

Slow breathing is reported with all medication that relaxes you. Your body chills out and your breathing becomes shallower because of it. It's not dangerous, trust me. I've been using dope for years, man. Never fucked with tramadol though, lol.

Everyone is nervous before their first line.

I have a bottle in my closet. Gives me a massive headache. Not worth it(it goes away after you get used to the tramadol dosing).

Will this stuff fuck with me once I run out? doctor said my body might get addicted and I've gone through withdrawals from norco before

its garbage, if you need pain relief order some kratom online.

I think my cousin uses that, I can't remember though. I do experience shoulder pain, but I just thought I might have a bit of fun. I'll definitely consider it, how expensive does it usually run?

Bump for this

Do it all the time, but my tolerance is now higher than the daily max of 400mg, so I'm taking a break. First time doing it 150mg is a good start, wait at least an hour if you're going to add more because that shit creeps up on you.

cheap as hell a months supply is like 20 bucks.

This is where I cop but I guess they're out atm.


(Go here and search Green Malaysia tomorrow)

they have to restock I guess but non of their kratom is showing up when you search for it.

done it a few times, 150mg and a nice fat bowl is a pretty good time imo

I ordered some for the first time lastnight, really excited to give it a try.

Oh fuck, no yeah I didn't expect this at all. It feels like I took a cyclobenzaprine

I've done 500ish mg in a 24 hour period, it's not incredible, but it relaxes me.

I used to do 50 to 100 all the time, did pretty much nothing first few times.

I do it rarely, but it seems like the type of drug that wouldn't work everyday doing 150+

This is not fun, I feel like I just got hit by a truck. This is not fun at all

DUDE! i used to get that shit from a pharma friend all the time!!! shit fucks you up. i'd try to nap it off and i'd wake up thinking my phone was ringing. kinda like opiate hallucinations.

Relax dude, you didn't do enough to hurt you in anyway. Once you get over the anxiety you'll feel sleepy, which I love.

I took 3 pills and I literally feel like I'm trying to swim in jelly. This is a garbage high, I don't know if I should sleep on this or what

If you have no experience with drugs that interact with your opioid receptors, take 200-250 mg

It gets better the more you use it.

Fuck that shit son, 250 is too much for a first timer. You trying to hurt someone?


I'll try, I was given 200mg hydrocodone acetamenophine for a surgery and that was the best feeling I've ever had from anything. I guess I'm just not used to this

Real opiods can't be beat.. it's literally a full body orgasm.. I miss it.

Actually not 200mg, I forget but it had a 176 on it. I just remember that it felt great

the different strains are really hit or miss for me.

green malaysia from gaia does the fucking trick for me though.


Either of these?

I took like 200mg and watched Metro with Eddie Murphy once. It was so fucking hard to stay awake and I passed out immediately after the movie ended. I woke up feeling like I'd drank a 12 pack of stout after not drinking any other liquid for an entire day. Basically, I was dehydrated and felt like my head had been smashed with a cinder block.

Shit's not even worth taking for sleep, which is why I got it prescribed.

I ordered some red vein thai shit. Supposed to be the most opiate like.

100 mg and 2 beer and u sleep like a baby :)

I wouldn't bother with tramadol for recreational purposes. At high doses it can cause seizures.

So how is the tramadol? Worth doing I have some and I've had 3 beers

Yeah the first one so I guess 325mg/10mg or whatever it , I'd take two and enjoy life

I only get sleepy when i mix it with alcohol

Just answered my question

Well fuck ya got me even more freaked out bud

Okay, so you likely took 10mg hydrocodone. The 325 is the acetaminophen, aka the "Tylenol"; the actual medicine. 200mg hydrocodone is insane and probably not even prescribed. But yeah two 10s sounds right. I love hydro, man.. But it takes me 4-5 of those to get me high now.

You'll be fine bro, bodies don't seize up just because of some tramadol.

Nice trips, but yeah man it was right when I got out of surgery and it was great while I took them, but when I ran out it felt like my blood was boiling and shit

Tramadol does lower the seizure threshold over time. But yeah, as op has only taken one moderately high dose he'll be fine.

Seizures only occur if you take more than 400mgs in less than 24 hours, even then you still probably won't.

200 mg is a a standard recreational dose even for fucking kids... I tried most opiate pain reliefs and tramadol is definetly my favourite. I was in the hospital 2 months, I.V. they give you 100mg of opiates every 8 hour so it cant be dangerous to u if u take 150 oral (which is similar to 100mg i guess I.V due to worse and slower transport) REcereational 200- 250mg of tramadol is great high for me- combined with marijuana. But im taking atleast month periods due to tolerance growin fast and u feel like 200- 250 mg isnt enought- dont increase dosage bcoz and opiates can be very addictive

tramadol is some sketchy ssri drug.

don't take it's literally a mind control drug

Ayy lmao

Thanks for the advice, but yeah know this really feels like a Chinese knockoff of the stuff I took before. Not sure I'll take a big dosage again

pour contents in you butt tube you fingered all day pledwad

Just saying, Tramadol isn't an opiate.

Did you know that putting toothpaste on your nipples is the equivalent of huffing computer duster?

That's probably because you gotta take a real opiate. Tramodol is some weird synthetic, so yeah Chinese knockoff is pretty accurate.

Nigga wtf is this math shit

dude this shit ... talking from experience is not worth the risk and time to try get high off.Its actually fucking awsome for pain relief so keep it handy for when your actually in pain and go spend 10 bux on codeine at the pharmacy/chemist whatever u fucking call it in your country


I'm extremely naturally drug resistant (double doses before surgery, double doses for broken bones etc...) and not because I have a tolerance from over use. I popped 250MG and felt nothing. It's a very weak high if anything. Admittedly 60mg Norco or 5mg Xanax is baseline for a buzz (which sucks dick) but it's still a shitty drug to kick on.

Nah guys this really feels shitty, I think I'm just gonna try to sleep it off. Have a good night yall

Become a junkie and you'll get it. I watched a family of mathematically illiterate spics turn into wizards just to prevent themselves from getting scammed just so they can stay comfortably high.

Haha Tramadol for sleep?? Any opiate i take always make sleep strange- like you half asleep and half not - you cant tell how many time u sleept and dreams are real... Also you are concious can hear outside noices etc. Idiotic idea...

Tramadol isn't an opiate nor is it a depressant so it feels good to sleep on. The ideas not idiotic, apologize

I dont get what you want to tell. I dont need to be scammed coz every of my drug is prescripted and i took it only bcoz i har very much pain due to kidney stone. Also if im taking any drug or suplement even fucking magnessium i read about it to do it safe... But i know drug taking is now lie "get this pill bro its good high bro" and no mathematical shit for you... I better know what im taking how much i need and how the drug is working. i always research before i take anything even at hospital i told them not to give me any drugs i know shit about them. For me its responsibility not math.

I just took that shit for about the 7 or 8th time a couple weeks ago. Thought it was ssafe since ive already used it so much. But fuck me of course i had a seizure... Be careful Sup Forumsro dont be a dumbfuck like me. It def lowers seizure threashold

Actually an aussie scientist u fucking neck beard lol

299 mg hydro would kill u. Lethal dose for non heavy user is 90mg

I took 400mg tram cuz i took it for so long and siezed... So yeah it does

I'm talking about street prices and weight. Well they're junkies and I'm a junkie and I have junkie friends so we learn the math so we can buy and sell on the street. Like how oxycodone goes for $1/mg but hydrocodone goes for $0.5/mg, so you buy hydro for $x and sell for twice that to the dummies that don't know that they go for half the mg amount.

It's called nodding you smartass fuckwit.

When I got out of surgery I had liquid Loratabs, hydrocodone, (liquid because it was hard to swallow still, 7 days eating ice only,) 9 days in the hospital I had IV Dilaudid, 2 loratabs every 4 hours, and morphine, morphine was a constant drip, dilatid was every 2 hours as needed, and you bet I was pushing that red button asking for it.

That said I had an intense amount of post surgery pain, I had emergency surgery to have my spleen removed, it ruptured and I was bleeding out FAST, in the ER, I was moved to surgery quick after my blood pressure started dropping. Rupture was small at first. Walking, all the tubes, and all the shit in me were hardly worth the pain treatment.

It left a 13 in scar, and later I developed a drug problem and panic attacks, well actually panic attacks came before the problem. I'm actually not a huge fan of opiates, more of a speed and booze guy. But nothing felt like IV Dilaudid when it comes to opiates, I imagine heroin is the only higher or close too drug.

That's because you took 400.. OPs not taking 400.

Yeah man, hydromorphone is the top pharm drug. People say that in blind tests, junkies can't tell the difference between heroin and a high amount of dilaudid.

Right Ty for explanation. In my country its hard to get even marijuana from dealer (you need to ask friends alot if someone got an info who can sell). Noone selling at the streets (mb at capital they do) so its new things to me what you said. Here you can only get MJ, amphetamine, and ecstasy pills (very rare) and its very hard thing to find a dealer. Greetings.

Lol this kids like 12 right ? Go to sleep op and stop stealing your dads pills

Come to Canada.

I can get you some real clean MDMA crystals for $2,500/lb

If you sell a full lb in .10 caps at $10 a piece (in the US at Tomorrow Land I've sold as high as $20 / .10) you're looking at over $40,000 profit...

Hard to sell in .10s, but still profit galore, especially if you can't find it down that way.

Just, you know, put it in your butt to get it on the plane home.

I heard it compared to heroin in IV form, kicked the shit out of even constant morphine for pain. Haven't had it since, only had hydro 10mg ever since.

But even with it after 9 days I was still excited to leave a bed and do other shit, I know a lot of people addicted to opiates who are content to just lay on a couch and rot. I'll only take a hydro for recreation if it's given to me for free.

Lol at you junkies.
Straight edge here, I'd kick your heads in soon as look at you.

>Having your life together

Who are you fooling, pal?

Whaaat.. can this shit really cause seizures? Lol i had been taking it a bunch becausr leftover from surgery a while back.. it takes a lot for me to get a buzz on it, seriously though whats this shit about seizures?

You don't know if you've had one, you just wake up with a mouth full of blood where you've bitten your tongue and probably piss and shit yourself too. Bad stuff.

So edgy... even straight edgy...that's even edgier than edgy.


best drug out there

If you need to take drugs you're weak.
You're basically a different species to me now. I'm above that shit.

Sure you are...